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CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper for 2024-25
The CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper for 2024-25 is now available, and it’s time for students to kick-start their exam preparation with this essential resource. CBSE releases sample papers every year to give students an understanding of the exam pattern, types of questions, and the marking scheme. The Computer Science sample paper is a vital tool for students aiming to excel in their board exams.
In this blog, we’ll break down the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper for 2024-25, cover the latest exam pattern, tips for preparation, and how to make the best use of this paper to score high marks.
Why is the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper for 2024-25 Important?
The CBSE 2024-25 sample paper for Computer Science helps students familiarize themselves with:
- Exam Pattern: Understanding how questions are structured across different sections.
- Type of Questions: Identifying important concepts and topics that carry weight.
- Time Management: Practicing under timed conditions helps develop exam discipline.
By solving the sample paper, students can assess their knowledge, identify weak areas, and improve their accuracy and speed before the final exam.
CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Exam Pattern 2024-25
For the 2024-25 session, the CBSE Computer Science exam will follow a well-structured format. Here’s an overview:
Total Marks | 70 |
Duration | 3 Hours |
Total Questions | 37 |
Total Sections | 5 (A,B,C,D,E) |
Section A | 21 Questions of 1 Mark (MCQs, True or False, 1 word answers, 1 line answers) |
Section B | 7 Questions of 2 Marks (Short Answer Questions) |
Section C | 3 Questions of 3 Marks (Short Answer Questions) |
Section D | 4 Questions of 4 Marks (Competency Based Questions) |
Section E | 2 Questions of 5 Marks (Long Answer Questions) |
Sample Paper Analysis Question Wise
The chapters given below are taken from the Textbook of Sumita Arora Computer Science with Python Class 12.
Chapter wise weightage and Blue print
Section A – CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper for 2024-25
[1] State True or False: The Python interpreter handles logical errors during code execution.
[2] Identify the output of the following code snippet:
[3] Which of the following expressions evaluates to False?
(A) not(True) and False
(B) True or False
(C) not(False and True)
(D) True and not(False)
[4] What is the output of the expression?
(A) (‘I’, ‘ter’, ‘atio’, ‘al’)
(B) [‘I’, ‘ter’, ‘atio’, ‘al’]
(C) [‘I’, ‘n’, ‘ter’, ‘n’, ‘atio’, ‘n’, ‘al’]
(D) Error
[5] What will be the output of the following code snippet?
str= "World Peace"
[6] What will be the output of the following code?
tuple1 = (1, 2, 3)
tuple2 = tuple1
tuple1 += (4,)
print(tuple1 == tuple2)
(A) True
(B) False
(C) tuple1
(D) Error
[7] If my_dict is a dictionary as defined below, then which of the following statements will raise an exception?
my_dict = {‘apple’: 10, ‘banana’: 20, ‘orange’: 30}
(A) my_dict.get(‘orange’)
(B) print(my_dict[‘apple’, ‘banana’])
(C) my_dict[‘apple’]=20
(D) print(str(my_dict))
[8] What does the list.remove(x) method do in Python?
(A) Removes the element at index x from the list
(B) Removes the first occurrence of value x from the list
(C) Removes all occurrences of value x from the list
(D) Removes the last occurrence of value x from the list
[9] Which of the following statements will cause an error?
(A) t=1,
(B) t=(1,)
(C) t=(1)
(D) t=tuple(1)
[10] Write the missing statement to complete the following code:
file = open("example.txt", "r")
data =
____________________ #Move the file pointer to the beginning of the file
next_data =
To understand this concept, watch this video:
[11] State whether the following statement is True or False: “The finally block in Python is executed only if no exception occurs in the try block.”
[12] What will be the output of the following code?
c = 10
def add():
global c
c = c + 2
(A) 12%15#
(B) 15#12%
(C) 12#15%
(D) 12%15#
[13] Which SQL command can change the degree of an existing relation?
[14] What will be the output of the query?
SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_name LIKE ‘App%’;
(A) Details of all products whose names start with ‘App’
(B) Details of all products whose names end with ‘App’
(C) Names of all products whose names start with ‘App’
(D) Names of all products whose names end with ‘App’
[15] In which datatype the value stored is padded with spaces to fit the specified length.
[16] Which aggregate function can be used to find the cardinality of a table?
(A) sum()
(B) count()
(C) avg()
(D) max()
[17] Which protocol is used to transfer files over the Internet?
[18] Which network device is used to connect two networks that use different protocols?
(A) Modem
(B) Gateway
(C) Switch
(D) Repeater
[19] Which switching technique breaks data into smaller packets for transmission, allowing multiple packets to share the same network resources?
Q20 and Q21 are Assertion(A) and Reason(R) based questions. Mark the correct choice as:
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
(B) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A
(C) A is True but R is False
(D) A is False but R is True
[20] Assertion (A): In the case of positional arguments, the function call and function definition statements match in terms of the number and order of arguments.
Reasoning (R): During a function call, positional arguments should precede keyword arguments in the argument list.
[21] Assertion (A): A SELECT command in SQL can have both WHERE and HAVING clauses.
Reasoning (R): WHERE and HAVING clauses are used to check conditions, therefore, these can be used interchangeably.
Watch this vide for difference between where and having for more clarity:
Watch this video to understand the MCQs with explanation:
Section B – CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper for 2024-25
[22] How is a mutable object different from an immutable object in Python? Identify one mutable object and one immutable object from the following: (1,2), [1,2], {1:1,2:2}, ‘123’
[23] Give two examples of each of the following:
(I) Arithmetic operators
(II) Relational operators
[24] If L1=[1,2,3,2,1,2,4,2, . . . ], and L2=[10,20,30, . . .], then
(I) A) Write a statement to count the occurrences of 4 in L1.
B) Write a statement to sort the elements of list L1 in ascending order.
(II) A) Write a statement to insert all the elements of L2 at the end of L1.
B) Write a statement to reverse the elements of list L2.
[25] Identify the correct output(s) of the following code. Also write the minimum and the maximum possible values of the variable b.
import random
for i in range(0,b,2):
(A) W# | (B) W#i# |
(C) W#s# | (D) W#i#s# |
[26] Give an example of a table which has one Primary key and two alternate keys. How many Candidate keys will this table have?
Watch this video to understand keys in SQL:
A) What constraint should be applied on a table column so that duplicate values are not allowed in that column, but NULL is allowed.
B) What constraint should be applied on a table column so that NULL is not allowed in that column, but duplicate values are allowed.
A) Write an SQL command to remove the Primary Key constraint from a table, named MOBILE. M_ID is the primary key of the table.
B) Write an SQL command to make the column M_ID the Primary Key of an already existing table, named MOBILE.
[28] A) List one advantage and one disadvantage of star topology.
B) Expand the term SMTP. What is the use of SMTP?
Watch this video for practical understanding:
Section C - CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper for 2024-25
[29] A) Write a Python function that displays all the words containing @cmail from a text file "Emails.txt".
B) Write a Python function that finds and displays all the words longer than 5 characters from a text file "Words.txt".
[30] (A) You have a stack named BooksStack that contains records of books. Each book record is represented as a list containing book_title, author_name, and publication_year.
Write the following user-defined functions in Python to perform the specified operations on the stack BooksStack:
(I) push_book(BooksStack, new_book): This function takes the stack BooksStack and a new book record new_book as arguments and pushes the new book record onto the stack.
(II) pop_book(BooksStack): This function pops the topmost book record from the stack and returns it. If the stack is already empty, the function should display "Underflow".
(III) peep(BookStack): This function displays the topmost element of the stack without deleting it. If the stack is empty, the function should display 'None'.
B) Write a Python program to input an integer and display all its prime factors in descending order, using a stack. For example, if the input number is 2100, the output should be: 7 5 5 3 2 2 (because prime factorization of 2100 is 7x5x5x3x2x2)
Hint: Smallest factor, other than 1, of any integer is guaranteed to be prime.
[31] Consider the table ORDERS as given below, and write the following queries:
| O_Id | C_Name | Product | Quantity | Price |
| 1001 | Jitendra | Laptop | 1 | 12000 |
| 1002 | Mustafa | Smartphone | 2 | 10000 |
| 1003 | Dhwani | Headphone | 1 | 1500 |
Note: The table contains many more records than shown here.
(I) To display the total Quantity for each Product, excluding Products with total Quantity less than 5.
(II) To display the orders table sorted by total price in descending order.
(III) To display the distinct customer names from the Orders table.
Watch this video for more understanding:
Section D - CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper for 2024-25
[32] A)
I. When is ZeroDivisionError exception raised in Python?
II. Give an example code to handle ZeroDivisionError? The code should display the message "Division by Zero is not allowed" in case of ZeroDivisionError exception, and the message "Some error occurred" in case of any other exception.
I. When is NameError exception raised in Python?
II. Give an example code to handle NameError? The code should display the message "Some name is not defined" in case of NameError exception, and the message "Some error occurred" in case of any other exception.
[33] A csv file "Happiness.csv" contains the data of a survey. Each record of the file contains the following data:
● Name of a country
● Population of the country
● Sample Size (Number of persons who participated in the survey in that country)
● Happy (Number of persons who accepted that they were Happy)
For example, a sample record of the file may be:
Signiland, 5673000, 5000, 3426
Write the following Python functions to perform the specified operations on this file:
(I) Read all the data from the file and display all those records for which the population is more than 5000000.
(II) Count the number of records in the file.
[34] Saman has been entrusted with the management of Law University Database. He needs to access some information from FACULTY and COURSES tables for a survey analysis. Help him extract the following information by writing the desired SQL queries as mentioned below.
F_ID | FName | LName | Hire_date | Salary |
102 | Amit | Mishra | 12-10-1998 | 12000 |
103 | Nitin | Vyas | 24-12-1994 | 8000 |
104 | Rakshit | Soni | 18-05-2001 | 14000 |
105 | Rashmi | Malhotra | 11-09-2004 | 11000 |
106 | Sulekha | Srivastava | 5-6-2006 | 10000 |
C_ID | F_ID | CName | Fees |
C21 | 102 | Grid Computing | 40000 |
C22 | 106 | System Design | 16000 |
C23 | 104 | Computer Security | 8000 |
C24 | 106 | Human Biology | 15000 |
C25 | 102 | Computer Network | 20000 |
C26 | 105 | Visual Basic | 6000 |
(I) To display complete details (from both the tables) of those Faculties whose salary is less than 12000.
(II) To display the details of courses whose fees is in the range of 20000 to 50000 (both values included).
(III) To increase the fees of all courses by 500 which have "Computer" in their Course names.
(IV) (A) To display names (FName and LName) of faculty taking System Design.
(B) To display the Cartesian Product of these two tables.
Watch this video for more understanding:
Section E CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Sample paper 2024-25
[36] Surya is a manager working in a recruitment agency. He needs to manage the records of various candidates. For this he wants the following information of each candidate to be stored:
Candidate_ID – integer
Candidate_Name – string
Designation – string
Experience – float
You, as a programmer of the company, have been assigned to do this job for Surya. Suggest:
(I) What type of file (text file, csv file, or binary file) will you use to store this data? Give one valid reason to support your answer.
(II) Write a function to input the data of a candidate and append it in the file that you suggested in part (I) of this question.
(III) Write a function to read the data from the file that you suggested in part (I) of this question and display the data of all those candidates whose experience is more than 10.
[37] Event Horizon Enterprises is an event planning organization. It is planning to set up its India campus in Mumbai with its head office in Delhi. The Mumbai campus will have four blocks/buildings - ADMIN, FOOD, MEDIA, DECORATORS. You, as a network expert, need to suggest the best network-related solutions for them to resolve the issues/problems mentioned in points (I) to (V), keeping in mind the distances between various blocks/buildings and other given parameters.

Block to Block distances (in Mtrs.)
From | To | Distance |
ADMIN | FOOD | 42m |
ADMIN | MEDIA | 96m |
FOOD | MEDIA | 58m |
Distance of Delhi Head Office from Mumbai Campus = 1500 km Number of computers in each of the blocks/Center is as follows:
ADMIN | 25 |
FOOD | 18 |
MEDIA | 30 |
(I) Suggest the most appropriate location of the server inside the MUMBAI campus. Justify your choice.
(II) Which hardware device will you suggest to connect all the computers within each building?
(III) Draw the cable layout to efficiently connect various buildings within the MUMBAI campus. Which cable would you suggest for the most efficient data transfer over the network?
(IV) Is there a requirement of a repeater in the given cable layout? Why/ Why not?
(V) A) What would be your recommendation for enabling live visual communication between the Admin Office at the Mumbai campus and the DELHI Head Office from the following options:
a) Video Conferencing
b) Email
c) Telephony
d) Instant Messaging
B) What type of network (PAN, LAN, MAN, or WAN) will be set up among the computers connected in the MUMBAI campus?
(I) MEDIA Block as it has the maximum number of Computers. OR ADMIN Block as ADMIN block is generally the most secure.
(1 mark for correct answer)
(II) Switch
(1 mark for correct answer)

(or Any other correct layout)
Cable: Optical Fibre
(½ mark for correct layout + ½ mark for correct table type)
(IV) There is no requirement of the Repeat as the optical fibre cable used for the network can carry the data to much longer distances than within the campus.
(1 mark for correct answer)
(V) (A) a) Video Conferencing
(1 mark for correct answer)
Watch this video for answering this type of questions:
Watch this video to understand the questions 36 and 37 practically:
Download the Official Sample Paper from CBSE Website
Download other question papers
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How to Make the Best Use of CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper 2024-25
1. Understand the Paper Structure
Before you begin solving, familiarize yourself with the layout of the sample paper. Know how much time to allocate to each section based on your strengths and weaknesses.
2. Focus on Python Programming
Python programming is central to the exam. Ensure that you are confident in concepts like object-oriented programming, file handling, and data structures (stacks, queues). Practice coding questions daily.
3. Master SQL Queries
SQL is a scoring area. Practice writing SQL queries for retrieving, manipulating, and updating data in databases.
4. Tackle Networking with Confidence
Networking concepts like protocols, Internet basics, and cybersecurity are easy to grasp with regular revision. Make sure you understand network models and topologies well.
5. Attempt Case Study Questions Smartly
Case study/competency based questions test your ability to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. Read the case carefully and ensure that you understand the problem before attempting to answer.
6. Solve the Sample Paper Under Exam Conditions
Time management is key in the CBSE board exams. Practice solving the sample paper in 3 hours to simulate real exam conditions and improve speed and accuracy.
Tips for Scoring High in CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Exam 2024-25
- Understand Concepts Deeply: Avoid rote learning. Focus on understanding the logic behind programming, databases, and networks to answer application-based questions effectively.
- Practice Regularly: The more you practice, the more confident you will be. Regularly solve previous years’ question papers and sample papers to improve problem-solving skills.
- Revise Thoroughly: Don’t skip revision. Use flowcharts, diagrams, and notes to revise key topics in Python, SQL, and networking.
- Focus on Case Studies: Be well-prepared for case study questions as they test your ability to apply theoretical knowledge practically.
- Time Management: Allocate time to each section during your preparation and avoid spending too much time on one question during the actual exam.
The CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper for 2024-25 is an indispensable tool for exam preparation. By solving the sample paper and following a systematic study plan, you can significantly improve your chances of scoring well in the board exams. Focus on mastering Python, SQL, and networking concepts, and regularly practice to boost your confidence. With the right strategy, you can ace the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science exam!
Prepare well, stay consistent, and you’ll be ready to tackle the board exam with confidence.
If you are looking for previous question papers, follow this link: