Type B Fill in the blanks – NCERT Solutions Chapter 2 Working with Images Libre Office Writer
In this section of NCERT Solutions Chapter 2 Working with Images Libre Office Writer, I will discuss fill in the blanks. There are 10 fill in the blanks questions. Here we go!
1. _________ tool cuts off non-desirable part of the image.
This section of NCERT Solutions Chapter 2 Working with Images Libre Office Writer includes short answer questions. There are Type C Short answer questions. Let us begin to discuss!
1. What is a digital image? How can you create one?
Ans. A digital image, which is representation of image in finite set of digital values 0 or 1, known as pixels.
A digital image can be created using drawing tools, charts, photo, logo , captured through camera or downloaded from internet.
2. Write steps to insert an image from the gallery using Drag and Drop method.
Ans. To insert an image from the gallery using Drag and Drop method:
1. Open Libre Office Writer and place the cursor where image is required.
2. Locate the folder or press window + E key and open the folder where picture is saved.
3. Select the picture or image to be inserted.
4. Drag the image into the document
5. Drop the image into the document
3. How is resizing of image different from cropping it?
Ans. Cropping image refers to removing (cut-off) unwanted part from the image where resizing image refers to reducing or enlarging the image by its width and height.
4. What are the tools available in drawing toolbar? Describe any five tools.
Ans. The drawing toolbar has following tools to draw and manage various drawing objects. These tools are ae follows:
1. Select Tool (Arrow)
2. Draw lines
3. Draw basic shapes such as square, rectangle, polygone, oval etc.
4. Basic Shapes (list)
5. Symbol (List)
6. Star (List)
7. Flow chart (List)
8. Call outs
9. Fontwork
10. Points
11. Toggle Extrusion
1) Select Tool : This tool allows to select the objects drawn on the paper or document. 2) Draw Lines: There are various lines can be drawn such as straight line, arrow, curves and polygons. 3) Draw basic shapes: The basic shapes such as polygon, rectangle, rounded rectangle, square, ellipse, circle, triangle, right angle triangle can be drawn in the document. 4) Basic Shapes (list): This list contains 24 basic shapes which can be drawn in the document. 5) Symbol (List) : It provides list of symbolic drawing objects such as smiley face, heart, sun, moon, cloud, lightning bolt, flower, prohibited etc.
5. How is linking of an image different from embedding? Give a situation in which you would prefer to link an image.
Ans. Linking image refers to providing reference for the original image rather than inserting image completely. Embedding image refers to inserting actual image in the document.
Linking is always a good option when the same image is required in the document, multiple times.
6. Write steps to change properties for drawing objects.
Ans. To change the properties for drawing objects follow the given steps:
1. Select the drawing object.
2. Now the drawing object properties toolbar is available.
3. Select the property which you want to change.
4. Apply the parameters and save the file.
7. What are the benefits and drawbacks of grouping drawing objects?
Ans. Benefits:
1. Allows to move the grouped objects together.
2. Allows to change the common properties together.
3. The alignment remains intact. Disadvantages:
1. Ungrouped objects moved in the document one by one.
2. If any properties needs to be changed, then it can be changed individually.
3. If alignment of any image required to be changed it can be changed one by one.
8. Describe any two tools from Drawing Object Properties toolbar.
Ans. Drawing object properties toolbar provides certain tools to change and customize the properties of drawing tools. Using these toolbar object an be moved, resized, edited and configured on various aspects. 1. Anchor: It sets an anchor for the drawing object. It can be anchored to paragraph, to character or as character. 2. Wrapping: It is used to arrange the text and drawing objects parallel, optimal, before, after, through etc.
9. Write steps to insert an image in a basic drawing shape.
Ans. To insert an image in a basic shape follow the below given steps:
1. Draw a basic shape.
2. Select the shape.
3. Click on Insert -> Image option.
4. The image will be inserted into the object.
10. Write factors controlling positioning of an image in a document.
Ans. To control the positioning of image , writer provides below given options:
1. Arrangement
2. Anchoring
3. Alignment
4. Text Wrapping 1)Arrangement: Arrangement tool determines the position of the current drawing with respect to other drawing or text. It changes the appearance from left to right. There are six tools in the arrange. They are:
1. Bring to front – Place image on top of all objects
2. Forward One – Place image one level up in the case of overlapping image
3. Back One – Send image one level down in overlapping image
4. Send to back – Place image at the bottom of all objects
5. To foreground – Moves object in front of the text
6. To background – Moves the object behind the text 2) Anchoring:It acts as a reference point for image or drawing. Anchoring allows an image to retain its position to a page, paragraph, character or frame. 3) Alignment: It places image horizontally or vertically. The image can be aligned at left, center or right horizontally. Similarly, top, middle and bottom are vertically alignment. 4) Text Wrapping: : It places the image in relation with text written in the document. It provides six options as following:
1. Wrap off: Text is placed on above and below image
2. Text flows around image. When image is moved it will rearrange the text on next page
3. Optimal Page wrap: In Page Wrap, if the space between image and margin is less than 2 cm then text will
not be placed on that side
4. Wrap left: Text is placed on left side of image
5. Wrap Right: Text is placed on right side of image
6. Wrap through: The text will be placed around the image
NCERT Textbook Internal Assignment Questions
Let us see the assignment questions given in the textbook.
Assignment 1
Explore how to insert an image from Writer’s Gallery or from any other device?
To insert image from writer’s gallery follow these steps:
1. Activate the gallery pane through View –> Gallery option. OR
Click on Media –> Gallery option.
2. Select a picture and drag it into the document.
To insert image from other device follow these steps:
1. Click on Insert –> Image option. Insert Image dialog will appear.
2, Choose the destination folder to insert an image and select an image.
3. Click on Open button.
4. Image will be inserted.
To insert image from scanner:
1. Click on Insert –> Media –> Scan –> Select Source option.
2. Select source dialog box will appear.
3. Select a device and choose the picture to insert.
Assignment 2
Use SHIFT key, while resizing the object, in both the cases and observe the difference in action.