In this article – Important Practical questions Class 10 IT 402 – Digital Documentation Advanced, we are going to share some practical questions for class 10 IT students. So here we go!
Practical questions Class 10 IT 402 Digital Documentation Advanced
Objective: Saving a template as a default template in LibreOffice writer.
Task: Save above-downloaded template as your custom default template.
Assignment 4
Objective: Changing the template from default to custom
Task: Open OO writer and change the default template to custom template using the following formatting:
Font: Verdana, Font Size: 14 pt, Font colour: Automatic
Main Headings in the template: Font – Verdana, Size – 24 pt, Font colour – Blue
Heading level 2: Font – Verdana, Size – 20 pt, Font colour – Maroon
Heading level 3: Font – Verdana, Size – 18 pt, Font colour – Red
Now write a complete article on Generation of Computers and save it. Use the above formatting for different contents of the document.
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Now in this article, Important Practical questions, Class 10 IT 402 – Digital Documentation Advanced, following practicals are based on Create and Customize table of contents topic.
Assignment 5
Objective: Creating and Understanding the use of headings and the hierarchy of headings.
Task: Write a complete chapter from your text in OO writer. Choose any one chapter. Use the proper level of headings in the document.
Assignment 6
Objective: Creating a table of contents
Task: Add a blank page on top of the page. Now create a table of contents for the document.
Assignment 7
Objective: Updating the table of contents.
Task: Add a part of the questions and answers in the previously typed chapter. Apply proper headings like objective type questions, Descriptive Questions, Short answers questions etc. Update the table of contents.
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Now the following practicals are based on working with tables in a digital document topic for Important Practical questions Class 10 IT 402 – Digital Documentation Advanced.
Assignment 8
Objective: Insert a table using an insert ⇉ table command and data into a table.
Task: Create the following table using insert ⇉ table command in OO Writer and insert data.
Apply autofit option: distribute columns evenly
Save your file with the name: Inter-House Cricket final Score Board – Red House
Assignment 9
Objective: Insert a table using the standard toolbar
Task: Create the following table using insert table option from the standard toolbar in OO Writer and insert data.
Apply autofit option: distribute columns evenly
Save your file with the name: Inter-House Cricket final Score Board – Blue House
The next portion of Important Practical questions Class 10 IT 402 – Digital Documentation Advanced will focus on table formatting.
Assignment 10
Objective: Selecting columns and applying to format
Task: Apply different background colours to rows and columns (Use colours of your choice)
The next section of Important Practical questions Class 10 IT 402 – Digital Documentation Advanced provides you the practical questions based on some commands.
Assignment 11
Objective: Understanding and use of table various commands
Insert a row above the first row and merge all cells and write heading: Inter-House Cricket final Score Board – Blue House.
Insert an image in front of heading and split merged cells into two columns and one row
Align the text and image properly
Insert a row below the second row and insert data: 3, Akashay, Not Out, 85, 53, 6, 3
Delete a row 5 having data of Nirbhay
Insert columns after 6s column and give the heading strike rate and calculate the strike rate manually and write it accordingly
Insert row below the last row for a total
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Now following practicals are based on implementing the mail mergetopic for Important Practical questions Class 10 IT 402 – Digital Documentation Advanced.
Assignment 12
Objective: Implement mail merge
Task: Write a letter to invite your parents and other guests to attend the annual day function of your school and merge them. Create a data source with at least 10 addresses.
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That’s all from the article Important Practical questions Class 10 IT 402 – Digital Documentation Advanced. Start your practical assignment, if you are facing any problem feel free to comment.