If you are searching for IT 402 Practical file Class 10 then you are landed on the right web page. Yes, I will guide you through how you can prepare IT 402 Practical file Class 10 with the best sample. So let us start!
Topics Covered
The structure of IT 402 Practical file
According to the CBSE syllabus for class 10, Part D is considered as a Practica File or Portfolio IT 402 Class 10. The structure of practical assessment as follows:
S.No | Practical Activity | Marks |
1 | Practical Examination Writer Question – 5Spreadsheet Questions – 5Database – 10 | 20 |
2 | Project work in OO Base | 10 |
3 | Practical File | 10 |
4 | Viva Voce | 10 |
Total | 50 |
The structure for the same is as follows:
S.NO | Details | Marks |
1 | Portfolio or practical file should contain printouts of the practical done using Writer, Calc and Base with minimum 5 problems of each | 10 |
So you need to prepare 5 problems from each of the following topics:
- Digital Documentation (Advanced) – OO Writer
- Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced) – OO Calc
- Database Management System – OO Base
So let’s start with the 5 problems based on OO Writer.
OO Writer problems for IT 402 Practical file Class 10 2022-23
The practical concepts included for OO writer problems are as following:
- Create and apply styles in the digital document
- Insert and use images in the digital document
- Create and Use templates
- Create and customize the table of contents
- Implement the mail merge
Create and apply styles in the digital document
[1] Type a paragraph with at least 100 words and create below given styles as instructed:
- Headings : Font name: Font name: Times New Roman, Size: 24 , Color: Red. Give the style name: DreamHeading (Use create style from selection command to create style)
- Paragraph: Apply Style Text Body from the Style Gallary
- Quote: Font Name:Broadway, Size:16, Colour: Blue, Alignment: Center. Give the style name: DreamQuot
Just have look at more practical questions on Create and apply styles in a digital document.
Insert and use images in the digital document
[2] Prepare a document in OO writer and do the following:
- Create a new document in OO Writer and Type a paragraph.
- Insert a picture of your choice.
- Adjust the picture at top left to the paragraph.
- Insert some shapes and write additional text into the sahpes.
The output should be something like this.

Get more questions on Insert and Use Images in the digital documents.
Create and Use Template
[3] Create a document in OO writer and do as directed below:
- Prepare a template for the leave application writing format.
- Apply formatting as required.
- Set this template as a default template.
- Change the default template to custom template. Change the formatting as you wish.
Create and customize table of content
[4] Prepare a document with different headings and apply a table of contents to it.
Implement the mail merge
[5] Write a letter and use the concept of mail merge with 5 addresses.
Read more practical questions for IT 402 from here.
OO Calc problems for IT 402 Practical file Class 10 for 2022-23
The practicals from Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced) are as following:
- Analyse data using scenarios and goal seek
- Link data and spreadsheets
- Share and review a spreadsheet
- Create and Use Macros in spreadsheet
Analyse data using scenarios and goal seek
[1] Prepare worksheet as given below and do as directed:
- Create a new file in spreadsheet software and enter data for 10 salesmen.
- Add two worksheets in the file and modify the data for all 3 quarters.
- Rename all worksheets like sheet1 – 2018, sheet2 – 2019 and sheet3 – 2020.
- Now add one more worksheet at the end and rename as consolidated sheet.
- Now type the serial no and names as displayed, use sum function to add data for 2018, 2019 and 2020 in respective cells using consolidation.
[2] Prepare a worksheet as:
Link data and Spreadsheet
- Create a new file in spreadsheet software.
- Enter the data such as Roll no, GR NO, First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Father Name, Mother Name.
- Enter records for at least 15 students.
- Rename this worksheet as “Student Profile”.
- Insert 3 new worksheets and rename as “Periodic Test I“, “Periodic Test II” and “Periodic Test III” respectively.
- In the Periodic Test I worksheet create a reference for Roll No, First Name, and Last Name columns from Student Profile by using the keyboard.
- In the Periodic Test II worksheet create a reference for Roll No, First Name, and Last Name columns from Student Profile by using the mouse.
- In the Periodic Test III worksheet create a reference for Roll No, First Name, and Last Name columns from Student Profile as you wish.
- Apply sheet tab color as follows:
- Profile – Red
- Periodic Test I – Green
- Periodic Test II – Blue
- Periodic Test III – Yellow
- Now enter the marks for different subjects in the worksheets.
- Delete the Worksheet Perdioc Text III.
[3] Data Consolidation and Hyperlink
- Insert a new worksheet and rename as “Consolidated Worksheet“.
- Create different references from the Student Profile and Marks to consolidate the result.
- Move the worksheet to the end of the workbook sheet tab.
- Insert a new worksheet at the beginning.
- Create a hyperlink to move to a particular worksheet from the newly inserted worksheet.
- Delete hyperlink for the consolidated worksheet.
[4] Share and review a spreadsheet
- Create a new worksheet, enter data as you wish.
- Save your worksheet with your desired name.
- Enable sharing for your worksheet.
[5] Multiple Operations
A student is planning her goals about the marks she should attain in the forthcoming examinations in order to achieve a distinction (75%). Assuming that the examination of each subject is for 100 marks, her marks for PT 1 and Term 1 are given as under.
English | Maths | Science | |
PT 1 | 72 | 63 | 54 |
Term 1 | 70 | 69 | 80 |
Find out how many marks should she obtain in term 2 to secure 75%.
OO Base problems for IT 402 Practical file for 2022-23
OO base or Unit 3 Database Management System has 5 main sessions. The practical concepts are as following:
- Create and Edit tables using wizard and SQL commands
- Perform operations on Table
- Retrieve Data using the query
- Create forms and reports using a wizard
Follow the below-given link for the practicals of DBMS:
List of Practical Questions Unit 3 Database Management System
Download the PDF for IT 402 Practical file
Download – IT 402 Practical File
What is it practical file 2021-22?
IT practical file 2021-22 needs to be submitted by a student as a practical record.
What are the important concepts for IT practical file 2021-22?
There are three important concepts for IT practical file 2021-22 as follow:
1. LibreOffice Base
2. LibreOffice Calc
3. LibreOffice Writer
How many questions should be included in IT practical file 2021-22?
There should be 5 questions that needs to be included in each topic.