In this article, you will get QnA database concepts class 10 with objective type questions, short answer questions and long answer questions.
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Objective Type Questions – QnA database concepts class 10
MCQ, Fill in the blanks and True/False
[1] Some raw facts, figures and textual contents known as ___________.
[2] The meaningful data is known as _______________
[3] Data help us to take decision. (True/False)
[4] The ___________ refers to collection of data and information in organized manner.
[5] Which of the following refers to reducing the duplicate values in a table?
a) Data Redundancy b) Data Integrity
c) Data Security d) Data Consistency
[6] In DBMS, user cannot work on a single database at a time. (True/False)
[7] Which of the following are database types?
a) Only Flat File b) Flat File and Relational
c) Only relational d) Flat File, CSV and Relational
[8] The ______________ are dedicated computers which holds the actual database and run the related database software.
Database Servers
[9] The database servers database can be accessed through command lines of interface is known as ______________
Front End
[10] The Database servers can be referred as Backend. (True/False)
[11] The ____________ feature of database give access to only the authorized users.
Data Security
[12] The Ultimate DataBase Solution is a company that provides database services to users. In a particular database few users can access certain database files. This feature is called ___________.
[13] When user do changes in a database is reflected to every user of the database. This feature is known as __________
a) Data Privacy b) Data Redundancy
c) Data Consistency d) Data Security
[14] A set of information made by various fields is known as _____________.
[15] The data available in the form of text, numeric or date in the table is known as __________
[16] The database can have multiple tables. (True/False)
[17] A ___________ is a field or column name that identifies records uniquely.
Primary Key
[19] The columns which is referenced by another table column through a primary key is known as ___________.
Foreign Key
[20] A table in a database cannot have more than one primary key. (True/False)
In the next section of QnA database concepts class 10, I will provide you questions, find the answers from the linked article.
Ans.: A database is an organized collection of data. In other words it can be considered as container of informaton in organized manner.
Suppose a school is having data of studetns. These data should be maintained properly so as and whenever information required for a particular student(s), it should be available easily. All records like fees, marks and other details shoudl be available as and when required. Database can store these all information into a single database.
[4] What are the features of the database? Explain in one line.
Ans.: The featres of database are as follows:
1. A database can have one or many tables. For example a contact book
2. Each table contains information about one type of item.
3. Database supports uniqueness for data in every table. It reduces the duplacte data.
4. Every table has multiple fields known as key.
[5] Explain the concept of RDBMS. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.
Ans. : RDBMS stands for relational database management system. It uses a structure that allows us to identify and access data in relation to another piece of data in the database. Data is organized into multiple relations (tables).
Suppose you are working in school. Now you want to maintain staff salary and attendence data. So you need staff details and salary details and attendance data. So you need multiple tables for the same.
[6] What is the primary key, candidate key, and alternate key? Explain with a suitable example with a table to explain it.
Ans.: Every table has a desginated keys. These keys are candidate key, primary key and alternate key.
1. Candidate Key: A key which is going to be a primary key for the table is known as candidate key. This key have unique records.
2. Primary Key: A primary key is a field of a relation which identifies rows of relation uniquely.
3. Alternate Key: After assigning a primary key rest of fields remaining for the relation are known as alternate key.
For example a relation emp has epmno, ename, job and departmentno are columns. Now empno and department no can be a candidate key, empno is primary key and ename, job and departmentno are alternate keys.
Ans.: The features of primary key are as follows:
1. It identifies rows uniquely.
2. It should not have duplicate value.
3. It sould not have null value.
4. There is only one primary key on table.
1. Field: A field is a set of data values of a particular simple type, one for each row of the table. It is a column of a relation. It is also known as attriute.
2. Record: A records is a set of values of an item. It is also known as tuple or row.
3. Relation: A relation is combination of fields and records. The collection of rows and columns is known as relation or table.
[9] Write a few examples of RDBMS packages. (At least 4 names required in 2 Marks)
Ans.: There are to ways to organize data.
1. Flat File: Data stoed in a single file. It is mostly suitable for less volume of data.
2. Relational:Data stored into multiple tables and the table are linked using a common field. Relational is suitable for medium to large amont of data.
[11] What do you mean by the Front end and Back end?
Ans.: Front end privdes the interface to the application. This application is used for data entry.
Back end is used to store the data into disks entered from the front end.
[12] Explain the concept of database servers and clients.
Database Servers: Database Servers are dedicated computers that hold actual databases and run only the DBMS and related software.
Client: Clients are computer systems connected in the network which access the data from database server.
In the next section, long answer questions are given for QnA database concepts class 10. These questions can be asked in four marks.
Long answer questions (4 Marks Questions) – QnA database concepts class 10
[1] Explain Database Management System in brief with example.
Ans.: A database management system is a software package with computer applications that create a database, perform maintainance and use of a database. DBMS allows different user application programs to concurrently access the same database.
Someo of the DBMS examples are Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, PostgreSQL, MySQL, FoxPro, and SQLite.
[2] What are the advantages of a database? Explain each of them in short.
Ans.: Database offers following advantages over flat file system:
1. Reduce Data Redundancy: There may be a same file with different locations and it produce the duplicates. Database prevent this issues as there is a single database and any change in it is reflected immidiately. These is no chance of duplicate data.
2. Sharing Data: Database users can share database files with multiple users. There different levels of authorisation to access the data, and data can be shared with aithorized users.
3. Data Integrity: data integrity means data is accurate and consitent in the database. The data contained by database can be used by multiple users hence it is necessary to ensure thath the data is correct and consitent in all the database and for all the users.
4. Data Security: Only authorised users should be allowed to access the database and their identity should be authenticated using a username and password. Unauthorised users should not be allowed to access the database under any circumstances as it violates the integrity constraints.
[3] What are the features of the database? Explain in short with examples.
Ans.: The features of database are as follows:
1. Multiple Tables: A database can have multiple tables. As an organization can have different tables such as customers, suppliers, orders etc.
2. Contains information of one item: Each table in datanase contains information about one type of item. So a database is a container that holds tables and other objects and manages how they can be used.
3. Record uniqueness: A database can have multiple tables. These tables needs some unique records to identify the entity. It is important to be able to distinguish between different items having duplicate values.
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