In this article, I am going to discuss Unit 1 Communication Skills Class 10. Unit 1 Communication Skills Class 10 is a part of Employability skills class 10 for various skill courses of CBSE. So let us begin!

Unit 1 Communication Skills II Class 10

In this article, I am going to cover these topics:

  1. Introduction to communication
  2. Methods of communication
  3. Verbal communication
  4. Non-Verbal Communication
  5. Communication Cycle and Importance of Feedback
  6. Barriers to effective communication
  7. Writing Skills – Parts of Speech
  8. Writing Skills – Sentences

So let us begin this article on Unit 1 Communication Skills II Class 10. Here we go!

Introduction to Communication

Communication plays an important role in our daily life. Being a professional or student reading, writing, speaking, and listening are very important to communicate with someone effectively.

The word “Communication” originates from the Latin word “commūnicāre” which means “to share”.

In other words, Information, knowledge, and opinions are exchanged between two or more people on any given issue through the transmission of symbolic messages is called communication.

In professional life, there are many parties involved such as customers, clients, vendors, distributors, media people, and many more. Hence it is more important to communicate properly to run a business or organization smoothly.

Parts of communication

There are three parts of communication:

  1. Transmitting
  2. Listening
  3. Feedback


There are always two parties involved in communication.

  1. Sender
  2. Receiver

The message is transmitted from one medium to another from sender to receiver.

In other words, transmitting also refers convey a message with the help of various communication mediums.


Listening is also one of the most important parts of communication. To evaluate, understand and respond to the message, listening is very essential. Listening makes communication more effective.


The receiver after receiving the message gives a response in the form of feedback. Feedback confirms the understanding of the receiver and plays a vital role in the communication cycle.

Let’s understand with this example:

Student: Good Morning, Sir.
Teacher: Good Morning.
Student: Sir, My exam is approaching now, Can you guide me on how to score good marks?
Teacher: Yes, First of all, get away from Social Media and cut shot your screen time. That is a great distraction. 
Student: Okay, Sir.
Teacher: Revise your syllabus thoroughly, and do writing practice. 
Student: Thank you so much, Sir. I will follow your instructions and try my best. 

In the above conversation, the Student started the conversation. The student is Sender and Teacher is Receiver. The student sends the message and the Teacher is giving a response. In the final line, the Student has given the feedback.

Communication Process and Elements

Observe this screen and understand the communication process:

Communication Process - Unit 1 Communication Skills II Class 10

Communication Process - Unit 1 Communication Skills II Class 10

After observing the above pictures, there are 5 elements of the communication process. They are as follows:

Elements of communication process class 10
  1. Sender – A person begins the communication
  2. Message – The information needs to be conveyed through the communication process
  3. Channel – The means or medium used to send and receive the message
  4. Receiver – A person to whom the message is sent
  5. Feedback – The final response of the receiver

Now in the next section of Unit 1 Communication Skills II Class 10, we are going to discuss methods of communication. Here we go!

Methods of Communication

methods of communication - Unit 1 Communication Skills II Class 10

There are certain parameters involved in choosing the right method of communication. They are :

Parameters for choosing the right method of communication

The right method of communication affects various stakeholders of the organization. So it is very important to consider the above factors and choose the right method.

Follow this link for questions and answer on the topic of Methods of Communication.

Important Questions Communication Skills Class 10

Verbal Communications

Communication that can be done using sounds, words, language, and speech is called verbal communication. In this communication, speech is the most important part. It helps to establish a good relationship and better connectivity.

Different Forms of Verbal Communication

Comprehensive notes Unit 1 Communication Skills Class 10

Advantages of Verbal Communication

Verbal communication offers the following advantages:

  1. Very easy mode of communication
  2. Ideas can be exchanged by saying
  3. Get quick response
  4. The interaction can be changed as per the response received from another person
  5. More reliable, effective, and flexible for all involved in the process
  6. Save money and time

Disadvantages of Verbal Communication

  1. Sometimes it is difficult to understand the meaning of spoken words
  2. Emotions and body language are observed easily
  3. No legal validity
  4. Cannot be recorded for future use or any other purpose
  5. Cannot be used for community staying at a remote place
  6. Cannot be used for lengthy conversations
  7. Information can be leaked

Mastering Verbal communication

Priya is a very intelligent girl in class 10. But she gets nervous while addressing the assembly. Even she is also very shy and hesitates while speaking with teachers and other elders. So she needs to improve her communication. She can follow the given points in order to master verbal communication skills:

mastering verbal communication
1Think Before You SpeakPrepare well for the topic before speaking to the audience. Understand the audience and make communication in such a way that they can understand. Make a point list of what you are going to present or say.
2Concise and ClearSpeak clearly and with clear pronunciation with a moderately loud voice and speed. The points of information should be to the point. Avoid repetition of information.
3Confidence and Body LangaugeMain eye contact, be normal and be attentive. Keep your body language friendly.

Follow this link to read questions and answers on topic verbal communication.

Questions and Answers Verbal Communication Class 10

Non-verbal communication

Nonverbal communication is also an important type of communication. Sometimes we need not speak a single word and want to convey a message. In this situation simply we are using signals and messages to others through expressions, gestures, postures, touch, space, eye movement, and para language.

Correct body language is very important for non-verbal communication.

Importance of non-verbal communication

Observe this chart, which tells everything about the importance of non-verbal communication:

importance of non verbalc communication

The above chart shows that:

  1. 55% of communication is done using body movement and expression or gestures
  2. 38% of communication is done using voice, speech, and visual data
  3. Only 7% of communication is done through words

Data produced by the above chart says that 55%+38%=93% of communication is non-verbal communication. Some of the commonly used gestures, postures and body language are as follows:

  1. Gestures
    • Raising hands to greet or say goodbye
    • Pointing a finger at someone
  2. Expressions: Expression shows different feelings
    • Smiling Face – Happiness
    • Sad Face – Sadness
  3. Body Language
    • Various body postures such as standing straight, showing interest, etc.
  4. Postures: Proper body postures indicate how confident you are and what your feelings
  5. Touch: While communicating touch can be used to encourage someone or to call someone etc.
  6. Space: The physical distance while communicating with each other is called space. The distance depends on the intimacy or closeness between them
  7. Eye Contact: It maintains the flow of conversation, and affection, seeks attention, etc.
  8. Paralanguage: Speaking tone, speed, and volume depends on various feelings. Hence use tone and volume as per the requirements

Visual Communication

Using pictures, charts, graphs, and diagrams to convey a message is known as visual communication. This can be represented by posters, advertisements, banners, and electronic displays.

It is very easy to understand the graphics and visual images compared to text messages for the audience. It is mostly used in advertisements, teaching, and learning, presentations, etc. It remains consistent and simple.

Follow this link for questions on non verbal communication:

Non-verbal communication soved questions

Communication Cycle and Importance of Feedback

The communication cycle is a step-by-step process initiated by the sender to feedback sent by the receiver. Feedback is very important for the sender to get acknowledgment and improve the process.

Good feedback can be:

  1. Specific – No general comments, Clarify with examples and support with alternatives to take a good decision to the sender
  2. Timely – If delayed in feedback, it loses its impact
  3. Polite – Use appropriate words and polite language in feedback
  4. Offer Support – After giving feedback let the sender be aware that you are available for support

Types of feedback

The types of feedback are as follows:

Communication Skills - Types of feedback

Importance of Feedback

Let’s discuss reasons why feedback is very important in communication:

Importance of feedback

Follow this link to get access to solved questions on the topic importance of feedback:

Important questions for class 10 importance of feedback

Barriers to effective communication

For effectiveness, we adhere to the 7 Cs of communication. If any of them is missing then it leads to miscommunication. These 7 Cs are as follows:

7 Cs of communication

A few barriers to effective communication are as follows:

  1. Linguistic Barriers
  2. Physical Barriers
  3. Organizational Barriers
  4. Cultural barriers
  5. Interpersonal barriers

Linguistic Barriers

The barriers of different languages at a workplace. There are different language-speaking people working in an organization, hence this is a very common communication barrier that creates confusion and misunderstanding among the people involved in communication.

Examples – Slang language, professional jargon, regional colloquialisms etc.

Physical Barriers

It is related to environmental and natural conditions. Sometimes the receiver is not able to understand the gestures, posture, and general body language. In this scenario, the communication becomes less effective.

Examples: text messages are less effective than face-to-face talk

Organizational Barriers

Every organization are having its own standards, rules regulations, formal structures, behavioral norms, procedures, policies, and code of conduct.

Sometimes employee and employer relationship is also one of the barriers and makes communication less effective.

Sometimes rules and procedures also make communication difficult.

Cultural barriers

Sometimes people coming from different backgrounds and cultures can be also a barrier to communication. Because of their cultural beliefs and habits, they make their assumptions and opinions which makes the communication less effective.

Examples – Countries like India and Japan consider formality as a sign of professionalism, whereas countries like Australia prefer more informal workplaces. An Indian employee working for an Australian company might consider communicating more informally. Similarly, an Australian should communicate formally to seem more professional.

Interpersonal Barriers

Interpersonal barriers are likely to make communication less effective. It includes selective perceptions, emotional disconnects, workplace gossip, biased language, gender differences, stage fear, etc.

Ways to overcome barriers to effective communication

overcome to barriers to effective communication

Get access to important questions on barriers of effective communication topic by following this link:

Important questions barriers of effective communication

Watch this video to understand more:

In the next section of comprehensive notes Unit 1 Communication Skills II Class 10, we are going to discuss writing skills.

Writing Skills – Part of Speech

Writing is one of the vital factors of communication especially for verbal communication. As you know verbal communication includes written notes, e-mails, letters, articles, blogs, SMS/chats etc.

In writing, we use words, words make phrases, and sentences. The group of words which make complete sense is known as a sentence whereas a group of words that does not make complete sense is known as a phrase.

A sentence always starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop or question mark or exclamation mark.


  • When the periodic test 1 will start?
  • Probably be in July.
  • Thank you, let us prepare for it!


In the English language we are using capital letters while writing many times, this is called capitalization. There is a specific grammar rule for capitalization in English. This rule is known as TINS.

TINS rules for capitalization


Symbols also play an important role in writing any language. These symbols are known punctuations. These symbols are full stop(.), comma(,), exclamation mark(!), apostrophe (‘) etc. It is used to separate the different parts of a sentence for better reading and understanding.

PunctuationSymbolUse Example
Full Stop.To end the sentence and with full forms1) Goa is a beautiful Place.
2) A.T.M
3) Mr. Rakesh is Engineer.
Comma,Indicates a pose in a sentence and separates two or more things in the sentence1) Mr. Sagar, Mr. Varun, and Mr. Amit are good friends.
2) After my morning breakfast, I usually take coffee.
Question Mark?It ends the question1) Where are you going?
2) What are the next topics?
Exclamation mark!It indicates very strong feelings1) What lovely hairstyles he has!
2) Wow! What a fabulous catch he has taken!
ApostropheUsed followed by an ‘s’ to show possession or belonging and Used with shortened
form of words in informal speech.
1) This is Divya’s place.
2) That’s amazing work.

Basic Parts of Speech

The word’s function in meaning and grammatical structure inside the sentence is indicated by the part of speech. For example nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, etc.

parts of speech - Unit 1 Communication Skills II Class 10
Part of speechRoleSentenceWord
It is used with the replacement of nouns
NounsIt refers to a person, place, animal, thing or ideaNisha plays Carrom very well.
Here ‘Nisha’ and ‘Carrom’ are nouns.
PronounsIt is used with replacement of nounsNisha plays Crrom very well. She won many competitions. She was awarded many prizes.
Here ”She” is a replacement for Nisha
AdjectivesWords used to describe other wordsNisha plays in a world-class Carrom tournament.
Here ‘world-class’ is an adjective that describes the noun Carrom
VerbsWords that indicate actions in the sentenceNisha drives a car daily.
Here drive word indicates the action performed by Nisha.
AdverbsIt answers the questions about verbs. Nisha slowly parked the car.
‘slowly’ indicates how the car is parked.

Supporting parts of speech

supproting parts of speech
Supporting parts speechUseExample
Articles Generally used before nouns
an – before the vowel
a – before consonant
the – refers to a specific/particular word
The player was surprised because he was fined by a committee
Joins two nouns, phrases or sentencesGenerally used before nouns
an – before the vowel
a – before a consonant
the – refers to a specific/particular word
Sachin and Sehwag were good openers.
PrepositionsConnects one word with another to usually answer the questions ‘where’, ‘when’, and ‘how’.The book is on the table.
InterjectionsExpresses strong emotions, such as
happiness, surprise, anger or pain.
Oh no! India lost the match.

Follow this link to read the questions on the topic of writing skills – part of speech.

Important question part of speech

Writing Skills – Sentences

Framing sentences requires a subject and a verb, and a few of them have an object also.

Comprehensive notes Unit 1 Communication Skills Class 10

In a sentence the subject performs an action generally, a verb describes an action and the object receives an action.

Types of object

There are two types of objects in the sentence. They are:

  1. Direct
  2. Indirect

The object which directly acted on by the verb is called a direct object whereas the object which answers a question such as to/for who is called an indirect object.

Types of Subjects

Observe the given sentences:

Suhas is playing guitar.

The guitar is being played by Suhas.

In the above sentences, the verb is playing. But the subject is different. In the first sentence, the subject Suhas performs the task. In the second sentence, the subject is Guitar which receives an action. Hence, Sentence 1 is an Active sentence whereas a Passive sentence.

A sentence where the subject performs the task is an Active sentence. Whereas a sentence in which the subject receives an action is known as a Passive sentence.

There are four types of sentences apart from active and passive voice sentences. They are given in the below diagram:

types of sentences - writing skills class 10


A group sentence makes a paragraph that shares a common thought idea or theme. A group of words forms a sentence and a group of sentences forms a paragraph.

For example, if you writing a paragraph about Virat Kohli, the paragraph can be of sentences about his personal information like name, age, personality etc. and some other details.

In the next paragraph, you can use more description about his cricketing skills and career as well as his achievements.

Watch this video for more understanding:

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Important solved questions writing skills

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Important MCQs for Part A Employability Skills Class 10

That’s all from Unit 1 Communication Skills II Class 10. If you have any doubts or queries as well as your opinion about this article, feel free to share in the comment section.

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