In this article, I will provide MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Quiz for the board exam. Attend the quiz and check your knowledge. Every quiz contains enough questions to assess your knowledge topic-wise. Here we go!

As you have seen MCQs are a very important part of the Computer Science Class 12 Sample paper.

MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Quiz 1

This MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Quiz consists of questions from the Python Revision tour and Functions only.

There are 20 Questions taken from these topics and you have 40 minutes to attempt them. So you have 2 minutes to attend to each question. After 40 minutes quiz gets over automatically.

Every question has 4 options for answers and only one answer is correct.

We are taking your name and email ID to prepare your result. When you complete the quiz you will get your result immediately after it. Your passing mark for this quiz is 7/20.

Enjoy the quiz now!

Computer Science Class 12 Python revision tour MCQ

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MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Working with Functions Quiz

This is a quiz for class 12 computer science studens. They can practice for their board exam and check their performance.

Most Important MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Quiz

Provide your details

1 / 20

1) Krish has declared a variable as follows:


This is known as ______ in python.


2 / 20

2) Consider the declaration l=3,5,6. Identify the type of l.

3 / 20

3) Yashvi wants to call a function named result(). Select an appropriate option and help her to execute the same.

4 / 20

4) Identify the output of the following:





5 / 20

5) Consider the given declaration s=’python ’. Which of the following is correct output for print(s[1::2])

6 / 20

6) What will be the output of following code:

Output Question 2 Moste expected MCQ Computer Science Class 12

7 / 20

7) The topmost part of function is known as _______

8 / 20

8) Observe the given function header and select valid function call statements:

def powr(x,y=2):

return x**y

i) powr(5)

ii) powr(4,3)

iii) powr()

iv) powr(x=3)


9 / 20

9) Assertion(A): Function cannot give any output directly.

Reasoning(R): Function must need return keyword.

10 / 20

10) What will be the output of the following:

Ouptut Questions most expected MCQ Computer Science Class XII

11 / 20

11) Which of the following is not a characteristic of a python dictionary?

12 / 20

12) Which of the following is not correct in context of Positional and Default parameters in Python functions?

13 / 20

13) What is the exponent form of 65.73?

14 / 20

14) Which of the following is the correct statement for the python list l=[1,2,3]?

15 / 20

15) Which of the following function call statements is valid for a given function header?

def MyFun(p,q,r):

16 / 20

16) Assertion(A): Any element of python list gets changed by its index and new value.

Reasoning(R): Lists are mutable.


17 / 20

17) For a function header as follows:

def Calc (X, Y=40)

Which of the following function calls will give an Error?

18 / 20

18) Which of the following is not a valid identifier?

19 / 20

19) Which of the following is not correct in context of scope of variables?

20 / 20

20) What will be the output of the following statement, if x is 7?

x=input(“Enter the value”)



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The average score is 40%


Python file handling MCQ quiz Computer Science Class 12 – Part 1

Created on By Most Important MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Quiztutorialaicsip

File Handling MCQs CS Class 12

Most Important MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Quiz

1 / 20

Which of the following statement is correct for opening a file data.txt?

i) f=open("data.txt")


iii) open(f="data.txt")


2 / 20

Which python module contains different functions for various handling files?

3 / 20

A ___________ is named location on secondary storage media where data are permanently stored for later access.

4 / 20

Archana's teacher asked her about python file modes. Which of the following is not supported file mode in Python?

5 / 20

Prtyaksh is a class XII student. His teacher asks him to select the correct statement which creates a text file "info.txt" and if file doesn't exist, the statement will create a file. Help him by selecting a correct option.

6 / 20

Which of the following statement is/are correct about text files?

7 / 20

There are mainly two files. They are

8 / 20

Mona is learning the python data file handling concept. His friend asked her a question regarding the operations on a file. Which of the following operation is not performed on files in python?

9 / 20

Assertion(A): Even a single bit change can corrupt the file and make it unreadable to the supporting application.

Reasoning(R): Binary files are stored in a computer in a sequence of bytes.

10 / 20

Which of the following is the correct statement for closing a file?

11 / 20

Which of the following file mode is read-only mode?

12 / 20

The files which represent the actual content such as image, audio, video, etc and not in human-readable form are known as _______

13 / 20

Users can also use another character as EOL characters in text files except '\n'.

14 / 20

Which statement is correct about files in Python?

15 / 20

Which of the following is valid extension for text file?

16 / 20

Which of the following characters are used to separate the values in a text file?

17 / 20

Krupa wants to open the file in read-write mode. Select the appropriate file mode for her.

18 / 20

In the statement f=open("info.txt","r"), f is ___________

19 / 20

Kunjan is trying to add content to a text file every time he runs the program. But when he is running the program the file content is overwritten every time. How he can resolve this issue? Select a statement to help him.

20 / 20

Every line in a text file is separated by a special character. Which of the following character it is?

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The average score is 61%


Python file handling MCQ quiz Computer Science Class 12 – Part 2

Created on By Most Important MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Quiztutorialaicsip

File Handling CS Class XII Part 2

Most Important MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Quiz

1 / 20

Observe the syntax of seek() function:,[, refernce_point])

What offset refers to?

2 / 20

Dhruv wants to import CSV module in python program. Help him to select an appropriate option from the following:

3 / 20

What is the function of "w" mode in open()?

4 / 20

To write python object data to csv row, which of following function is used?

5 / 20

Which of the following files allow to save large data in computer memory?

6 / 20

Dev has declared a variable as follows:

n=int(input("Enter Number:"))


Select the appropriate option to write this number into the text file marks.txt.

7 / 20

Which parameter of open function changes the default separate for csv file?

8 / 20

Reorder the steps to write data into csv file:

1) open csv file using open () function

2) write rows using writer_object.writerow()

3) declare writer_object

4) Close the file

9 / 20

What is the by default value of reference_point in function?

10 / 20

Jay has asked to select one advantage of with clause over the open() function. Select the appropriate option for the same.

11 / 20

Two ways to open a file in python are

12 / 20

If info.txt contains the following content:

"India is one land that all men desire to see."

What will be the output of the code given below



13 / 20

The returns the records in

14 / 20

What this code will do?


15 / 20

Which function is used to read text files line by line using iteration?

16 / 20

Which of the following function accepts lists or tuples containing strings to write in the file?

17 / 20

CSV file row headers are generated automatically from variables taken in the program.

18 / 20

Smit has asked to write a program to print all the words from the text file. He wrote the following code but forgot one statement given as fill in the blank.




19 / 20

Handling csv files are similar as text files in python in context of open() function.

20 / 20

Prakash wants to write a row in csv file from a list object. He forgot how to write declare an object for writing. Select the appropriate option to accomplish his task.

Your score is

The average score is 59%


Important MCQs for Data Structure Stack Class 12 Computer Science

Created on By Most Important MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Quiztutorialaicsip

Stack Class 12

Most Important MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Quiz

1 / 25

1. What will be the output for the following code:

stack mcq question output

2 / 25

2. Which statement(s) is/are correct for sequence data types in python?

i) It represents a collection of elements of either the same or different types

ii) It makes a group of data

iii) Every element of the sequence has its own identity

iv) Different operation like reversal, slicing, counting of elements can be applied on sequence

3 / 25

3. Trying to add an element to full stack results in an exception called ____________

4 / 25

4. The insertion operation in stack refers to

5 / 25

5. Which of the following operations can be performed on stack?

6 / 25

6. Statement 1: In stack, elements can be added and removed from one end only.

Statement 2: In stack, elements can be added or removed from the top only.

7 / 25

7. Which method is used push an element in the stack?

8 / 25

8. Pooja has provided options as follows:

i) Pile of books

ii) Assembly Lines

iii) Browser history

iv) A ticket Line

Identify options which represents stack.

9 / 25

9. Which of the following function returns the size of stack?

10 / 25

10. Which of the following statement determines the current position of the top in the stack?

11 / 25

11. Consider the following partial code for the function to check whether the stack is underflow or not. Select the appropriate option to fill in the blanks.


python mcq questions stack underflow

i) len(stk)==0

ii) stk==[]

iii) stk==Empty

12 / 25

12. Which of the following statement is correct to create an empty stack?

i) stk = []

ii) stk = list()

iii) stk = None

13 / 25

13. __________ is a mechanism to store, organize and access data along with operations (processing) that can be efficiently performed on the data.

14 / 25

14. Gita is learning the data structure stack. She wants to know about the principle followed by stack to perform various operations on the stack. Select appropriate options for her to accomplish her task.

15 / 25

15. Devang is asked to review the following partial code to push an element into the stack. Select the appropriate option to help him.

def Push(stk,ele):


16 / 25

16. What will be the output of the following code:

stack mcq questions

17 / 25

17. Which of the following are popular data structure of python?

i) stack

ii) Queue

iii) Strings

iv) Lists

18 / 25

18. Consider the following stack opetaions:

i) Stack is Empty

ii) 15 is Pushed

iii) 20 is Pushed

iv) 20 is popped

v) 13 is pushed

vi) 19 is pushed

vii) 19 is popped

What will be the final values of stack?

19 / 25

19. Trying to delete an element from empty stack results in an exception called _____________

20 / 25

20. The deletion of element in stack refers to

21 / 25

21. Which method is used to pop an element from the stack?

22 / 25

22. Priya wants to Pop an element from the stack. She has written the following code, Help her to fill in the blank and complete her code.

python mcq questions stack


23 / 25

23. Select appropriate applications of the stack from the following:

i) Reverse String

ii) Undo redo commands in a text editor

iii) Arithmetic Expressions in Program

iv) Call History in cell phone

24 / 25

24. Which of the following is not a sequence data type?

25 / 25

25. Rearrange the following algorithm in appropriate order:

i) read the value of top most element from the list

ii) find number of elements in the list

iii) insert/delete elements

iv) check underflow or overflow


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The average score is 69%


Important MCQ questions Computer Networks Class 12 Computer Science – Part 1

Created on By Most Important MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Quiztutorialaicsip

Important MCQs Computer Networks

Most Important MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Quiz

Provide your details:

1 / 40

1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a switch?

2 / 40

2. Two friends share their data using their mobiles via Bluetooth connection. This type of network is known as ___________

3 / 40

3. Which of the following is an example of MAN?

4 / 40

4. Which of the following are example of WAN

i) internet

ii) Large Business

iii) Educational and Government Organizations

iv) School or Building

5 / 40

5. PAN can spread upto

6 / 40

6. The modem connected at the receiver's end

7 / 40

7. Arjun has asked to identify the device which serves as the entry and exit point of a network, as all data coming in or going out of a network must first pass through the gateway in order to use routing paths. Select an appropriate device out of the following to help him.

8 / 40

8. A network created in your computer lab is which type of network?

9 / 40

9. The first message was communicated between which of the following institutes through ARPNET?

10 / 40

10. Find the odd one out of the following:

11 / 40

11. The ______ is the largest WAN that connects billions of computers, smartphones, and millions of LANs from different continents.

12 / 40

12. A MAN network can be extended upto

13 / 40

13. The term internet was coined in which of the following year?

14 / 40

14. Which of the following is not an example of a network

15 / 40

15. The first version of the Wi-Fi standard was introduced in which year?

16 / 40

16. When the protocol TCP/IP introduced as standard protocol on ARPANET?

17 / 40

17. Identify the device: I am a connector is used to connect ethernet cables

18 / 40

18. Which device is used to connect a local area network to the internet?

19 / 40

19. Which of the following are correct about LAN:

i) It is the most secure compared to other network types

ii) Provides a short-range communication with high speed

iii) Network can be extended upto 100 KM

iv) Provides speed from 100 Mbps to 1 Gbps

20 / 40

20. Every LAN card has a unique address. This address is known as ____________

21 / 40

21. A ______________ is an analog device that works with signals on the cables to which it is connected.

22 / 40

22. The network PAN can be created using

i) Bluetooth

ii) Wi-Fi Hotspot

iii) Infrared

iv) Router

23 / 40

23. Identify the device: Iam a network adapter is used to set the network in Computers.

24 / 40

24. Which of the following is considered an extended version of LAN that covers large geographical area such as a city or a town?

25 / 40

25. The modem at the sender’s end acts

26 / 40

26. Which of the following device sends signals to only selected devices instead of sending all?

27 / 40

27. A group of two or more similar things or people interconnected with each other is called

28 / 40

28. A network spread across countries and continent is known as

29 / 40

29. Identify the device from the given descriptions:

i) Data arriving on any of the lines are sent out on all the others.

ii) The limitation of Hub is that if data from two devices come at the same time, they will collide.

30 / 40

30. Which of the following is not a network device?

31 / 40

31. Which of the following connector is a small plastic plug that fits into an an ethernet cable?

32 / 40

32. The first project commissioned by U.S. Department of Defence was named

33 / 40

33. The year which is considered as the birth year of WWW is

34 / 40

34. For simple Internet connectivity at home, the gateway is usually the _______ that provides access to the entire Internet.

35 / 40

35. Which organization commissioned a research project for the network in the 1960s to connect academic and research institutes located to different locations for scientific collaboration?

36 / 40

36. Who develops network messaging or email and the symbol '@' comes to mean in 1971?

37 / 40

37. The NSFNET program was founded by

38 / 40

38. Aditya is preparing for an interview. He read somewhere - It refers to a device used for conversion between analog signals and digital bits. Identify the device.

39 / 40

39. Identify the device: I am a connector is used to connect coaxial cables.

40 / 40

40. A computer network allows

i) Sharing Resources

ii) Sharing Software

iii) Share Data

iv) Communication


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The average score is 42%

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Important MCQ questions Computer Networks Class 12 Computer Science – Part 2

Created on By Most Important MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Quiztutorialaicsip

Network Topology

Most Important MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Quiz

1 / 15

1. identify the MAC address

2 / 15

2. Which topology is hierarchical topology?

3 / 15

3. Which address cannot be changed manually by the user or network admin?

4 / 15

4. An IPV4 address is _____ bit numericaddress.

5 / 15

5. IP stands for

6 / 15

6. Which of the following is not a network topology?

7 / 15

7. The first six digits of the MAC address contains

8 / 15

8. In which of the following topology each device is connected to two other devices, one each on either side ?

9 / 15

9. MAC stands for

10 / 15

10. In which topology all nodes are connected with central node?

11 / 15

11. _________ topology has a single backbone wire that is connected to every device in the network.

12 / 15

12. The arrangement of computers and other peripherals is known as ____________

13 / 15

13. Which of the following is true about ring topology

14 / 15

14. Identify the topology:

i) Each device is connected to the other

ii) More secure compared to other topologies

iii) Wiring is too complex

iv) there are many redundant or unutilised connections

15 / 15

15. Which address is represented by eight groups of hexadecimal numbers separated by colons?

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The average score is 57%


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4 thoughts on “Most Important MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Quiz”
  1. your quiz was awesome it is helping students, keep doing it .. thanx

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