In this section, we are going to cover the questions from entrepreneurial skills class 10 very short answer and short answer questions.
1 Mark Questions
[1] I refer to the type of self-employment where one is running a business to satisfy the needs of people and looking for ways to make the business better to make profits. – Who am I?
Ans. The qualities of entrepreneur are as following:
1. Confident
2. Patient
3. Creative and think differently
4. Take responsibility for their actions
5. take decisions after thinking
6. Hard working
7. Don’t give up
Note: Kindly write the qualities as desired in the question such as 1 or 2 in 1 mark.
[3] Rohan is working for a private organization and gets paid for that work whereas Manish has started his own business to satisfy the needs of people. Identify the profession of Rohan and Manish.
[5] Diya and Bhavya both own a shop. Bhavya is sitting at her shop always and sells whenever a customer visits her shop. Whereas Diya walks around and get a customer at her shop and she is working to do more and grow her business.
She added different ideas for that. Identify the role of Bhavya and Diya.
[12] Mohan is sitting in his shop. A customer came to his shop and shouted at him without any reason. But Mohan did not get angry. He listened to him. Name this quality of an entrepreneur.
[13] Manthan has started a catering service in his area. But due to a few reasons, he couldn’t make a profit in it. He stopped working on this idea and apologies to the people involved for the work and promised to work better in future. Which quality of an entrepreneur, he demonstrate here?
[15] Mahesh needs to purchase raw materials from farmers for his business. He is purchasing the materials from another state where he is not doing business. Here he pays more cost. The local farmer approached him for supplying the raw material. He started purchasing from them at a lower cost and stopped from another state. Here which function he is performingas an entrepreneur?
[24] Dev is struggling with his competitors in providing online teaching due to some initial ups and downs. But now he has opened two new branches of his institute in nearby cities. Identify this step.
In the next section of IT 402 Class 10 Term 2 Important Questions, I am going to discuss 2 marks questions from the entrepreneurial skills class 10. So here we go!
Ans. Entrepreneurship is the type of self-employment where one is running a business to satisfy the needs of people and looking for ways to make the business better to make profits.
Ans. An entrepreneur has following queries:
1. Confident: Entreprenesrs are confident. They believe in themselves and their abilities.
2. New Ideas: They are always trying new ideas in their business.
3. Patient: They are patient. They listen their customer’s feedback and suggestions. They never make any decision in hurry.
4. Creative: They are always creative. Creativity helps them to come up with new ideas for their business.
5. Take responsibilities: They always take responsibilities for their actions.
6. Take decisions: They take decisions after thinking about them.
7. Do not give up: Whenever they face any difficulty they do not give up.
8. Work Hard: They work hard and fulfil customers need.
[3] Differentiate between wage employed and self-employed people.
Wage Employed:
1. They work for a person or organization
2. They get paid for their work
3. He just do the work assigned to him
4. They never take any risks
Self Employed:
1. They start their own business
2. They try to satisfy the need of people
3. They always trying to make his/her business better by taking risks
4. They always trying new ideas
[4] How do entrepreneurs help in growing the area and society?
Ans. Entrepreneur run their business local market. The local people buy the product form market. Customers can use their services from local market only. By this process of selling and buying they help everyone involved in the selling buying process. Hence they earn money from it and this way the area and society grows.
[5] What do entrepreneurs do when they run their businesses?
1. They fulfil customer needs.
2. They use local material and people to make products at low cost.
3. They help society by working towards saving environment, give donations to build schools and hospitals etc.
4. They create jobs in the local market.
5. When entrepreneurs becomes successful they share their wealth for better society and quality life.
[6] What are the functions of entrepreneurs? Explain any two of them.
Ans. The functions of an entrepreneurs are as following:
1. Making Decisions: An entrepreneur makes decisions everyday. It includes what to produce or sell, how much and where to cell etc.
2. Managing the business: Making a successful plan and its execution is one of the important functions of an entrepreneur. Managing starts from arrangement of raw material, hiring people for work and tell people what to do and also ensures that the planning is being followed or not.
3. Divide Income: The business money needs to be divided into different heads. An entrepreneur spends money to buy material, pays rent of the building and salaries to the people.
4. Taking risks: Risk is the chance of going something wrong. Sometimes fires, item loss and theft can affect business. So an entrepreneur has to think about these all risks.
5. Create a new method, idea or product: An entrepreneur always trying new ideas and new things.
[7] What are the myths/misconceptions of an entrepreneur?
Ans. The myths/misconceptions of an entrepreneur are as follows:
1. Every business idea needs to be unique or special.
2. A person needs lot of money to start a business.
3. A person having big business is an entrepreneur.
4. Entrepreneurs are born not made.
[8] Identify the misconceptions associated with the following statements:
Nayan started a small shop for stationery. But he doesn’t call himself an entrepreneur.
Rakesh has an idea to host a website to build various courses. He has very less money to invest. So he has not started the website.
Milan has a mobile shop in the market where so many other mobile shops are already there. He doesn’t call himself an entrepreneur.
Anil is coming from a middle-class family. He has an idea to start up a shopping mall in his area. But he couldn’t start.
1. Every business idea needs to be unique or special.
2. He needs lot of money to start a business.
3. A person is having big business is called an entrepreneur.
4. Entrepreneurs are born, not made.
[9] State the truth behind the misconceptions of entrepreneurs.
1. Every business idea needs to be unique or special: In the market the business are common but each entrepreneur working on customer demand and brought a new idea to fulfil the demand of customer. So he/she take an idea from market and do something different in it.
2. A person needs lot of money to start a business: To start a business you need to invest money but not lot of money. A person can start with a small scale and grow it gradually by earning and makes his business bigger.
3. Only a person having a big business is an entrepreneur: No business is big or small. If a person is running a business to fulfil a customer need, they are an entrepreneur.
4. Entrepreneurs are born, not made: Sometimes, we think only some people have the talent for doing business. An entrepreneur is a person who does whatever it takes to make the business successful. Being an entrepreneur any person starts with a way of thinking. he must believe that anything is possible and it shall be achieved.
Ans. An entrepreneur goes through a career process:
1. Enter: This step is considered as starting the business. When the person starts a business he/she entering into the market.
2. Survive: Today’s market has heavy competition. An entrepreneur has to remain in a competitive in the market. There are many entrepreneurs in the same kind of business.
3. Grow: After starting a business, if it is stable and going good, an entrepreneur thinks about expanding his or her business.
[11] Differentiate between an entrepreneur and a businessman.
1. Entrepreneur: An entrepreneur starts an enterprise with a new ideas or concept or a better way to offer an existing idea or concept.
2. Businessman: A businessman is someone who sets up a business with an existing idea offering products and service to customers.
Ans. The bule print of a business that includes studies to assess the feasibility of the market, an assessment of the resources required to run the enterprise and the problems that may possibly faced is known as blue print.
Watch this video for more understanding:
Part B Subject-Specific Skills
Now in this section of IT 402 Class 10 Term 2 Important Questions we will discuss subject-specific skills questions and answers. There are two units in Part B Subject Specific skills.
Digital Documentation (Advanced)
Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced)
Database Management System
Web Applications and Security
Important Questions Digital Documentation (Advanced)
So let’s start with important questions from digital documentation advanced. Follow the links given in the tables to read questions and answers from digital documentation (advanced) class 10.
So let us start with Unit 3 Database Management System Class 10. In term 1 we have considered the first two sessions from this unit. So here I will consider from Session 3 – Perform Operations on Table. So here we go!
Important Questions Unit 3 Database Management System Class 10 IT 402
We have already covered these topics in Term 1. Follow the links for topic wise questions and answers:
Ans.: delete from customer where orderdate>=”2022/03/22″;
[9] Satyam wants to set the value for the serial number which is going to be incremented itself when anew row will be inserted. Which option he should use for this purpose? Suggest the name of the properties.
Ans.: To insert data in OO Base tables follow these steps:
1. Select the table from the database objects window.
2. Double click on the table in which you want to insert data.
3. The table will open in datasheet view.
4. Now type the required data to the end of the table.
[2] What do you mean by field properties? How to set the field properties?
Ans.: A field property is a particular characteristics of a field can be applied to the field to change the structure of a table.
To set field properties follow these steps:
1. Select the table
2. Right Click
3. Select the option edit
4. The Table design window appear where the different field properties are available.
[3] Differentiate between Auto Value and Default Value.
Ans.: AutoValue and Default Value both are field properties. Autovalue set to yes if field needs to get the auto incremented value, otherwise no. Default value set to a fixed value when user don’t provide any value while entering the values the fixed value will be taken into the field.
[4] Write a few advantages of referential integrity.
Ans.: The advantages of referential integrity are as following:
1. It saves the time as there is no need to enter the same data in separate table.
2. It reduces data-entry errors.
3. Summarize data from related tables.
4. Delete and modify the matching records from a primary key table deleted or modified.
[5] Explain how to create a relationship using the insert menu from the relation design window.
Ans.: To create a relationship using the insert menu from the relation design window follow these steps:
1. Click on Tools – Relationship
2. Now click on Insert – new Relationship
3. Select the appropriate options for the relationship from the window.
4. Click on OK.
[6] Enlist the options available under update and delete options in the relations window.
Ans.: OO base support 3 types of relationships:
1. One to One
2. One to Many or Many to One
3. Many to Many
1. One to One: In this relationship both tables must have primary key columns. Example: In the given tables emp and dept, empno and deptno is primary key in dept table. So in relationship these two fields are used for one to one relationship.
2. One to many or Many to one: In this kind of relationship one of the table must have primary key column. It means that one column of primary key table is associated with all the columns of associated table. As above example, emp and dept tables, empno is primary key for the emp table.
3. Many to many relationship: In this kind of relationship no table has primary key column. It means that all the columns of primary key table are associated with all the columns of associated table.
If you are looking for more questions follow this link:
Ans.: Query is used to collect specific information from the pool of data. A query helps to join information from different tables and filter that information.
[5] Ronit is a learning Database. Where he notices people pronounced SQL with a different word but he doesn’t remember what it was? Suggest your answer for the same.
[12] Ishika is writing a query, where she needs to display only practical marks from total marks and theory marks from exam_results table. Write a query to get practical marks from total marks and theory marks. The column names are total for total marks and theory for theory.
Ans.: select * from exam_results order by total asc;
[16] Priya wants to sort the records of students in the descending order of marks scored by students. She knows the command but forgets only the keyword which is used to get the result in descending order with an order by clause. Write that keyword.
[17] Manisha is working as a team leader. She wants to update the salary of her department employees. She wants to open SQL command window for the update command. She forgets how to open SQL command window to update the records. Help her by suggesting the answer.
Ans.: To create a query using wizard follow these steps:
1. Select queries option from the main database window.
2. Select and click on Use Wizard to Create Query…
3. Now select fields and table for the query.
4. Select sorting order, search conditions, aliases and overview respectively and click on Finish button.
[2] Nilesh is working in Krishna Automobiles. His manager told him to perform a query to return records for his Ahmedabad branch. He is going to use the option to create queries using design. Write the steps.
Ans.: Follow these steps to create a query using design view:
1. Click on queries button from the main database window.
2. Choose the option Create query in Design view.
3. Now add desired tables for the queries.
4. Now select fields and criteria then save the query.
[3] Explain the parts of the query design window in SQL view.
Ans.: The query design window in SQL view has following parts:
1. Output Window: It will display the output after executing the query.
2. SQL Window: This part accepts the SQL commands.
[4] Enlist some of the operators used in SQL command in where clause.
Ans.: Where clause in SQL requires various operators. These operators are:
1. Relational Operators: (=,!=,<,>,<=,>=)
2. Logical Operators: (and, or, not)
3. Pattern matching: like
4. Null Value handling: with is and is not
5. Range Searching Operator: Between…and
6. Membership operator: in, not in
[5] Explain the update command with syntax and example.
Ans.: Update command is used to modify the records in a table. It is one of the DML commands. The syntax for update command is as following:
update set = value, [columnname=value,…] where ;
Example: update emp set comm = sal * 0.1 where comm is null;
retrieving data using queries Unit 3 Database Management System – 4 marks questions
[1] Observe the following table (examresult) structure and determine the appropriate data type and constraints for the table as per the given specification then write a query to create a table:
Create table command:
create table examresult
(rollno int(4) primary key,
sname varchar(20) not null,
marks Decimal(5,2) default 0,
grade varchar(20));
[2] Aman is working in a multinational company. He wants to maintain records of employees in the database and create a database to keep a track of all the records. Help him to write the following commands:
i) Create a table emp with the following structure:
Data Type
Primary Key
Not Null
ii) Write SQL command to insert a record of your choice
iii) Write SQL command to add new column comm with int datatype.
i) select * from student where stream=’commerce’;
ii) select * from student where class in(’12B’,’12D’)
select * from student where class =’12B’ or class=’12D’;
iii) update percentage=64.15 where name=’Mahek’;
iv) delete from student where percentage<60;
[4] Consider the following table – candidate and write queries given below:
i) Display the candidates for PCM subject
ii) Display names of candidates whose admission is pending in ascending order of name.
iii) Display the records of PCB candidates whose marks are less than 70.
iv) Display the name, fees and subject of candidates whose fees are more than 400.
i) select name from candidate where subject=’PCM’;
ii) select name from candidate where status=’pending’ oder by name;
iii) select * from candidate where subject =’PCB’ and marks < 70;
iv) select name,fees, subject from candidate where fees > 400;
[6] Consider the following table teacher and write the given queries below:
Kamlesh Mali
Praveen Singh
Hemisha Patel
Alauddin Sayed
Computer Science
Dipti Agrawal
Krunali Prajapati
Computer Science
i) Display the information of Maths and Computer Science subject teachers
ii) Display the information of teachers who are getting salaries in the range of 45000 to 75000
iii) Display the information of teachers whose age are more than 45 years
iv) Display the name of teachers along with a report on how many years remain for their retirement
i) select * from teacher where subject = ‘Maths’ or Subject = ‘Computer Science’;
select * from teacher where subject in( ‘Maths’, ‘Computer Science’);
ii) select * from teacher where salary between 45000 and 75000;
select * from teacher where salary >=45000 and salary<=75000;
iii) select * from teacher where age>45;
iv) select name, 60-age “Year of retirement” from teacher;
[7] Observe the table store and write queries given below:
Cadbury India
Dark Fantasy
i) Display the records in the descending order of rate
ii) Display the itemname, supplier from Gujarat and Rajasthan.
iii) Delete a column city
iv) Display the information of items whose price is more than 30 and the supplier is Amul.
i) select * from store order by rate desc;
ii) select itemname, supplier from store where state in (‘Gujarat’,’Rajasthan’);
iii) alter table store drop column city;
iv) select * from store where rate > 30 and supplier = ‘Amul’;
[8] Observe the following table team and write queries given below:
House Keeping
HR Head
HR Manager
i) Display the information whose name ends with sh.
ii) Identify the primary key and justify your answer.
iii) Display name, department, and salary of an HR department.
iv) Display the information with a 5% of increment in salary for admin department team members.
i) select * from team where name like ‘%sh’;
ii) The jobid field can be a primary key as it contains unique records. Jobid for each team member is unique.
iii) select name, department, salary from team where department =’HR’;
iv) select salary+(salary*0.5) from team where department=’Admin’;
In the next section of IT 402 Class 10 Term 2 Important Questions I am going to discuss important questions from the next session CREATE FORMS AND REPORTS USING WIZARD. So here we go!
[1] Ayushi is learning OO Base. She wants to provide an interface to users that allows them to view, enter and change data directly in database tables. Suggest the database object fulfils her need.
Ans.: Forms are used to display the records. Some forms can be used for data entry model. Some forms used to modify the content driectly from the table.
[2] What are the steps involved in creating a form using a wizard?
Ans.: To create a form using wizard follow these steps:
1. Field Section
2. Set up a sub form
3. Arrange Controls
4. Set Data Entry
5. Apply Styles
6. Set Name
[3] What are the options available under arrange controls?
Ans.: The arrange controls has following options:
1. Label Placement
2. Arrangement of Item on the main form as DataSheet, Columnar Labels Left, Columnar Labels top, In Blocks – Labels Above
3. Arrangement of the subform
Forms provides an interface to users to view, add, modify in both table and queries.
Reports are presented forms used to present formatted summaries or lists of the data from one or more tables or queries.
[5] Manan is working on the form. He is going to create a form to add new records only. Enlist all the options available for data entry in the form wizard.Write the option which helps Manan to fulfil his need.
Ans.: The form wizard in OO base provides following options for data entry:
1. The form is to be used for entering new data only. Existing data will not be displayed.
2. The form is to display data
a. Do not allow modification of existing data
b. Do now allow deletion of existing data
c. Do not allow addition of new data
Option 1 will help Manan to fulfil his need.
[6] What are the styles available for designing a form? Write any four styles.
Ans.: There are three options for border in the form wizard:
a) No Border
b) 3D Look
c) Flat
[8] Shital has almost finished all the steps and she wants to continue with the form. What are the options available for her after setting up the name of the form?
Ans.: Follow these steps to add record through form:
1. Create a new form or Open an existing form
2. Find the button Add Record
3. Enter the desired details in the form
4. Save record.
[10] Ritesh wants to delete a record using the form. Help him to finish this task.
Ans.: Follow these steps to delete records using form:
1. Create a new form or Open an existing form
2. Navigate the form on which record needs to be deleted
3. Find the delete record button
4. Press the delete record
Ans.: Follow these steps to modify the record:
1. Create or open a form
2. Navigate the form on which records needs to be modify
3. Enter new details
4. Click on Save
[12] Kunjan wants to display data in a summarized manner from the queries and tables. Which database object will fulfil his requirements. Define the object which is used to do this task.
Ans.: Kunjan can use reports to display data in a summarized manner from the queries and tables.
Reports refers to a database object which is used to generate the overall work outcome in a clear format.
[13] What are the main steps required to create a report through the wizard in the oo base?
Ans.: To create a report follow these steps:
1. Click on report section under database in OO Base database window.
2. Click on Use wizard to create report option under the tasks.
3. Follow the wizard steps as directed
4. Save the report
[14] Rashmi wants to create a report. She wants to customize the labels in the report. Suggest how she can fulfil the task?
Ans.: After selecting the fields in wizard the next step is labelling fields. This step allows to customize the label. It accepts the default label as field names. Type the label text to customize the label. Repeat the procedure for all fields and move towards the next step.
[15] Zeel is working in a domestic company and she wants to display state-wise records in the report. Write steps so she can do this task easily.
Ans.: In report wizard, after customizing the label, next step allows to grouping the records. Select field to display the records. Here Zeel needs to add the state field for grouping. And move further.
[16] Explain sorting options present in Create Report wizard in OO Base.
Ans.: The sorting option in create report wizard in OO base used to sort the records and place them on the report accordingly. Use can sort 4 fields in ascending or descending order. The option Then By provides multiple field selection for sorting.
[17] Explain the options provided in the step choose the layout in OO base to create a report wizard?
Ans.: The choose layout step of OO Base create report wizard has following options:
1. Layout of data: This option allows to select a pre-defined layout for data in the report.
2. Layout of header and footer: It sets the header and footer of the report.
3. Orientation: It can be either portrait or landscape. User can choose as per his choice.
[18] Explain the options supported in the step create report the final step of creating report wizard.
Ans.: The final step of OO base report wizard has following options:
1. Title of report: Type the desired of the report.
2. Select the option to choose kind of report required by user.
3. User can select statics or dynamic report.
4. Finally used can modify or create the report.
Now in the next section of IT 402 Class 10 Term 2 Important Questions we are going to cover the questions from unit 4 web applications and security.
Important Questions Unit 4 Web Applications and Security IT 402 Class10
Let’s start this section with questions and answers from unit 4 web applications and security topic wise.
accessibility options – 1 marks questions
[1] Bhavin is a class 10 IT student. He read somewhere about the concept that the friendliness of computer systems for all regardless of their disability. Help him to recall the concept.
Ans.: The various impairments are as following:
1. Cognitive Impairments
2. Visual Impairments
3. Hearing Impairments
4. Motor or dexterity impairments
[4] Which utility provides the customization of keyboard, display or mouse settings to assist people with impairments in computer systems?
Ans.: Ruchik can follow the below given steps:
1. Right click on Start menu.
2. Select settings.
3. Got the accessibility tab.
or type control access.cpl in run command.
[7] Vats is working on accessibility options. He wanted to change the keyboard settings. But he is not getting the correct way to do so. Suggest a proper way for him to complete his task.
Ans.: Vats can launch accessibility options from settings and select the option make the keyboard easier to use.
[8] Which accessibility option of keyboard setting helps computer users with physical disabilities and is also used by others as a means to reduce repetitive strains?
Ans.: The features of sticky keys are as following:
1. Help users with physical disabilities
2. Help users to reduce the repetitive strain
3. Allow users to press and release a modifier key such as Shift, Ctrl , Alt or Windows Key and it remains active until any other key is pressed
[10] Ram is working on computers. Someone has turned on sticky keys on the computer. How he know about this?
[15] Tarun is suffering from vision impairments. He wanted to use computers. Name the option which should be activated for him from accessibility options.
Ans.: When toggle keys are activated, the computer emits sound cues when the locking keys are pressed.
[17] The option is designed for users having auditory impairments. While using computers such options generatevisual warnings like blinking a title bar or a flashing border whenever computer generates a sound.
Ans.: The features of high contrast are as following:
1. It assist people with vision impairments.
2. User can change the size and colour of fonts and background as they wish.
[22] Rahul wants to know what the cursor options will do in the accessibility options? Suggests answer to him.
Ans.: Rimpy has to follow these steps:
1. Open the accessibility options and click on make the mouse easier to use.
2. Now click on Mouse Settings link and click on Switch primary and secondary buttons under general tab.
[24] Enlist the tabs available for the mouse settings window.
Ans.: After turning on the mouse key, user need to turned off the num lock key. Ritu is working while turning on the num lock hence the mouse keys are not working.
[29] Write the mouse cursor movement by pressing the following num lock keys:
1. Visual Impairments: Low-vision, complete or partial blindness, colour blindness
2. Hearing Impairments: Deafness, Partial Hearing Loss
3. Motor or Dexterity Impairments: Paralysis, repetitive strain
[5] Avinash has activated the sticky keys. Now he wanted to check that its working or not, write steps to be followed to see the effect of sticky keys.
Ans.: Avinash needs to follow these steps to see the effects of sticky keys:
1. Click on Start – Search Notepad.
2. Type at least 4 to 5 lines.
3. Place the cursor at the beginning.
4. Press CTRL key and any letter on keyboard.
Here he can notice that the entire text has been selected because it is similar as CTRL + A.
[6] Leena wants to see the effect of filter keys while working on computers. Suggest steps to help her.
Ans.: Leena can follow these steps to see the effects of filter keys:
1. Open notepad.
2. Type something.
3. Try to type some repeated characters or letters.
4. Notice the repeated characters are ignored.
[7] Vanshika is working on a laptop. Where she notices whenever she is pressing NUM lock or CAPS lock or SCROLL lock computer plays a beep. Which accessibility is activated on her laptop? How it is activated?
Ans.: She may has activated toggle keys option from accessibility options. The steps are :
1. Open ease of access center.
2. Click on make the keyboard easier to use option.
3. Find the option turn on toggle keys under the option make it easier to type.
4. Chek both option and click on Apply and OK.
[8] Vijay is working as a hardware engineer in the company. The company has signed an AMC contract for schools where children with special needs are studying. He is instructed to prepare a computer lab with computers that help students having auditory impairments. Suggest how he can prepare such computers which help the students to use them easily?
Ans.: Vijay can enable the sound sentry option in all the computers which are used by the students having auditory impairments. To do this he need follow these steps:
1. Open ease of access center.
2. Find and click on the option use text or visual alternatives for sounds.
3. Check the option Turn on visual notification for sounds and select appropriate option.
4. Check turn on text captions for spoken dialog also then click on Apply and OK button.
[9] Vijay has enabled sound sentry in the computers. Where he checked a few systems but till some of the systems are left. He instructed Laxmi to check the sound sentry is working properly or not. How Laxmi can check this?
Ans.: Laxmi has to make an error to see the effect of sound sentry. The steps are:
1. Click on Start – Run.
2. Type anything in the run command which not relevant to any program. For example, word instead of winword.
3. She can notice that the desktop will flash for a fraction of second along with visual error sound code.
[10] What is the significance of ShowSounds option?
Ans.: ShowSounds option instructs the applications that convey information by sound and also provide information visually through text captions or informative icons. Windows 11 provides this option along with sound sentry option in the control panel.
[11] How to activate high contrast theme on computers?
Ans.: The steps are:
1. Open accessibility options window through control panel.
2. Find and click on the option make computer easier to use.
3. Click on the option choose high contrast theme under High Contrast.
4. Click on Apply and OK.
In the next session of IT 402 Class 10 Term 2 Important Questions I will discuss questions from Session 2 networking fundamentals of Unit 4 Web applications and security for IT 402 Class 10. Here we go!
Ans.:Computer network refers to collection of computers connected together for sharing resources and information. They are interconnected through communication channels or cables or satellite.
[2] Nirav is learning network about networking architecture. Suggest the kind of network architecture he is going to learn.
Server: The server is the computer which performs dedicated tasks and provides services to the other devices in the network.
Client: The client is the computer which use the services from servers.
[5] Identify the type of network:
A network connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area and offers very high speeds and connects printers and peripherals
Ans.: Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard internet protocol suite to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, academic, business, and government networks.
Ans.: Internet is idely used by students, educational institutes, scietists, and professionals to gather information fo research and general information.
Ans.: A web browser is a software that helps to view the web page that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia information and navigate between them via hyperlinks.
[13] Identify: A computer stores websites and their related files for viewing on the internet
DSL – Digital Subscriber Line
PSTN – Public Switched Telephone Network
HSPDA – High-Speed Downlink Packet Access
EDGE – Enhenced Data for Global Evolution
WiMAX – Wireless Interoprability for Microwave Access
WAP – Wireless Access Point
WiFi – Wireless Fidelity
[21] Shailesh is using an internet connection where he is dailing a number every time when he wants to connect to the internet. Which type of connectivity he is using?
Ans.: The characteristics of internet are:
1. It is a global system of interconnected computer networks.
2. It uses standard internet protocol to serve billions of users worldwide.
3. It is network of networks.
4. It is one of the most useful technologies of modern times that help us in our daily, personal and professional life.
[3] “The Internet is the largest encyclopedia for all age groups.” Justify this statement.
Ans.: The internet helps in maintaining contact with friends and relatives who live across different locations via internet chattings and email. Internet also become a major source of etnertainment for general public. So it the largest encyclopedia for all age groups.
Ans.: ISP stands for Internet Service Provider. It is an organization or company that the access to the internet via dial up or direct or wireless connection. Choosing connectivity depends on the availability of a particular technology, speed and connection type.
Ans.: Modem Modulator-Demodulator. A modem is a device that convert digital signals to analog signals. These signal can travel over phone lines. It also re-converts the analog signals back into digital signals.
In the next section lets discuss 4 Marks Questions -Networking Fundamentals IT 402 Class 10.
[1] What is a network? Explain the types of network architecture.
Ans.: Network refers to a collection of computers and other hardware components interconnected by communication channels that allow sharing of resources and information.
There are to kinds of network architecture:
1. Peer to Peer (P2P) Architecture
2. Client-Server Architecture
1. P2P Architecture: In this architecture, all computers have an equal status. Each node or workstation or computer has an equally comptent CPU.
2. Client-Server Architecture: In this architecture, certain computers have special dedicated tasks, providing services to other computers in network. The computer which provide services are called servers and the computers use those services are called client.
[2] Javed is applying for a network administrator in a multinational company. Where he has asked to explain LAN and WAN in brief. Suggest an answer to him.
1. LAN: It stands for Local Area Network. It connects computers and peripherals in limited geographical area. The connections are limited school, home, computer lab, office building, or closely positioned group of buildings. LAN offers high speed data transfer and uses ethernet cables.
2. WAN: It stands for Wide Area Network. It covers broad area. It covers metropolitan area, regional or national boundaries. The internet is the most popular example of WAN. It is used by large organizations, business, governments, NGOs, entertainers and many others.
[3] Chandani is appointed as an IT administrator in a multinational company. The company is thinking to start the internet in its various branches. So they asked Chandni to prepare a presentation about the internet. Now Chandani is going to make a PPT on the same. Help her by answering the following questions to make PPT.
What is the internet?
Who is using the internet?
How to it is going to be helpful for the company with respect to maintaining databases?
Ans. :
1. Internet refers to teh global system of interconnected computer network that use the standard internet protocol suite to serve millions of users worldwide.
2. Internet is widely used by students, educational institutes, scinetists and professionals across the world.
3. Internet is capable to handle and access complex databases. It can create and maintain database online. There are few applications which support this feature.
4. Internet help employees to maintain contact with clients across different locations via chatting systems and email. Employees can communicate between themselves using chatting and emails as well.
[4] Harpreet is an IT student. She is going to learn the concept of the Web and technologies. Help her by answering the following questions.
1. WWW stands for Worl Wide Web. It is a system of interliked hypertext documents access via the internet.
2. A web browser is software used to view web pages and provides an interface between users and WWW. For example Google Chrome, Mozila Firefox etc.
3. A web browser allows to view the information from web pages which contains text, images, videos, other multimedia and allows to navigate through different hyperlinks.
4. A website is collections of related web pages. A web page is developed using HTML, and sctipring language that contains the information in form of text, images, videos, other multimedia and hyperlinks.
Ans.: The advantages of networking are as following:
1. Data sharing: You can share your files easily using networking. So once the file is created multiple copies are not required anyone can share in the network and work upon.
2. File transfer: Network users can share their files such as documents, spreadsheets, videos, PPTs among other network users.
3. Hardware Sharing: The peripherals can be also shared in the network such as printers, network drives etc.
4. Internet Access Sharing: The internet connection can be also shared. Onlu on one connection can be distributed between many computers and networks as well.
5. Cost Saving: By using network the devices, files, and internet connections can be shared within the network. This reduces the cost of purchasing new device for every location. The device can be placed to one central location and can be used anywhere .
[6]Amit and Rajendra are students of class 10. Their teacher assigned a project for them to choose the ISP for internet connection. and make a list of internet connectivity options. So they are searching for relevant information. Help them by suggesting your answers for the same.
Ans.: To use internet internet conenctions are required. These internet connections are provided by ISP (Internet Service Providers). Basically ISPs are organizations or companies offering various plans for an internet.
Amit and Rajendra have to choose the company providing internet in their local areas such as Airtel, Vodafone, Jio etc. They can choose the internet connectivity from these:
1. Dial-up
2. DSL
3. Internet Cabel Connection
4. WiMAX
5. WiFi
[7] Param is confused about selecting the internet connectivity type for his company. Write an explanation about the internet connectivity options and clear his confusion.
Ans.: The internet connectivity options are as following:
1. Dial up: It uses PSTN to establish a connection to an internet service provider. A devices called Modem will be provide by an ISP company. User has to dial a particular number to connect with an internet.
2. DSL: It proivde internet access by transmitting digital data over wires of a local telephone network. DSL service is provided with telephone lines and internet connection. DSL filter removes high frequencies interference, enabling simulataneous use of telephone and data transmission. It can be accessed through a Modem and subscription.
3. Cabel Internet Access: This connectivity uses the cable TV infrastructure. Internet can be accessed through cable TV networks.
4. WiMAX: It provides wireless mobile broadband internet connection. It covers cities and countries through a variety of devices. It covers many kilometers in length. It is useful in such areas where DSL or Cabel internet is not feasible.
5. WiFi: WiFi internet connectivity allows an electronic decive such as computers or mobile phones to exchange data wirelessly over a network, including high-speed internet connections. Internet can be access through WAP. It is the most suggested for offices, school campus, shopping malls, coffee shops, resorts mostly offer free or paid wifi.
[8] Manisha purchased a brand new laptop for her study. She wanted to use the internet through WiFi. Suggest steps on how she can use the internet on the laptop?
Ans.: Manisha has to follow the below given steps:
1. On laptop there is a key to turn on the WiFi. Turn on WiFi.
2. Select on WiFi icon on system tray.
3. Seelct the detected wifi.
4. Click on Connect.
[9] Write a short note on data transfer on the internet.
Ans.: The data transfer on the internet is done through the following steps:
1. Information on internet is divided into small packets. Each packet is sent from computer to computer until its find its destination. Each computer on the way decides where the next packet to be sent. All packets may hav etheir different routes.
2. Once the packet reaches to its destination, packet will be examined. If any packets are missing or damaged, a message for sending it again will be sent. This process continues till all packets have beed received.
3. Finally all the packets reassembled into the original form.
[10] Shaurya is working as a network engineer. His boss asked him to prepare a list of common questions that should be answered to choose an appropriate internet plan. Make list for him.
Ans.: These are some common questions needs to be considered while taking proper internet connection:
1. What is the purpose of getting this connection?
2. Will you use the connection regularly?
3. How much data will be dowloaded on an average per month?
4. How much speed do you need?
5. What technology is avialable in your area particularly?
6. What are the different plans available from the ISP?
7. Is there any limitation or catch for the selected plan?
Now in the next section of IT 402 Class 10 Term 2 Important Questions we are going to discuss questions from the topic introduction to instant messaging. So here we go!
Important questions Introduction to Instant messaging Class 10 IT 402
We will start this topic IT 402 Class 10 Term 2 Important Questions – Introduction to instant messaging as usual with 1 mark questions then 2 marks and finally 4 marks questions. So let’s start now!
Let us start with 1 mark questions Introduction to Instant Messaging Class 10.
[1] Ashwin wants to communicate with his friend frequently who is far away from his location. Which software help him to fulfil his need?
[3] Anurag is working as an IT engineer. He has asked to make a list of operations performed by instant messaging software. Help him to complete his task.
Ans.: Some instant messaging software allows to view and read the message while the users are not logged on. This type of messages are called offline messages.
[5] Shreya wants to use IM software and video call her friend. What are the peripherals she needs to do this efficiently?
Ans.: Intsant Messaging refers to do live chatting. Sending message using an app or software instantly or immediately where a person can respond immediately.
[2] What are the uses of Instant messaging software?
Ans. : IM software are used for following purposes:
1. Personal use
2. Commercial use
3. Instant response for a query
4. Instan support and feedback
5. Audio and Video conferencing
6. Online teaching and training
7. Online Meestings
[3] How IM software is different from other online services like email, groups etc?
Ans.: Instant Messaging offers rela-time and immediate response from the participants, which is spontaneous. It allows record the call and screen while conversation. This recording can be used in future as well. Some IM software support offline messages as well.
[4] Kiran is using IM software daily for his work. Help him to note down key features of IM Software.
Ans. : The fearues of IM software are:
1. Text messages can be sent to one or more person
2. Audio Calling and Conference
3. Video Calling and Conference
4. File transfer
5. Message history
6. Screen sharing
[5] Differentiate between application based IM software and web-based IM software.
Chatting with a contact important questions Class 10 IT 402
In this section of this article IT 402 Class 10 Term 2 Important Questions we are going to discuss questions from chatting with a contact topic. So let’s start now!
In the next section we will discuss 1 and 2 marks questions chatting with a contact.
[1] Alpesh has created a profile on messenger. Now he wants to start chatting with his friend. How he can start?
Ans.: an online used indicated online through a green dot in front of her display name. So she can find the names appears with green dots they are online.
[3] Rekha found 3 friends online when she signed in to her messenger profile. Now she wants to chat with a friend. How she can start?
Ans.: Rekha has to select the username who is online. To select online user she has to double click on the username and chat window appears then she can start typing a message.
[4] Janki wants to send the message received from her friend Ketaki. Which option is useful for her?
Ans.: When then name isn’t reflected on the screen of the reciever , the sender has to introduce himself or herself first. Then (s)he can start the coversation.
[7] Swarnim is always typing an entire message in capital letters. Is it the correct method or not?
Ans.: The etiquettes followed while chatting are as follows:
1. Message should be short and to the point.
2. She must introduce herself when the name doesn’t appear on the screen.
3. Always ask the person has time to chat first, however how important she think the onversation, its not goes well if the person is busy.
4. She must know exactly what she want to say.
5. She shouldn’t type the message in Upper Case as it is considered as shouting and aggresive.
6. She need to give people time to respond.
7. At the end she must end conversation properly.
In the next section of IT 402 Class 10 Term 2 Important Questions we are going to discuss questions on the topic of creating and publishing blogs. Let us begin!
Creating and Publishing web pages – Blog
Let us start this section with 1 mark of questions. So here we go!
[1] Ravi is a class 10 student. He has some unique ideas in art and drawing skills. He wants to share his idea with people. Suggest the best way to share his idea and get a response from the audience.
Ans.: Ravi can start his blog and share his ideas where he will get response from the audience.
[2] Mitesh is a class 10 student and learning the topic of creating and publishing web pages – Blog. Where he read something like a discussion style site used by non-techies for creating web pages as well as an online personal diary and simple to use. What it is?
Ans.: Once the blog is created, the contents should be submitted that bloger want others to view. This process if called posting content.
[8] Hetvi has created a blogpost. Now she wants to write an article on how she got succeded in her sports event. She has written something on top which focus on keywords to attract the audience. What she has written over here on top of the blogpost?
Ans.: To create a blog account on wordpress Priyesh has to follow these steps:
1. Open the browser and type in the address bar.
2. Find the button start your website and click on it.
3. Enter a valid email address in your email address field choose username and password or select the option continue with Gogole or Continue with Apple.
4. Enter domain name you want for your blog.
5. Select any domain name from the given list and create a blog.
[3] Charvi wants to post content on her WordPress website. Write steps to create a new post.
Ans.: to create a post, follow the given steps:
1. Login with username and password in wordpress.
2. Click on Posts – Add New button.
3. Type the title in Add Title text box.
4. Now start typing for the content.
5. Click on Publish when you finished.
[4] Dimple is reading an article on a blog. She wants to give feedback through comments on the blog. Help her how she can proceed with the same.
Ans.: The comment option is available towards the end of a blog. Look for the options like leave a comment, leave a reply etc. and then follow these steps:
1. Type the comment text in enter your comment here box.
2. Enter email in Email(required) field.
3. Enter Name in Name(required) field.
4. Enter website URL in website field , if any.
5. If you want follow up by email then select the option notify me of follow up comments via email and click on post comment option.
[5] Write a short note on Qumana including launching the app and adding a blog.
Ans.: Qumana a free blog editor app that is simple and easy to use. It can be downloaded from and installed. Once it gets installed it can be used to manage blogs. To launch Qumana:
Click on Start – Qumana – Qumana or Double click on Qumana short cut icon on the desktop. Add the blog account to use Qumana by entring the URL of the blog and click on next. Login with blog account, finally click on Finish button.
[6] Jasmin has her blog in Qumana. Now she wants to write and publish a post and then want to view the published post in Qumana. Help her to fulfil her needs.
Ans.: Jasmin has to launch the Qumana. Then she has to click on New Post. A new windows appears indicating the post title and content containter. Type the relevant text and add the content here. Click on Publish button when finished. This post will be automatically added to the blog.
To view the published content, open the web browser and type the blog address.
[7] Write steps to insert an image or picture in the blog.
Ans. Follow these steps to insert an image or picture in the blog.
1. Launch qumana.
2. Click on browse to locate the image to be inserted in the blog.
3. Click on ‘Browse’ ans select the image.
4. After selecting the image click on Upload and Insert.
5. Click on Publish or update post.
Ans.: The benefits of online transactions are:
1. Fast transaction speed
2. Convinience
3. Low risk of theft
[4] Hetal is going to place an order online on Flipkart. But she doesn’t know the payment modes available on Flipkart. Help her by listing the various modes of payment.
Ans.: Flipkart privdes following options for payment:
1. Credit card
2. Debit card
3. Net Banking/ Inernet Banking
4. Cash/Pay on Delivery
5. UPI
[5] Rutvik is paying money from his phone through an app whenever he is doing online shopping. Enlist some UPI based apps that provide online payment facilities.
Ans.: Online transactions made every transaction very convenient and simplified the workflow in many forms in a business. Online transactions deals with transfer of money over the internet. It makes transaction hadnling very easy and convinient.
Ans.: Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce where customers can buy or sell goods over the Internet. Customers need to have an active internet connection for viewing goods or services offered by a seller; customers can pay online using a credit, debit card or by internet banking.
[3] Simran is a class 10 IT student. She missed a few classes when her teacher taught online transactions topics. She is not familiar with the concept of online shopping. She wants to know the situations where online shopping is useful and suggests the situations.
Ans.: In the following situations onlie shopping is useful:
1. A customer does not have sufficient time to visit stores.
2. Visiting a store is more expensive than purchasing a product online.
3. A product or service that is not available in the local market is available online.
[4] Mention some popular online transactions websites.
Ans. To book online railway ticket follow these steps:
1. Login in IRCTC website or app.
2. Find the trains from source and destination. Enter the required details such as source, destination, date of journey, and class of jorney etc. and click on search.
3. Now the list of trains and classes are available select the desired train and availability.
4. Click on Book Now and Select the passengers.
5. Now it will ask to pay money, choose appropriate method for online payment.
6. When the trasnaction will be finalized you can see the satus of tickets.
[6] Chirag is going to plan the journey from Ahmedabad to Jaisalmer, Rajasthan by bus. Help him to book an online ticket from redbus.
Ans.: To book online ticket from red bus Chirag has to follow these steps:
1. Open browser and type in the address bar.
2. Search for bus, enter from his place Ahmedabad and to Jaisalmer and select date of journey.
3. Check view seats option and click on the desired seats and click on proceed to book ticket.
4. Go to the payment option.
5. Follow the steps and finish booking, download your ticket.
Follow the below-given link to read questions and answers to topic online transactions:
Ans.: A strong password is a combination of alphanumeric and special characters could be used for creating a password that is not so easy to crack or guessed by other users.
[7] Mention some passwords which are easy to remember but could not be kept as they can be easily guessed by the hackers.
1. Use strong password (Combination of capital letters, small letters, numbers, symbols etc.)
2. Change the password frequently (atleast 2 or 3 weeks)
3. Keep the password 12 to 14 charcaters long
4. Aoid password based on repitition, dictionary words, letter or number or sequence, username, relative or pet names
5. Avoid using same password for multiple accounts
6. Avoid using something that the public or workmates know you strongly like or dislike
[3] Write steps to generate a strong passwordusing
Ans.: Follow these steps to generate strong password using
1. Open
2. Click on generate strong password.
3. Notice the password displayed under new password.
4. Always keep copies of personal data in additional media such as compact discs, pen drives.
5. Keep data away from unauthorized users.
[4] How are antivirus and antispyware software useful?
Ans.: Antivirus and Antispyware programs also offer real-time protection monitoring your computer for any changes by malware software. Keep your Antivirus and Antispyware software always up to date, this can help in protecting your computer from recent threats.
[5] Nobody should immediately respond to emails from unknown users. Why?
Ans.: This type of emails may be fake mail trying to gather information such as bank account details, home address etc. Some mails could promise jobs or announce lottery results which in turn could compromise the user. In some cases some email contains virus or scripts that are dangerous could be attached to the mail never open the attachment from an unkonw source.
[6] What are cookies? How to clear browser cookies?
Ans.: Coockies are programs that are created on your local computer when you visit websites. cookies are meant for storing data based on activity performed during earlier visits. Cookies stores logon details, details of a shopping cart, visited pages in a website etc. They could be also tracaked by unauthorized users and possibly gain access to personal information.
To clear browser coockies follow these steps:
1. Open the browser and click on at the top right corner.
2. Click on more tools.
3. Click on clear browsing data.
4. At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select all time.
5. Next to “Cookies and other site data” and “Cached images files” check the boxes.
6. Click clear data.
Important Questions Maintain workplace Safety
In this section of IT 402 Class 10 Term 2 Important Questions we are going to discuss questions on the topic maintain workplace safety.
[1] Mention basic safety rules to follow at the workplace.
Ans.: The basic fire safety rules for an organization are as following:
1. Fire escape plans must be installed at proper levels
2. Conduct regular drills
3. Smoke alarms must be placed at proper intervals
4. Keep workplace a no-smoking zone
5. Maintenance of safety equipment must be taken care of regularly
[4] What are the falls and slips safety rules? Write them.
Ans.: Some falls and slips safety rules are as following:
1. Keep the moving area clean and clutter free.
2. Workplace must be proper ventilated receive light.
3. Wear non slippery footwear.
4. Floors must be clean and dry
5. Oil slips, dust must be immediately cleaned.
[5] Amit is working in an electronics company as a senior engineer. He is called for a seminar to explain safety rules for electrical equipment. What are these rules can be, write them?
Ans. : The safety rules are as following:
1. Electrical equipment used should be approved by a recognized organization.
2. Workers should be trained to handle the eletric equipment safety
3. Damaged and hazardous electrical equipment should be immediately replaced. All old and workout and frayed switches and wires should be changed.
4. Heat emanating equipment should be kept away from the electical equipment.
5. Take care that the outlets/circuits should bot be overloaded.
6. Switch off and unplug the electrical appliances before cleaning or relocating them.
[6]Ms Reeta is working as a teacher. Now she is given the duty of first aid in-charge. She wants to know about first aid and the rules for first aid. Suggest first aid and its rules.
Ans.: First aid is the immediate assistance provided to the injured to save life and miminize health loss till the proper medical aid/facility. Some rules of fire safety are :
1. Assure the injured to remain calm and not to panic
2. Keep them warm if they are under shock
3. Do not move the victim in case of back/neck injury
[7] What do you mean by occupational hazard? Mention some examples.
Ans.: An occupational hazard is the illness one may acquire due to his occupation. For example, like people working in a chemical factory may get affected due to presense of certain chemicals. Some occupational hazards are: Physical hazard, chemical hazard, biological hazard, behavioural hazard, radiological hazard, ergonomic hazard etc.
Ans.: Accident is an unplanned event that may happen if all of a sudden and may lead unwanted or unprecedented results/outcomes.
In other words, it can be defined as an unfortunate incident that occurs unintentionally causing hazardous result or injury or unwanted results.
Ans.: Some accident types are as following:
1. Accidents at workplace: Slips and fall accidents, fire
2. Industrial diseasae/illness
3. Road traffic accidents
4. Clinical Accdients
5. Sports related accidents
[3] What are the common injuries suffered include?
Ans. Accidents can handled properly by taking care of these points:
1. Every organizations must follow SOP for accident handling.
2. Safety measures must be placed to prevent workplace accdients
3. Immediately call the medical team for any injury
4. Always stay alert
5. Pay attention to and follow emeregency drills
[5] Any unexpected situation that needs immediate attention or action. Name that.
Ans.: Some emeregency situations are :
1. Threatens the employees, customers or the public
2. Disrupts or shuts down the operations
3. Causes physical or environmental damage
Ans.: Some kinds of emergencies are :
1. Chemical pills
2. Extreme heat waves
3. Doughts
4. Pandemics
5. Terrorists attack
6. Fire
7. Floods
8. Thunderstorms
9. Leakage of some hazardous gas/chemical
[8] Enlist some types of emergencies that require evacuation.