In this article, you will get important QnA create tables class 10. Create tables using wizard and SQL commands is one of the learning outcomes of Unit 3 Database Management System class 10. Here we go!

Before starting this refer to these articles:

Appreciate the concept of Database Management System | Assignments

QnA Create tables class 10

As per the new sample paper of CBSE class 10, we have two sections:

  1. Objective type questions – 1 mark
  2. Subjective type questions – 2 and 4 marks questions

Let us start QnA Create tables class 10 with objective type questions.

Objective type questions – 1 mark

In first section QnA Create tables class 10 – Objective type questions we will see fill in the blanks.

Fill in the blanks

  1. A ________ is a primary database object that allows searchability, organization and reporting.
  2. ____________ provides an easy interface for database interaction.
  3. A __________ is a set of data values of a particular type.
  4. _________ represents a single data item in a table.
  5. When you open OO base, it will start with ___________.
  6. The first step of database wizard is ___________.
  7. To create a new database click on _________________ option in database wizard.
  8. To work with existing database, OO database provides ______________ option.
  9. The extension of OO database file is ___________.
  10. A _________ is OO base window part that consists of all the database elements you can work on.
  11. The ___________ part display the main operations can be performed on particular selected database window.
  12. A __________ is a simple and user-friendly way to create tables as per users need.
  13. A ___________ is a way that allows picking pre-defined tables, fields and data types.
  14. The __________ window allows to type a user-defined column name and select appropriate data type.
  15. The ______________ command is used to create a table using SQL command.
  16. To open SQL command, click on ___________ -> ___________ option in OO base.
  17. The keywords (commands) are displayed with ___________ color in SQL command window in OO Base.
  18. To run the SQL command, click on __________ button.
  19. User must type __________ and ____________ in double quotes in SQL command.
  20. The ___________ area displays a message when the command is executed successfully in SQL command window.


  1. table
  2. SQL
  3. Column or field or attribute
  4. row or tuple or record
  5. database wizard
  6. select database
  7. create a new database
  8. open an existing database file
  9. .odf
  10. objects window or object pane
  1. Tasks
  2. create table in design view
  3. create table wizard
  4. table design window
  5. create table
  6. Tools, SQL
  7. blue
  8. execute
  9. table names, column names
  10. status

In the next section QnA Create tables class 10, we will see MCQs.


[1] The database wizard has ________ number of steps.

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

[2] “Open Database for editing” option is provided in which of the following step of database wizard in OO Base?

a) select database

b) save and proceed

c) register a database

d) connect to an existing database

[3] The top most object of the database pane or database window is _______.

a) Queries

b) Reports

c) Forms

d) Tables

[4] Which of the following OO base part displays the additional information about the selected task?

a) Tasks

b) Description

c) Objects

d) Properties

[5] Which of the following column allows to select data type for your column in table design?

a) Field Name

b) Field Type

c) Description

d) Field Properties

[6] Which of the following part of table design window allows to restrict the length of values in a column?

a) Field Name

b) Field Type

c) Description

d) Field properties

[7] The table wizard create a table in _______ steps.

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

[8] Which of the following step of table wizard allows to select category, sample table and available fields while creating a table using wizard?

a) Select fields

b) Set types and formats

c) set primary key

d) create table

[9] The > sign button in table wizard allows to

a) select a field for a table

b) select all fields for a table

c) remove the selected field

d) remove all the selected fields

[10] To select multiple fields for a table using table wizard in a one click, which of the following button is useful?

a) >

b) <<

c) >>

d) <

[11] You can set auto value, length, required fields and other settings for a column in which of the following step of table wizard?

a) Select fields

b) Set types and formats

c) set primary key

d) create table

[12] Which of the following option is not available in the final step i.e. Create Table through table wizard?

a) insert data immediately

b) Modify the table design

c) create report

d) create a form based on this table


  1. a) 2
  2. b) save and proceed
  3. d) Tables
  4. b) Description
  5. b) Field Type
  6. d) Field properties
  1. d) 4
  2. a) Select fields
  3. a) select a field for a table
  4. c) >>
  5. b) Set types and formats
  6. c) create report

The next section of QnA Create tables class 10, consists of True and False of 1 mark.

True False

  1. The horizontal set of values are known as a field.
  2. It is mandatory to create a database through a database wizard every time when you open OO base.
  3. You cannot set the primary key in the table design window.
  4. The << button allows to remove all the fields in a single click.
  5. You cannot change the field type once you selected field from table wizard.
  6. You cannot set the auto value to your primary key field.
  7. You can modify the table design through table wizard.
  8. It is mandatory to type SQL commands in capital letters in OO base.


  1. False
  2. False
  3. False
  4. True
  5. False
  6. False
  7. True
  8. False

Refer this link for the answers:

Comprehensive notes on Create and edit tables using wizard and SQL

The next section of QnA Create tables class 10, consists of short answer questions of 2 marks.

Short answer questions – 2 Marks

  1. What do you mean by SQL? Explain in short.
  2. How to start open office base?
  3. Enlist the main parts of OO base window.
  4. Explain the following parts of OO base window in short.
    1. Database Object window
    2. Tasks Window
    3. Description window
    4. Toolbar
  5. The database wizard consists of how many steps? Enlist them.
    1. Select database
    2. Save and Proceed
  6. What are the three options that are available in the select database step of the database wizard?
    1. Create a new database
    2. Open an existing database
    3. Connect to an existing database
  7. What are the options available in the second step of a database wizard?
    1. Register Database
    2. Open Database for editing
    3. Create tables using the table wizard
  8. What are the ways to create a table?
  9. Write steps to create a table in design view.
  10. What are the steps involved in the table wizard to create a table?
    1. Select Fields
    2. Set type and formats
    3. Set primary key
    4. Create table
  11. Write SQL command to create the following tables:

These two questions QnA Create tables class 10 are very important for QnA Create tables class 10 because one question of 2 mark is always coming in the board question paper.

  1. Create table Employee: CBSE Board Exam 2020
EMPIDChar(4)Primary Key
create table "Employee"
("EMPID" char(4), 
"EMPNAME" varchar(15),
"DESIGN" varchar(20),
"SALARY" decimal(5,2))

Observe the screen shot:

Create table command in OO Base - QnA Create tables class 10
Create table command in OO Base – QnA Create tables class 10


Create table items
create table "items"
("itemno" integer primary key,
"Iname" varchar(15),
"Price" numeric(10,2),
"Quanitity" tinyint)
create table SQL command in OO base
create table SQL command in OO base

The next section of QnA Create tables class 10 is having subjective type questions part 2 of 4 marks.

Subjective type questions – 4 Marks

  1. Write and explain the process of creating database using database wizard.
  2. How to create table in design mode? Illustrate your answer with suitable example.
  3. Write steps to create a table using wizard.
  4. Write steps to how to work with SQL command.
  5. Write important points to be remembered while using SQL mode.

That’s all from the QnA Create tables class 10 article. I hope QnA Create tables class 10, will be helpful for you to prepare well in your exam.

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2 thoughts on “Important QnA Create tables class 10”
  1. Amit Kumar Das says:

    It would be good if you provides answers of such questions on every lessons and also few questions along with solution on DBMS i.e. to say command portion.

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