In this article, we are going to provide you with the IT 402 Practical Assignment Unit 1 Digital Documentation (Advanced) for class 10. 

IT 402 Practical Assignment Unit 1 Digital Documentation

In this post, we will provide you with the list of practical assignment for the Digital document advanced part 2 insert and use image topic. So do these lab activities to save them for board practicals for IT 402 Practical Assignment Unit 1. 

Assignment 1 – Insert Image

Objective: Insert image into document and format the contents
Task: Type the following paragraph in OO Writer and follow the given instructions:
Practical questions IT 402 Digital documentation advanced
Practical questions IT 402 Digital documentation advanced


  1. Insert a computer picture from Gallery on top of the paragraph.
  2. Search a computer picture from and download in your computer and insert in the document. 
  3. Resize the picture as it fits in your document. 
  4. Crop image 2 and remove the unwanted part. 

Watch this video for practical demo:

Assignment 2 – Create a Drawing using shapes

Objective: Creating drawing objects
Task: Create different drawing objects from the drawing objects gallery.
IT 402 Practical Assignment Unit 1 Digital Documentation Advanced (Session - 2)

If you missed the notes on insert and use images in digital documents, follow the below-given links:

Now assignment 3 and 4 of IT 402 Practical Assignment Unit 1 Digital Documentation Advanced (Session – 2) is based set or change of drawing objects. 

Assignment 3 – Set or change of drawing

Objective: Set or change of drawing objects
Task: Apply the following properties to the shapes.
  1. Change the border colour of all shapes. (Select any colour of your choice)
  2. Change the fill colour of Basic Shape and Symbol shapes.
  3. Change the border styles of Ellipse to Fine Dashed.
  4. Apply gradient fill to Arrows symbol.
  5. Apply transparency – Axial to a rectangle. 

Assignment 4 – Applying properties to shapes

Objective: Set or change of drawing objects
Task: Apply the following properties to the shapes.
  1. Change the border colour of all shapes. (Select any colour of your choice)
  2. Change the fill colour of Basic Shape and Symbol shapes.
  3. Change the border styles of Ellipse to Fine Dashed.
  4. Apply gradient fill to Arrows symbol.
  5. Apply transparency – Axial to Rectangle. 
  6. Drag Rectangle over Ellipse and bring ellipse in front of the Rectangle. (Keep in mind that rectangle should be bigger than an ellipse.)
  7. Flip basic shape vertically.
  8. Drag symbol shape over the basic shape and send it to back.
  9. Rotate symbol shape. 

Watch this video for more understanding:

Assignments 5 and 6 of IT 402 Practical Assignment Unit 1 Digital Documentation Advanced (Session – 2) is based on positioning the image with text in digital documents. 

Assignment 5 – Positioning the image

Objective: Position the image with text
Task: Write the following paragraph and insert relevant image in a file and place it as displayed in the following screenshot.
Practical question Insert and use images in digital document
Practical question Insert and use images in digital document




Assignment 6 of IT 402 Practical Assignment Unit 1 Digital Documentation Advanced (Session – 2) is based on positions the image into the digital document. 

Assignment 6 – Wrapping text with images

Objective: Position the image with text
Task: Write 10 to 15 lines about your native city and use a few pictures at relevant places. Add an image in the background like the watermark. 
So start your practicals now, if you have any doubts feel free to comment. We will reply and provide a solution. Share the post with your friends and community.

Follow this link for session 1 practical questions:

Create and Apply styles practical

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