In this article, I will provide MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Quiz for the board exam. Attend the quiz and check your knowledge. Every quiz contains enough questions to assess your knowledge topic-wise. Here we go!
As you have seen MCQs are a very important part of the Computer Science Class 12 Sample paper.
Topics Covered
MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Quiz 1
This MCQ Computer Science Class 12 Quiz consists of questions from the Python Revision tour and Functions only.
There are 20 Questions taken from these topics and you have 40 minutes to attempt them. So you have 2 minutes to attend to each question. After 40 minutes quiz gets over automatically.
Every question has 4 options for answers and only one answer is correct.
We are taking your name and email ID to prepare your result. When you complete the quiz you will get your result immediately after it. Your passing mark for this quiz is 7/20.
Enjoy the quiz now!
Computer Science Class 12 Python revision tour MCQ
7 votes, 2.4 avg
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Very best channel. And everthinh available on this site. Even our teacher also follow this channel. Keep it up sir. Well arranged content for 9 t0 12 computer.
your quiz was awesome it is helping students, keep doing it .. thanx
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Very best channel. And everthinh available on this site. Even our teacher also follow this channel. Keep it up sir. Well arranged content for 9 t0 12 computer.
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