In this article, we are going to discuss Answer key Artifcial Intelligence Class 10 of board exam 2025. Lets begin!

Answer key Artifcial Intelligence Class 10 of board exam 2025

The question paper was easy for students and all are satisfied with the question paper. Here we are going to discuss the answers for the same. This answer key is prepared after a thorough discussion with expert teachers of Artificial Intelligence teaching in different schools.

Here we go!

Section A – Objective Type Questions

(i) Which of the following does not help in stress management?
(A) Healthy food
(B) Sound sleep
(C) Yoga asanas
(D) Negative thoughts

(ii) Spam refers to
(A) Unnecessary images
(B) Temporary files
(C) Junk mails
(D) Music files

(iii) Assertion (A): Sustainable agriculture is environment friendly.
Reason (R): It prevents use of chemical fertilizers to protect soil.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct.
(D) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct.

(iv) Which of the following is not a step to build self-motivation?

(A) Focusing on your goal.
(B) Planning to achieve your goal.
(C) Being indisciplined.
(D) Finding out your strength.

(v) Which of the following types of communication takes place when the number of people is small enough to communicate with each other effectively?

(A) Interpersonal communication
(B) Public communication
(C) Intrapersonal communication
(D) Small group communication

(vi) Reema has started her own restaurant. She keeps on trying new ideas to make different dishes for her customers. As an entrepreneur, Reema is:

(A) Impatient
(B) Creative
(C) Under-confident
(D) Lazy

(i) Assertion (A): When a machine is able to mimic human traits, it is said to be artificially intelligent.
Reason (R): A fully automatic washing machine is artificially intelligent.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct.
(D) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct.

(ii) Platforms such as Spotify, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, Netflix etc. shows recommendation on the basis of what you like. Which is the technology behind this?

(A) Human Intelligence

(B) Platform Intelligence

(C) Artificial Intelligence

(D) Application Intelligence

Statement 1: In “When” block of 4Ws canvas we find the stakeholders.
Statement 2: Stakeholders are the people who face a particular problem and would be benefitted with the solution.

(A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct.

(B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect.

(C) Statement 1 is correct but Statement 2 is incorrect.

(D) Statement 2 is correct but Statement 1 is incorrect.

(iv) Whenever we want an AI project to be able to predict an output, we need to __________.

(A) first test it using the data.

(B) first train it using the data.

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) Neither (A) nor (B)

(v) What does the term “image processing” refer to in Computer Vision?

(A) Editing videos

(B) Extracting meaningful information from images

(C) Playing audio files

(D) Compiling codes

(vi) A corpus contains 4 documents in which the words such as ‘an, is, the’ were appearing frequently. Identify the term that is used for such words.

(A) Stop word

(B) Rare word

(C) Missing word

(D) Removable word

(i) Identify the logo of an application of AI given below. It helps us to navigate to places.

Answer key Artifcial Intelligence Class 10 of board exam 2025

(ii) Which of the following data science application is not associated with genetics and genomics?

(A) To understand the impact of DNA on health.

(B) To analyze reactions to drugs and disease.

(C) To find individual biological connection.

(D) To search the house address of a relative on the Internet.

(iii) In Computer Vision, which of the following tasks is used for single object?

(A) Object Detection

(B) Classification + Localization

(C) Instance Segmentation

(D) Non-Localization

(iv) It is a domain-specific language that is designed for managing data held in different kinds of DBMS (Database Management System). It is particularly useful in handling structured data. Which computer language is this?



(C) Spreadsheet


(v) Which application of NLP helps to provide an overview of a news item or blog post? It also avoids redundancy from multiple sources and maximizes the diversity of content obtained?

(A) Virtual Assistants

(B) Sentiment Analysis

(C) Text Classification

(D) Automatic Summarization

(vi) Which condition of evaluation does the following diagram indicate?

Precion – No Reality – Yes

(A) False Positive

(B) False Negative

(C) True Positive

(D) True Negative

(i) Which of the following is the correct expansion of CSV?

(A) Comma and Space Value

(B) Comma Separated Values

(C) Control Separated Values

(D) Character Separated Values

(ii) Statement 1: Overfitting is not recommended for evaluation of a model.
Statement 2: This is because the model will simply remember the whole training set, and will therefore always predict the correct label for any point in the training set.

(A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct.

(B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect.

(C) Statement 1 is correct but Statement 2 is incorrect.

(D) Statement 2 is correct but Statement 1 is incorrect.

(iii) It is one of the parameters for evaluating a model’s performance and is defined as the percentage of true positive cases versus all the cases where the prediction is true.

Which of the following evaluation parameter is this?
(A) Precision
(B) Recall
(C) F1 score
(D) Accuracy

(iv) Which form of learning-based approach does the following diagram indicate?

AI Class 10 Board Paper 2025

(A) Clustering
(B) Classification
(C) Regression
(D) Dimensionally Reduction

(v) Which of the following applications of NLP (Natural Language Processing) is associated with spam filtering in e-mails?
(A) Virtual Assistants
(B) Sentiment Analysis
(C) Text Classification
(D) Automatic Summarization

(vi) Raghav can turn on and off any appliance remotely using an internet-enabled device. This is an example of _______.

(A) Artificial Intelligence (AI)

(B) Internet of Things (IoT)

(C) Computer Vision (CV)

(D) Deep Learning (DL)

(i) Musical intelligence is a concept that

(A) assesses one’s ability to regulate, measure and understand numerical symbols, abstraction and logic.

(B) measures the language processing skills both in terms of understanding or implementation in writing or verbally.

(C) evaluates the ability to process information on the environment around us.

(D) describes a person’s ability to recognize and create sounds, rhythms and sound patterns.

(ii) With respect to evaluation, for which of the following does the prediction and reality match?

(A) True positive and False positive

(B) True positive and True negative

(C) False positive and False negative

(D) True positive and False negative

Statement 1: Various search engines and e-commerce portals now have a new feature called image-based search using computer vision.

Statement 2: Image-based search helps in finding items, people and places by giving their sounds to the system.

(A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct.

(B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect.

(C) Statement 1 is correct but Statement 2 is incorrect.

(D) Statement 2 is correct but Statement 1 is incorrect.

(iv) In the context of NLP, which of the following words represents a stem resulting from stemming for “Studies”?

(A) Study

(B) Stud

(C) Studi

(D) Studied

(v) Which of the following scenarios might have a high False Negative (FN) cost?

(A) Viral Disease Outbreak

(B) Spam

(C) Mining

(D) Image Search

(vi) Which type of chat-bot has a wide functionality, is flexible and powerful, and works on bigger databases directly?

Section B – Subjective Type Questions

Now let us see subjective type questions for 2 and 4 marks from the board paper AI class 10.

6. Explain the importance of following a healthy lifestyle in effectively dealing with stress. Write any one common factor that causes stress among the children nowadays.

7. If you are a team leader of a team of 20 people in an organization, mention any two methods that you will use for effective communication with your team members.

8. Write any two tasks that entrepreneurs do when they run their business.

9. Enlist any two measures that an individual should follow to take care of his/her digital devices.

10. Discuss the following problems related to sustainable development:
(i) Water
(ii) Fuel

11. Differentiate between Computer Vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing (NLP).


AspectComputer Vision (CV)Natural Language Processing (NLP)
DefinitionCV deals with interpreting and analyzing visual data (images and videos).NLP focuses on understanding and processing human language (text and speech).
Input DataImages, videos, or visual signals.Text, speech, or written language data.
Core ObjectiveExtracting meaningful information from visual content (e.g., object detection, image classification).Extracting meaning, sentiment, or structure from textual content (e.g., sentiment analysis, text generation).
Techniques UsedConvolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), image segmentation, and object detection algorithms.Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Transformers, tokenization, and language models.
Applications– Facial recognition
– Self-driving cars
– Medical image analysis
– Augmented reality (AR)
– Chatbots and virtual assistants
– Sentiment analysis
– Machine translation
– Text summarization
Data RepresentationPixels, color values, and spatial patterns.Tokens, words, sentences, and semantic structures.
ChallengesVariations in lighting, angles, and occlusions.Ambiguity, slang, and context dependence in language.
ExampleYOLO, ResNet, OpenCV, Vision Transformers (ViTs)GPT, BERT, LLaMA, and T5

12. Define the following with respect to AI project cycle:
(i) Data Exploration
(ii) Data Features

13. One of the applications of Data Science is Airline Route Planning. List any two tasks that airline companies can do using Data Science.

14. Give any two key impacts of Computer Vision on medical imaging.

15. What is the primary difference between Human Language and Computer Language?


AspectHuman LanguageComputer Language
DefinitionNatural form of communication used by humans (spoken, written, or signed).Artificial language designed for instructing computers.
StructureFlexible, ambiguous, and context-dependent.Precise, structured, and syntax-specific.
InterpretationUnderstood through context, tone, and semantics.Requires exact syntax and grammar to function.
ComplexityRich in emotions, idioms, and metaphors.Logical and rule-based with no emotions.
Error ToleranceCan tolerate grammatical errors and still be understood.Even a small syntax error can cause failure.
ExamplesEnglish, Hindi, French, etc.Python, Java, C++, HTML, etc.

16. Suppose you are developing an AI model to detect fraudulent financial transaction risk. Describe False Positives and False Negatives in this context.

17. What do you understand by AI Bias and AI Access? Give one example of each to support your answer.

18. What is the use of problem statement template with respect to 4Ws of problem scoping? Draw a problem statement template depicting all key elements.



A problem statement template is a structured format used to clearly define the core issue of a project. It includes the 4Ws of problem scoping:

  • What: Describes the problem.
  • Where: Specifies the location or context.
  • Who: Identifies the affected stakeholders.
  • Why: Explains the significance of solving the problem.

For example, Traffic congestion in urban areas is a growing issue, leading to increased travel time, fuel consumption, and air pollution. City authorities struggle to efficiently manage traffic flow, especially during peak hours.

Problem Statement Template

OurCity Authorities and CommutersWho?
Have a problem ofSevere traffic congestion during peak hours.What?
WhileRoads and intersections become overcrowded and inefficient, causing delays.Where?
An ideal solution wouldBe an AI-powered traffic management system that optimizes signal timings and suggests alternate routes in real-time.Why?

19. Consider the following diagram. It explains how a system of organized machine learning algorithms perform certain tasks. Identify the concept and explain its working.

Neural Network AI Class 10

20. Consider the following
Document 1: NLP is a domain of AI.
Document 2: NLP stands for Natural Language Processing.
Implement all the four steps of Bag of Words (BoW) model to create a document vector table.


Given Documents:

  • Document 1: NLP is a domain of AI.
  • Document 2: NLP stands for Natural Language Processing.

Step 1 – Text Preprocessing (Involves converting to common case, removing symbols, and Tokenization

  • Document 1: [‘nlp’, ‘is’, ‘a’, ‘domain’, ‘of’, ‘ai’]
  • Document 2: [‘nlp’, ‘stands’, ‘for’, ‘natural’, ‘language’, ‘processing’]

Step 2 – Creating the Vocabulary (Combine all unique words from both documents)

[‘nlp’, ‘is’, ‘a’, ‘domain’, ‘of’, ‘ai’, ‘stands’, ‘for’, ‘natural’, ‘language’, ‘processing’]

Step 3: Creating the Document Vectors (counting the occurrences of each word)

Document 111111100000
Document 210000011111

21. An AI model has been developed to test specimens of blood/urine/cough etc. to diagnose ailments (diabetes/liver infection etc.). The model was tested on a data-set of about 630 tests and the resulting confusion matrix is as follows:

PredictionYes110 60
No50 410

(A) How many total cases are True Negative in the above scenario?

(B) Calculate Precision, Recall and F1 Score.



(A) How many total cases are True Negative (TN)?

From the confusion matrix: True Negative (TN) = 410

(B) Calculate Precision, Recall, and F1 Score


Calculate precision AI class 10

Precision = 0.647 (64.7%)


Calculating recall AI class 10

Recall = 0.688 (68.8%)

F1 Score:

calculate F1 score

F1 Score = 0.667 (66.7%)

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