Creating an Impressive Practical File for CBSE Class 10 Information Technology with LibreOffice is very important for students have opted Information Technology in class 10. So let’s begin now!
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Introduction to Practical File for CBSE Class 10 Information Technology with LibreOffice
For CBSE Class 10 students pursuing Information Technology, the Practical File is a crucial part of their assessment. It consists of practical records of LibreOffice tools such as Writer, Calc, and Base practical problems. This article provides a structured approach to creating a Practical File with relevant assignments and detailed instructions.
As per the curriculum Practical File for CBSE Class 10 Information Technology with LibreOffice requires 5 problems of each LibreOffice tool. So here we go!
The practical assessment for CBSE class 10 Information technology is as follows:
S. No | Component | Marks |
1 | Practical Examination – Writer – Calc – base | 5 5 10 |
2 | Project Work/Field Visit | 10 |
3 | Portfolio/Practical File | 10 |
4 | Viva Voce | 10 |
Total | 50 |
Structure of Practical File for CBSE Class 10 Information Technology with LibreOffice
The practical should be well organized with desired practical work records throughout the academic year. Here some suggested components which makes your practical file for CBSE Class 10 Information technology with libre office in presentable manner. They are as follows:
- Cover Page
- Title: Practical File for Information Technology
- Student Details: Name, Roll Number, Class, School
- Subject Teacher’s Name: [Name of Your IT Teacher]
- Academic Year: 2024-25
- Table of Contents or Index
- List all assignments with page numbers.
- Certificate
- Brief overview of the practical work and its importance.
- Practical Assignments
- Each assignment should include a title, objective, procedure, steps, queries and outputs.
Here I will attach each components formats:
Practical File Cover Page
The cover page consists of basic information about the subject and yours. The sample is attached here:

Practical File table of contents/Index
The index or table of contents of practical file can be prepared to provide summary of the assignments done in practical file with Assignment number, Particulars, Date of Practical and Signature of teacher. The sample is as below:
S.No | Particular | Date | Signature |
1 | Creating Styles | 05.04.2024 |
The certificate is a proof of records that has been carried out and provide them an acknowledgement of their work. The certificate includes the details of student and no. of practicals done by them throughout the academic year. Here one format is attached.

Download Cover Page, Certificate and Index page
Download Initial Pages for Practical file from here:
Download Practical file Information Technology Class 10 with LibreOffice
Download Complete practical file for Information Technology Class 10 with LibreOffice:
Download Practical File for CBSE Class 10 Information Technology with LibreOffice
Follow this link for chapter wise NCERT solutions for Information Technology class 10.