SolvedIP Practical Paper CBSE Board Exam 2023 is dedicated to all class 12 IP students. In this article you will get a solved IP practical paper CBSE board exam 2023. So here we go!

Solved IP Practical Paper CBSE Board Exam 2023

CBSE has already released a detailed circular to conduct the practical exam 2023 smoothly. These exams can be conducted from 01/01/2023 (Except winter bound schools). So I am writing this article to help students for the same. Here I will explain the Solved IP Practical Paper CBSE Board Exam 2023. So let’s start!

If you want to download the practical file for IP class 12 follow this link to download and know the questions paper patter.

IP Practical exam guide

So as per the curriculum of Informatics Practices (065) for the academic year 2022-23, The questions paper is divided into following parts:

  1. Programs using Pandas and Matplotlib
  2. MySQL

The structure of IP Practical Paper CBSE Board Exam

The structure of Informatics practices practical paper is as follows:

Sr NoComponentMarks
1Programs using Pandas and matplotlib8
2MySQL Queries7
3Practical File5
4Project Work5
5Viva Voce5

Let’s discuss about the practical question paper pattern.

Programs using Pandas and Matplotlib

In this part of Solved IP Practical Paper CBSE Board Exam 2023, programs from Pandas and Matplotlib can be asked. Here I have added 3 programs.

  1. Pandas Series
  2. Pandas Dataframe
  3. Matplotlib

In the first part of practical paper or lab test Pandas and matplotlib question can be given to solve.

MySQL Queries

My SQL queries can be asked in 7 marks. It contains questions as follows:

  1. Table Creation
  2. Select queries using functions
  3. Output of Queries

** Table creation and data insertion is not compulsory as it was learnt in class 11. But can be asked. In my question papers I have not included those questions.

Practical File

The practical file consisting minimum 15 programs of pandas , 4 programs of matplotlib and 15 MySQL queries should be submitted on the day of exam.

Projec Work

Project work including the topics pandas, csv and data visualization should be submitted in practical exam of class XII IP. The detail report should be submitted for evaluation.

The aim of the class project is to create tangible and useful IT application. The learner may identify a real-world problem by exploring the environment.

E.g. Students can visit shops/business places, communities or other organizations in their localities and enquire about functioning of the organization, and how data are generated, stored, and managed.

The learner can take data stored in csv or database file and analyze using Python libraries and generate appropriate charts to visualize.

If an organization is maintaining data offline, then the learner should create a database using MySQL and store the data in tables. Data can be imported in Pandas for analysis and visualization.

Learners can use Python libraries of their choice to develop software for their school or any other social good.

Learners should be sensitized to avoid plagiarism and violation of copyright issues while working on projects. Teachers should take necessary measures for this. Any resources (data, image etc.) used in the project must be suitably referenced.

The project can be done individually or in groups of 2 to 3 students. The project should be started by students at least 6 months before the submission deadline.

Viva Voce

Viva questions can be asked by the external examiner and internal examiner from practical records and project report.

Download question paper IP Practical paper 2023

Set No.Question Paper
1Practical Question Paper for IP Class XII Set 1
2Practical Question Paper for IP Class XII Set 2
3Practical Question Paper for IP Class XII Set 3
4Practical Question Paper for IP Class XII Set 4
5Practical Question Paper for IP Class XII Set 5

Visit this link for solution:

Click here for solution practical question paper IP class 12

I hope hope you enjoyed this article -Solved IP Practical Paper CBSE Board Exam 2023 . Download the files for Solved IP Practical Paper CBSE Board Exam 2023 by following the below given links.

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