In this article, you will get a complete and comprehensive guide about project work class 10 IT 402. This year, CBSE has specified that the project work should be done in LibreOffice\OO base and the documentation should be prepared in LibreOffice\OO Writer. So here, I will be sure to provide you with the complete solution. Let’s start!

LibreOffice\OO Base Project Work Class 10 IT 402

According to the information technology code 402 class 10 syllabus, students need to submit project work for the practical assessment. This project work carries 10 marks in the practical assessment.

The important point given by cbse in the curriculum are as following:

  1. Any Interdisciplinary Real World Case Study to be taken.
  2. Summarized data reports of same can be presented in base.
  3. Input should be taken using forms and output should be done using reports using base.
  4. Documentation of the case study should be presented using writer.
OO Base Project Work Class 10 CBSE IT 402
LibreOffice\OO Base Project Work Class 10 CBSE IT 402

So here I will provide you with one sample of the LibreOffice\OO Base project that should be done for your practical assessment of CBSE IT 402. Here we go!

How to start with LibreOffice\OO Base Project Work Class 10 IT 402?

In this section of LibrOffice\OO Base Project Work Class 10 IT 402, I will guide you through how to start with the project work. So decide the topic on which you want to submit the project for real-world case study.

Here, I have taken a case study for the school to maintain the staff details in an organized way. I have selected 2 tables to do this project work.

  1. Departments
  2. Staff

Concepts used in LibreOffice\OO Base Project Work Class 10 IT 402

To prepare a summarized report for the case study you need to use the following concepts of OO base for the LibreOffice\OO Base Project Work Class 10 CBSE IT 402.

  1. Create Table
  2. Insert data
  3. Operations tables
  4. Queries
  5. Forms
  6. Reports

Project reports for LibreOffice\OO Base Project Work Class 10 IT 402

My LibreOffice\OO Base Project Work Class 10 CBSE IT 402 includes the following reports:

  1. All staff members and department details
  2. Deparment location wise
  3. Staff according to department
  4. Staff according to designation
  5. Staff according to type of appointment (regular/probation/ad-hoc etc.)
  6. Staff report on the level of seniority
  7. Staff report subject wise

So now let’s start with how to prepare these all reports using LibreOffice\OO base for OO Base Project Work Class 10 IT 402.

Watch the video for understanding:

Creating tables for LibreOffice\OO Base Project Work Class 10 IT 402

The LibreOffice\OO Base Project Work Class 10 IT 402 starts with creating required tables. Here I have taken two tables for my project as mentioned earlier. You need to prepare the list of fields for both of the tables and determine their data types for data used in the table.

Observe the structure of the following table which I have used for my LibreOffice\OO Base Project Work Class 10 IT 402.

Structure of tables

The departments’ table has 3 main fields as follows:

FieldData TypeConstraintDescription
Dep_IDInteger (Auto)Primary KeyHolds a unique id for each department
DepNameTextStore department name
DepLoationTextStore the location of the department like senior setion, middle section etc.

Another table used in this LibreOffice\OO Base Project Work Class 10 IT 402 is the staff. the structure of the staff table is as follows:

FieldData TypeConstraintDescription
Staff_IDInteger(Auto)Primary KeyHolds unique if for each staff member
StaffNameTextHolds the staff member name
DateofJoiningDateHolds the date of joining
StatusTextHolds the status out of regular, probation, contractual etc.
SubjectTextHolds the subject taught by a teacher
QualificationTextHolds qualification of teacher
Department_IDIntegerHolds department id of the staff

Create tables for Project Work Class 10 IT 402

Create the required table in any of the modes in the LibreOffice\OO base. If you don’t know how to create a table, click here. After creating a table insert the required records into that. After creating a table, create forms for entry purposes.

Create forms and report for Project Work Class 10 IT 402

To insert new records or edit existing records forms are created. These forms contain fields required for the table. If you don’t know how to create the form, click here.

After creating forms create reports as discussed earlier for the Project Work Class 10 IT 402. If you don’t know how to create reports, click here.

Download the project file in LibreOffice\OO writer.

IT 402 Class 10 LibreOffice\OO Base Project Writer Documentation

I hope it will help you to create Project Work Class 10 IT 402.

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