In this post, I am going to discuss Important PYQs Information Technology Class 10. If you are a class 10 student and preparing for the Information Technology Class 10 board exam, this post is written for you specially.

PYQs Information Technology Class 10 provides you with important questions for preparing for board exams. So let us begin with it!

Important PYQs Information Technology Class 10

As per board exam structure and pattern your board question paper includes following types of questions:

  1. Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark) – (MCQs, Fill in the blanks, Ture/False, One word answer etc.)
  2. Short Answer Type Questions (2 Mark) – (Definitions, Differences, Listing etc.)
  3. Log Answer Type Questions (4 Marks)

So let us begin!

Part A Employability skills – 1 mark Important PYQs Information Technology Class 10

[1] _____________ is the ability to work independently.
(a) Motivation

(b) Self-awareness

(c) Self-reliance

(d) Adaptability

[2] Identify the situation/thing which leads to mental stress among children.
(a) Stress due to change of Principal of school
(b) Stress due to examination grades
(c) Stress due to problem in friend’s family
(d) Stress due to waking up in the morning

[3] ________________ is a type of operating system that runs on a set of computers that are interconnected by a network.
(a) Multi-user

(b) DOS

(c) Single

(d) Distributed

[4] Which keys do you press to copy a file or a folder?
(a) Ctrl + X

(b) Ctrl + C

(c) Ctrl + Z

(d) Ctrl + Y

[5] State whether the following statement is True or False :
There is direct relationship between entrepreneurship and society.

[6] Which of the following is an example of entrepreneurship ?
(a) A cook working in a restaurant
(b) A mechanic who owns a garage for repairing vehicles
(c) A doctor working in a hospital
(d) A teacher teaching in a school

[7] ____________ refers to focussing human efforts for maintaining a healthy body and mind, capable of withstanding stressful situations.

(a) Artificial Intelligence 

(b) Stress management

(c) Motivation                            

(d) Emotional intelligence

[8] Which of the following is not the benefit of stress management?

(a) Boosts immunity

(b) Reduces efficiency

(c) Improves mood

(d) Prevents behavioural problems

[9] _____________ are computer programs that can damage the data and software programs or steal the information stored on a computer.

(a) Spam

(b) Viruses

(c) Junk mail                                     

(d) BIOS

[10] ______________ is a horizontal bar present at bottom of the Windows Desktop.

(a) Status Bar

(b) Menu Bar

(c) Task Bar

(d) Recycle bin

[11] State whether the following statement is a myth or reality:

Entrepreneurs are born a certain way.      

[12] Which one of the following is not true for entrepreneurs?

(a) They create needs and demands.

(b) They provide raw materials.

(c) They do not create jobs.

(d) They help society by supporting infrastructure development

[13] The filename and filename extension are separated by a _____________ .
(A) Dollar ($)

(B) Dot (.)

(C) Underscore (_)

(D) Hash (#)

[14] Which of the following type of communication involves interchanging messages only through images or pictures?
(A) Verbal

(B) Gesture

(C) Visual

(D) Facial

[15] ___________ is the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.
(A) Self-Awareness
(B) Emotional Intelligence
(C) Stress Management
(D) Emotional Barrier

[16] ___________ is the driving force that pushes us to achieve our goals, feel happy and improve our quality of life.
(A) Stress Management
(B) Self-Awareness
(C) Self-Growth
(D) Self-Motivation

[17] Which of the following is not an essential quality to become a successful entrepreneur ?
(A) Confidence
(B) Creativity
(C) Patience
(D) Wealthy

[18] In total, how many SDGs were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity ?
(A) 13

(B) 11

(C) 17

(D) 19

[19] Name the person who combines factors in a creative manner to generate value for customers and create wealth. 

[20] Name the skill that helps anyone to lead, guide and supervise people who work for the business.                                

[21] Name any two elements of nature.        

[22] Give any one method that we can adopt to promote Sustainable Development.

[23] Name the quality that helps any entrepreneur to accept failure, learn from mistakes, not give up and continuously experiment.   

[24] Write any two examples of common risks that any entrepreneur takes.

[25] Name any two environmental problems that can be solved with the help of Sustainable Development.               

 [26] What is the advantage of using solar power?

Part A Employability skills – 2 marks Important PYQs Information Technology Class 10

[1] Explain any two benefits of stress management.

[2] What is the difference between yoga and meditation?

DefinitionA physical, mental, and spiritual practice that includes postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation.A practice that focuses on mindfulness, awareness, and mental relaxation, often involving deep concentration and breathing techniques.
FocusImproves flexibility, strength, and overall well-being through physical movements and breathing.Enhances mental clarity, emotional balance, and relaxation by training the mind.
Techniques UsedInvolves body postures, breathing exercises, and sometimes meditation.Primarily focuses on mindfulness, concentration, and deep breathing.
GoalPromotes overall physical and mental health, including fitness and stress relief.Aims to achieve inner peace, mental stability, and self-awareness.

[3] What is an operating system ? Give two examples.

[4] Give any two functions of an entrepreneur.

Watch this video to learn more:

[5] Give any two misconceptions about an entrepreneur.

[6] What is self-awareness ? Also give any two benefits of self-awareness.  

[7] Give one example each of following stress causal agents for students :

(a) Mental

(b) Social    

[8] Differentiate between files and folders. 


DefinitionA file is a collection of data stored on a computer.A folder is a container used to organize multiple files and other folders.
PurposeStores specific content such as text, images, videos, or software.Helps in organizing and managing files systematically.
ExtensionFiles have extensions like .docx, .jpg, .mp4, .exe, etc.Folders do not have extensions.
SizeFiles occupy storage space based on their content.Folders do not have a fixed size; they depend on the size of the files they contain.
Examplesnotes.pdf, photo.jpg, song.mp3Documents, Pictures, Music

[9] Give any two qualities of a successful entrepreneur.  

[10] Give any two promotional functions Of an entrepreneur.

[11] How can cultural differences be a barrier to effective communication?

[12] Briefly discuss the significance of time management skills in order to succeed in life.

[13] Very often we hear about spam mails. Explain what are spam mails, and what should be done with such mails.

[14] Mention any two ways to get clean and affordable energy.

[15] Differentiate between Agricultural Entrepreneurship and Small Scale Entrepreneurship with one point only.                             


AspectAgricultural EntrepreneurshipSmall Scale Entrepreneurship
Nature of BusinessInvolves farming, livestock, dairy, fisheries, and agribusiness activities.Involves manufacturing, trading, or service-based businesses with limited investment and workforce.
Dependency on Natural FactorsHighly dependent on weather, soil quality, and climatic conditions.Less affected by natural factors, as it is based on production, trade, or services.
Type of Resources UsedUses land, water, seeds, fertilizers, and livestock as primary resources.Uses raw materials, machinery, labor, and technology for production.
Market ScopeMainly caters to local and global food supply chains and agricultural industries.Serves various industries, including retail, fashion, technology, and services.

[16] In our daily life we can contribute to create a Sustainable Society by following 4Rs’ and IU of Sustainability. Explain any one term out of 4Rs’ and 1 U.      

[17] Explain any two roles of entrepreneurs.   

[18] List any two challenges to fulfil Sustainable Development Goals.   

Watch this video to learn more, click here for video:

Part B Subject Specific skills – 1 mark Important PYQs Information Technology Class 10

[1] _________________ includes margins, headers and footers, borders and backgrounds.
(a) Character Style

(b) Page Style

(c) Numbering Style

(d) Frame Style

[2] Pushkar has created a drawing using multiple shapes that are arranged in a particular position and manner in his document. Suggest a feature that can be used to let the objects remain set as a collection.
(a) Transparency

(b) Posterize

(c) Grouping drawing objects

(d) Ordering drawing objects

[3] Mehul has inserted images in his document report “Travel My Stateto make it more descriptive. Some of the images are having some extra part that needs to be removed. Which of the following option is suitable to do the task?
(a) Resize

(b) Crop

(c) Recolor

(d) Rotate

[4] Suresh has been assigned a task to create multiple documents such that the first page of every document contains the and logo in a particular style. Which feature of word processor can be used to complete the task quickly?
(a) Cell styles

(b) Image

(c) Template

(d) Table of Contents

[5] Writer’s ___________ feature let you build an automated index from the headings in your document.
(a) Header

(b) Styles

(c) Table of Contents

(d) Template

[6] To protect the table of contents from being changed accidentally, check the ________ check box.
(a) Protected against manual changes
(b) Allow only manual changes
(c) Manual changes
(d) Password

[7] A statistical formula can be applied to a selected array of cells using _______________.
(a) Consolidate

(b) Goal seek

(c) Subtotal

(d) Autosum

[8] Which of the following term refers to a cell or range of cells that can be used in a formula ?

(a) Cell Reference

(b) Cell Formula

(c) Formula Reference

(d) Linked Cells

[9] How many sheets are provided by default in spreadsheets in a workbook?

[10] Give an example of statistical function in Calc.

[11] Record changes feature of Calc marks a deleted column or row in a worksheet by a ________________.
(a) red border over the cell

(b) green border over the cell

(c) red shade in the cell

(d) heavy colored bar

[12] A _____________ is a database object that provides a systematic way to accept data from the user and store it in a table of a database.
(a) Query

(b) Form

(c) Report

(d) Table

[13] Primary Keys are also _____________ in the database, making it faster for the database to search for a record.
(a) indexed

(b) defined

(c) duplicated

(d) replicated

[14] Record uniqueness in a table helps to avoid accidental ____________ of records caused by user or computer error.
(a) duplication

(b) key

(c) deletion

(d) removal

[14] Data in RDBMS is organized in ______________.
(a) files

(b) tables

(c) text related only

(d) linked through network

[15] Binary data types are used for storing data in ______________-.
(a) integer format

(b) character format

(c) text format

(d) binary format

[16] ____________ means that the query uses criteria you provide to hide some data and present only what you want to see.
(a) Indexing

(b) Sorting

(c) Filtering

(d) Relating

[17] ____________ is an accessibility function that tells the keyboard to ignore brief or repeated keystrokes, making typing easier for people with hand tremors.
(a) Sticky keys

(b) Filter keys

(c) Toggle keys

(d) Insert key

[18] A ________________ is a collection of computers and other hardware components interconnected by communication channels (cables or satellites) that allow sharing of resources and information.
(a) Computer

(b) Computer network

(c) Client

(d) Server

[19] WiFi devices such as personal computer, smartphones, video game console, etc. can connect to a network resource such as Internet through a device called the ______________.
(a) PSTN

(b) DSL

(c) WiMax

(d) WAP

[20] OLTP stands for
(a) Online Transaction Protocol
(b) On Line Transfer Protocol
(c) Online Transaction Processing
(d) OverLine Transaction Protocol

[21] Which one of the following is not a part of healthy lifestyle ?
(a) Physical activities
(b) Sound sleep
(c) Healthy eating habits
(d) Watching television for long hours

[22] Any unexpected situation that needs immediate attention and action is called ____________.
(a) SDGs

(b) emergency

(c) loss

(d) profit

[23] ____________ controls all aspects of a paragraph’s appearance, such as text alignment, tab stops, line spacing, and borders, and can include character formatting.         

(a) Page Style                             

(b) Character Style

(c) Cell Style                            

(d) Paragraph Style

[24] How many levels of heading does Open Office Writer evaluate to build the Table of contents ?

(a) 8

(b) 9

(c) 10

(d) 12

[25] Reema has created a pamphlet on ‘Tour to West India’. She has inserted many images to make it more presentable but the size of images is occupying a lot of space. Her friend has suggested her to reduce the size of images. Which of the following options will help her in doing the task without losing any content of the image ?

(a) Recolor

(b) Docking

(c) Resize

(d) Rotate

[26] Which of the following Graphic filter is used to increase the contrast of an image in a document?

(a) Smooth

(b) Sharpen

(c) Remove Noise

(d) Invert

[27] Which of the following is not used when creating a mail-merge document?

(a) Spreadsheet

(b) Document            

(c) Paint                                             

(d) Database

[28] Which mode is used to apply a style to many different areas Of a document quickly without going back to styles and formatting window in Writer?

[29] A colored border, with _____________ appears around a cell where changes are made in a shared worksheet. 

(a) a dot in the upper left-hand corner

(b) a dot in the lower left-hand corner

(c) a cross in the upper left-hand corner

(d) a cross in the upper right-hand corner

[30] ____________ feature adds data arranged in a group of cells in Calc, with labels for columns and/or rows. 

(a) Average

(b) Subtotal

(c) Goal seek                             

(d) Solver

Wath this video for more details:

[31] Which one of the following is not a part of healthy lifestyle?
(a) Physical activities
(b) Sound sleep
(c) Healthy eating habits
(d) Watching television for long hours

[32] Any unexpected situation that needs immediate attention and action is called __________.
(a) SDGs

(b) emergency

(c) loss

(d) profit

[33] ___________ feature of Calc is used to test ‘what-if questions. 

(a) Solver
(b) Goal seek
(c) Scenario
(d) Styles

[34] Macros are especially useful to ______ the same way over and over again.
(a) repeat a task
(b) reject a task
(c) report a task
(d) comment a task

[35] ______ feature of Calc helps to track what data was changed, when the change was made, who made the change and in which cell the change has occurred.
(a) Record Changes
(b) Edit record
(c) Change record
(d) Macro

[36] Which one of the following is not an example of DBMS ?

(a) PostgresSQL

(b) SQLite

(c) FoxPro                                          

(d) Impress

[37] __________ is an interface in a user specified layout that lets users to view, enter, and change data directly in database objects such as tables.

(a) frame  

(b) form

(c) relation                                

(d) report

[38] Which of the following is expanded form of SQL?

(a) Systematic Query Language

(b) Structured Query Language

(c) Software Query Language

(d) Structural Query Language 

[39] ___________ is usually suitable for less amount of data. (Relational/Flat file) 

[40] Binary data types in a database can be using for storing ___________

(a) photos, music files, etc.  

(b) integer values

(c) only image files                    

(d) only video files

[41] ___________ clause can be used with the SELECT statement in SQL to specify which rows to retrieve from the table.



(c) SAME


 [42] ___________ is an accessibility function which is designed for people who have vision impairment or cognitive disabilities. 

(a) Filter Keys                           

(b) Sound Key

(c) Toggle Keys                         

(d) Sticky Keys

[43] Networks in which certain computers have special dedicated tasks, providing services to other computers (in the network) are called __________ networks.

(a) Hierarchical

(b) dedicated server

(c) peer to peer

(d) client server

[44] ____________ provides Internet access by transmitting digital data over wires of a local telephone network.


(b) P2P

(c) DSL                                     

(d) Modem

[45] ___________ is an unplanned event that may happen all of a sudden and may lead to unwanted or unprecedented results/outcomes.

 (a) emergency                            

(b) hazard

(c) accident                                

(d) illness

[46] A ___________ worker will always perform to the best to his ability.    

(a) fast working                          

(b) highly educated

(c) happy and healthy               

(d) stressed

[47] _____________ is the process of emptying a place in case of an emergency, disaster.

(a) Emergency

(b) Accident

(c) Drill

(d) Evacuation

[48] Which of the following features allows one to apply a group of formats at the same time ?
(A) Fill

(B) Styles

(C) Images

(D) Drag and Drop

[49] In Writer, the styles and formatting option is available under ____________menu.
(A) Insert

(B) Tools

(C) Format

(D) Window

[50] Gaurav is creating a report in Writer. The image gets embedded in his document whenever he drags and drops the image and the document size increases. Suggest a way to link the image file instead of embedding it.
(A) Drag and drop the image.
(B) Hold down the Ctrl key while dragging.
(C) Hold down the Shift key while dragging the image.
(D) Hold down the Ctrl and Shift key while dragging and dropping the image.

[51] Resizing a _________may badly affect the resolution of an image.
(A) Vector image

(B) Raster image

(C) CAD image

(D) Coloured image

[52] In Writer, you can create your own template in ___________ way(s).
(A) One

(B) Two

(C) Three

(D) Four

[53] In Writer, ____________ function key is used to see the databases while implementing mail merge.
(A) F1

(B) F2

(C) F3

(D) F4

[53] While consolidating data, a cell range can be named using ____________ option.
(A) Name range

(B) Define range

(C) Consolidate name

(D) Define name

[54] Kawal and his friends are working on a Spreadsheet for entering data and updating records. They wish to keep a track of changes. Which of the following options will help in knowing who made the
changes and what changes were done in the spreadsheet ?

(A) View changes
(B) Record changes
(C) Store changes
(D) Track changes

[55] _______________ is a more elaborate form of Goal Seek.
(A) Database

(B) Hyperlink

(C) Report

(D) Solver

[56] Macro functions can be written to behave as regular functions by writing a/an ___________.
(A) Void

(B) Return

(C) Add-In

(D) Dim

[57] ____________ option of Calc helps in viewing the changes made to a worksheet using original and edited worksheet.
(A) Edit -> Revise document
(B) Edit -> Consolidate
(C) Edit -> Compare document
(D) Edit -> Collaborate document

[58] In Calc, shared workbooks allow :
(A) Merging cells
(B) Conditional formatting
(C) Inserting pictures/graphs
(D) Adding text

[59] In OpenOffice(LibreOffice) Base, the relationship applied on the tables can be removed with the help of ___________ option.
(A) Clear

(B) Remove

(C) Drop

(D) Delete

[60] In SQL, the keyword to display records in ascending order is :
(A) Asce

(B) Incr

(C) Asc

(D) High

Watch this video to learn more:

[61] ___________ is a numeric data type which can store Yes/No type values in the form of 0 or 1 in OpenOffice Base table.
(A) Boolean

(B) Char

(C) Binary

(D) OtherObject

[62] Which of the following statement retrieves zero or more rows from one or more database tables or database views ?




[63] Roshni has created a table Customer in SQL and wants to store photograph image of every customer under Cust_photo field. Suggest a suitable data type from the options given below.

[64] By default, all the fields in OpenOffice/Libreoffice Base will have ____________ datatype.
(A) int (tiny)

(B) Boolean

(C) text (varchar)

(D) text (char)

[65] A ____________ is a discussion style website similar to an online personal diary, used for creating personal web pages.

(B) Web

(C) Blog

(D) Chat

[66] Natasha works as floor manager. She has been assigned a task for conducting regular _______ to ensure safety of life in case of any disaster or emergency by evacuating the place of danger.
(A) Cultural assembly
(B) Open house events
(C) Evacuation drill
(D) Trips and excursions

[67] ___________ is an accessibility feature that assists people who have difficulty using a keyboard or a mouse (or both).
(A) Sticky keys

(B) Serial key

(C) Control key

(D) Toggle keys

[68] Network in which all computers have equal status is called _____________.
(A) Peer-to-Peer architecture
(B) Central architecture
(C) Hierarchical architecture
(D) Client-server architecture

[69] _________ are text files with small pieces of data – like a username and password.
(A) Operating System

(B) Antivirus

(C) Cookies

(D) Modem

[70] DSL stands for ______________.
(A) Digital System Line

(B) Data Subscriber Line

(C) Digital Subscriber Line

(D) Data Service Line

[71] ____________ is an organization which provides you with access to the Internet via a dial-up or direct or wireless connection.  

[72] Name the software or hardware security device that analyzes the network traffic and determine if the traffic should be allowed or not.

[73] __________ is the immediate assistance provided to the injured to save life and minimize health loss till the proper medical aid/facility is provided.

[74] When primary key constraint is applied on one or more columns then it is known as _____________.

[75] A row that represents a single data item in a table is known as _________________

[76] Explain the term Sorting.

[77] _________, is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the internet. 

[78] _________ is a global system of interconnected computer networks.          

[79] _________ is an accessibility feature that assists people that have difficulty using a keyboard or a mouse (or both).      

 [80] Write any two examples of Database Management Systems.   

[81] Name the term that is used to display the records in ascending or descending order. 

[82] Define Foreign Key.  

Watch this video to learn more, click here for video.

Part B Subject Specific skills – 2 marks Important PYQs Information Technology Class 10

[1] Differentiate between Aging and Posterize graphic filters.

EffectAdds a yellowish-brown tint to make an image look old or faded.Reduces the number of colors, creating a high-contrast, poster-like effect.
UsageUsed to give images an antique or vintage appearance.Used to create artistic effects with fewer color shades.
LocationFound under Filter → Aging in the Graphic toolbar.Found under Filter → Posterize in the Graphic toolbar.
Best ForCreating old-fashioned or nostalgic photo effects.Creating bold, stylized, or pop-art-like images.

[2] Give any two uses of creating hyperlinks in a spreadsheet.

[3] Under Record changes feature, one can control the changes that appear on the screen using filters. Explain any two criteria on which these filters are based.

[4] Differentiate between data organized in a flat file and a relational form.


DefinitionA simple storage system where data is stored in plain text files or spreadsheets.A software system that manages structured data efficiently.
StructureData is stored in a single table or multiple unrelated tables.Data is stored in a well-structured format using tables, rows, and relationships.
Data RetrievalSlow, as searching requires scanning the entire file.Fast, as queries are optimized using indexing and relationships.
SecurityMinimal security; access control is difficult to implement.Strong security with user authentication and access control.
ConcurrencyDoes not support multiple users accessing the same file efficiently.Supports concurrent access by multiple users with transaction management.
ScalabilityLimited scalability; performance degrades with large datasets.Highly scalable; handles large datasets efficiently.
ExamplesCSV, TXT files, Excel sheets.MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MongoDB.

[5] Expand and explain the term www.

[6] (a) Arrange the following network in decreasing order of speed : DSL, 3G, 5G
(b) Give any two examples of instant messaging software.

[7] Differentiate between Keep scale and Keep image size options while cropping an image in a document.  


Keep ScaleThe overall size of the image remains unchanged, but the cropped portion is enlarged to fill the same space. This may cause the image to appear zoomed in.
Keep Image SizeThe physical dimensions of the image remain the same, but the cropped area is simply removed, leaving empty space (or resizing the image to fit the new cropped area).

[8] Give any two characteristics of a template in Open Office Writer.

[9] Why do we need to merge worksheets?  

[10] What is a Primary Key ? How is it different from foreign key ?

FeaturePrimary KeyForeign Key
UniquenessUnique for each recordCan have duplicate values
NULL ValuesNot allowedCan contain NULL values
PurposeIdentifies each record uniquelyEstablishes a relationship between tables
LocationDefined in the main tableExists in a related table

[11] Expand and explain the term WAN.     

[12] (a) Identify the following network / Internet connectivities as wired or wireless :

(i) Dial-up

(ii) WiMax

(b) Give any one feature of instant messaging software.

[13] Write the main steps to group drawing objects in Writer.

Ans.: The steps are as follows:

  1. Click on the first object.
  2. Hold the Shift key and click on other objects to select multiple objects.
  3. Right-click on one of the selected objects.
  4. From the context menu, choose GroupGroup.

[14] What is the purpose of consolidating data in spreadsheets? Discuss briefly.

[15] Differentiate between LAN and WAN.


FeatureLAN (Local Area Network)WAN (Wide Area Network)
DefinitionA network that connects computers within a small area like an office, home, or school.A network that spans large geographical areas, connecting multiple LANs over cities, countries, or continents.
Coverage AreaLimited to a small geographic area (e.g., a building or campus).Covers a large area, including multiple cities, countries, or even globally.
SpeedHigh-speed (up to Gbps).Comparatively slower due to long-distance communication.
OwnershipUsually owned and managed by a single organization.Can be public (e.g., the Internet) or private (leased network infrastructure).
Setup CostLow setup and maintenance cost.High setup and maintenance cost due to long-distance infrastructure.
ExampleOffice network, school network, home Wi-Fi.The Internet, banking networks, multinational corporate networks.

[16] What are the two parts of a cell reference while referencing data on other sheets ? Explain with an example.

[17] Give any two benefits of creating relationships between tables in a database.

[18] Mention any two basic fire safety rules to be followed in any organization.

[19] Write any four rules which is to be followed for creating strong passwords. 

Ans.: The rules are as follows:

  1. Use a Mix of Characters – Include uppercase (A-Z), lowercase (a-z), numbers (0-9), and special symbols (@, #, $, etc.) to make the password harder to crack.
  2. Avoid Common Words & Personal Information – Do not use easily guessable words like “password123” or personal details like your name, birthdate, or phone number.
  3. Make It Long – A strong password should be at least 12-16 characters long to increase security.
  4. Use Unique Passwords for Different Accounts – Avoid reusing passwords across multiple websites to prevent security breaches if one password gets compromised.

[20] What is the special name given to the discussion style site used by nontechnical (or technical) users for creating personal web pages ? Give any two examples of websites that help us to create such discussion style sites for free.           

[21] Explain any two types of relationship that can be created in tables.

[22] What is difference between Form and Reports?       


PurposeUsed to enter, edit, and update data in a table.Used to display, summarize, and print data from a table or query.
Data InteractionAllows users to input and modify data.Read-only; does not allow data modification.
UsageDesigned for data entry and user-friendly interaction.Used for analyzing and presenting data in a structured format.
CustomizationCan include buttons, dropdowns, and interactive elements.Focuses on formatting and layout for better readability.
ExampleA student admission form where user inputs student details.A monthly sales report that summarizes total sales per region.

[23] Identify any two Column name/Attribute and their data types from a given table: PLAYER



Attribute/Column NameDatatype

[24] Give a list of any four types of accidents. 

Ans.: The four types of accidents are as follows:

  1. Slips, Trips, and Falls – Occur due to wet floors, uneven surfaces, or poor lighting.
  2. Road Accidents – Involve vehicles, pedestrians, or cyclists due to speeding, distractions, or poor road conditions.
  3. Fire Accidents – Caused by electrical faults, open flames, or flammable materials.
  4. Chemical Accidents – Result from improper handling of hazardous chemicals in laboratories or industries.

[25] What are cookies ? What details are stored by the cookies ?

[26] Give one point of difference between peer-to-peer architecture and client-server architecture.


AspectPeer-to-Peer (P2P) ArchitectureClient-Server Architecture
StructureNo central server; all nodes (peers) communicate directly.A central server manages data, and clients request services from it.
Data ManagementEach peer stores and shares data independently.The server stores and manages all data, providing controlled access.
PerformancePerformance may degrade as the number of peers increases.Server can be optimized for performance, but high traffic may slow it down.
SecurityLess secure, as every device has access to shared files.More secure, as the server controls authentication and data access.
ScalabilityHarder to scale efficiently, as each peer must manage its own resources.Easier to scale by upgrading the server or adding more clients.
ExampleTorrent networks (BitTorrent), file-sharing systems.Websites, email services, online banking.

[27] Define the following :       

  1. Data Consistency
  2. Data Redundancy

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Part B Subject Specific skills – 4 marks Important PYQs Information Technology Class 10

[1] Give two areas where Mail Merge can be used. Also give names of any two softwares that can be used to store the data list.

[2] Explain the following concepts of spreadsheets :
(a) Scenario
(b) Goalseek

[3] Write any four numeric data types in DBMS.

[4] (a) The structure of a table SUPPLIER is given below. Suggest suitable data type for each column.

Table – Supplier



Column NameData Type

(b) Consider the table “SUPPLIER” given in (a).
Write queries to :
(i) Display the supplier name of all suppliers from Delhi
(ii) Display details of suppliers whose amount is greater than 50000.


(i) select suppname from supplier where city='delhi';
(ii) select * from supplier where amount > 50000;

[5] (a) Give examples of two Internet threats.
(b) Most of the time fire can be prevented using appropriate measures. Give any two measures.

[6] Explain the following terms with respect to positioning the graphics in a document : 

(a) Arrangement

(b) Text Wrapping

[7] Distinguish between the following with respect to spreadsheets : 

  • Relative and Absolute hyperlink
  • Internet hyperlink and Document hyperlink.


FeatureRelative HyperlinkAbsolute Hyperlink
DefinitionA hyperlink that points to a file or webpage relative to the current document’s location.A hyperlink that contains the full URL or absolute path to a file or webpage.
Path FormatUses a shortened path (e.g., images/photo.jpg).Uses the complete URL or file path (e.g.,
UsageCommonly used for linking files within the same website or local folder.Used for linking to external websites or files in different locations.
Exampledocuments/report.pdf (refers to a file in the “documents” folder relative to the current location). – A full address
Effect When MovedWorks as long as the relative structure remains the same.Always works, regardless of the file’s location.
FeatureInternet HyperlinkDocument Hyperlink
DefinitionA hyperlink that directs users to a webpage on the Internet.A hyperlink that navigates to a specific location within the same document or another document.
Path FormatUses a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) (e.g., an internal reference, such as a bookmark or section within a document.
UsageUsed to link to external websites, web pages, or online resources.Used for navigating within long documents, jumping between sections, or linking to another document.
ExampleClick Here to Go to HomeClick Here to read NCERT solutions
NavigationRequires an Internet connection to access the target webpage.Works offline, as it links to a local document or section within the document.

[8] Explain any four data types of DBMS.  

[9] (a) Structure of a table “0rders” is given below. Suggest a suitable data type for each column.

Table : Orders



Column NameDatatype

(b) Consider the followin table “Books”.

B 101Learni with FunJacobins5355.00
B_103How I Live NowMe Rosoff4400.00
B_104I Capture the CastleDodie Smith5520.00
B_10GMortal E inesPhili Reeve4260.00
B_IIOThe Kite RiderGeraldine McCau hrean3270.00

Write SQL queries to:

  • Display data of all books whose quantity is more than 3.
  • Display total amount Of all books whose price is less than 500. (Hint : amount Qty x Price)


(i) select * from books where qty>3;
(ii) select qty*price from books where price<500;

[10] (a) Give two best practices for internet safety.

(b) Give any two Falls and Slips Safety rules.

[11] What is the concept of mail merge in word processing software ? Discuss in detail. Also give any two major benefits of using mail merge.

[12] Explain four types of hyperlinks that can be applied in spreadsheets.

[14] In context of Libre/OpenOffice Base, explain the concept and significance of the following :
(a) Forms
(b) Reports

[15] Consider the table Product and write SQL queries for the following :

Table : Product


(a) To display names of all products whose category is ‘‘domestic’’.
(b) To display product name and price whose quantity is less than 50.
(c) To display price and quantity of Laptop.
(d) To display name and quantity of those products whose price is above 5000.


(a) select pname from product where category='domestic';
(b) select pname, price from product where quantity < 50;
(c) select price, quantity from product where pname='laptop';
(d) select name, quantity from product where price > 5000;

[16] In the context of Database Management System, write a short note on the following :
(i) Database
(ii) Table
(iii) Field
(iv) Composite Primary Key

[17] Aryan is too much worried when he came to know that someone has withdrawn all money from his uncle’s bank account. He was not able to understand how this could happen when he has not given his ATM card to anyone.                                                                                             

  • Suggest him a way by which he can be assured that he is doing secured online transaction.
  • Which type of software he needs to install in his computer to protect his computer from malware
  • Help him to understand about Phishing.
  • He also thinks cookies are harmless. Explain him how cookies can also cause harm to him.

[18] Due to pandemic everyone was bound to stay at home. But, due to internet the whole world was connected.                                         

  • Explain how data is transferred over the internet.
  • What is meant by World Wide Web ? Also write any two web browsers names that you know.

[19] Consider the following table :



Write SQL Commands :

  • To display the details of all students of Green House.
  • To increase the marks by 5 whose ADMNO is 1005.
  • To display the details of all students whose MARKS are less than 80.
  • Display the list of all students in descending order of MARKS.


(i) select * from student where house='green';
(ii) update student set marks=marks+5 where admno=1005;
(iii) select * from student where marks<80;
(iv) select * from student order by marks desc;

[20] Define the following :                                                                                 

  • Database Management System
  • Primary Key
  • Numeric Data Type
  • Referential Integrity

[23] Consider the following table :



Write SQL Commands :

  • To display the details of all employees of SALES Department.
  • To increase the SALARY by 1000 whose EMPID is 1007.
  • To display the details of all employees whose SALARY is more than 10000.
  • To display the list of all employees in descending order of SALARY.


(i) select * from employee where department='sales';
(ii) update employee set salary=salary + 1000 where empid=1007;
(iii) select * from employee where salary>10000;
(iv) select * from employee order by salary desc;

[24] Define the following :                                                                                                    

  • Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
  • Composite Key
  • Field
  • DDL Commands 

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