Unit 4 Societal Impacts IP Class 12 is the last unit of CBSE curriculum for class XII informatics practices. In this unit we are going to discuss topics related to digital world and health concerns related to the usage of technology. So let’s begin!
Topics Covered
Comprehensive notes Unit 4 Societal Impacts IP Class 12
As you all are aware nowadays, the world is totally changed and it’s a digital world. The technology has changed our lives with digital advancements and it impacts almost everyone’s life today. In this article – Comprehensive notes Societal Impacts IP Class 12 we are going to see all the factors and detailed information about the same.
If we consider any field the technology is playing an important role to make the work easy and comfortable for us. Whether we talk about communication, banking, transportation, education, etc. As per your syllabus topic let’s start the article Comprehensive notes Unit 4 Societal Impacts IP Class 12 with digital footprint.
Digital Footprint

The digital footprint word you may heard for the first time! May I right? If yes, then let’s understand the meaning of this in next paragraph of Comprehensive notes Unit 4 Societal Impacts IP Class 12.
Have you ever searched for any information on the internet? Have made any order online on Amazon, Flipkart or any other online shopping website? If yes, then have left some digital footprint there on websites.
Digital footprint refers to the data what you left on internet or provided to the internet through your search queries or any kind of online activity.
Now let’s talk about data as a digital footprint for Societal Impacts IP Class 12.
Data as a digital footprint
The digital footprint is created knowingly or unknowingly while using the internet. Wherever data is asked to fill up for the interaction you are leaving your digital footprint. Whatever data we are providing through the internet on websites or apps, it may be used for any purposes including showing relevant ads to your devices, or can be misused or exploited for any other purposes too! So while leaving them you should be very careful!
Types of digital footprint
There are two types of digital footprint:
- Active Digital Footprint: It includes data filled up through online forms, emails, responses given to e-mails or websites in the comments or feedback. The active digital footprints created by the user intentionally with their active consent.
- Passive Digital Footprint: It includes data generated by a website, mobile app or any other activity on the internet. The passive digital footprint is created unintentionally without user’s consents.
Digital footprint storage
The digital footprint can be stores at two places.
- Browser settings: If you have seen your browser history, cookies, passwords, autofill data etc.
- Web Server: Whenever we are using a website or app online, it asks for data like basic details such as name, email, user id, date of birth and so on. These data remains in the database of the website where the server is hosted. User cannot delete them.
In the next section of Societal Impacts IP Class 12, we will discuss net and communication etiquettes.
Net and communication etiquettes

Etiquettes refer to manners we are following for living a good life. Similarly, we have to abide by some manners and etiquettes online as well. You should be ethical, respectful and responsible while using the internet. So let’s begin with the net etiquettes for the article Societal Impacts IP Class 12.
Net ettiquettes
Observe the following image:

Be Ethical
While using internet, you should be ethical. Follow the following rules to be ethical on the internet.
- No copyright violation: While uploading media like audio, video, or images and creating content we should not use any material created by others without their consent. We should always try to make our own content or some time use loyalty free media having creative commons free license to reuse them.
- Share the expertise: You can share your knowledge to help people on the internet. There are many platforms like a blog, youtube, podcast and affiliate marketing etc. You should follow the simple stuff before sharing your knowledge on the internet.
- The information should be true
- You need to have enough knowledge about the topic
- Share the knowledge in your words, should not copy paste kind work
Be respectful
We should be respectful on the internet with following aspects:
- Respect Privacy: These are the most important things that need to be kept in mind always! As we are using the internet we are getting some personal images, files, videos, and some other data from other users. We should not share anything on the internet related to others without their consent. This is called respect for privacy.
- Respect Diversity: As on the internet we are following some forum, community, groups on social media like Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. So there is a different kind of people having different kind of mindset and opinion, knowledge, experience, culture and other aspects. So we have to respect their diversity in the groups or community or forum.
Be responsible
While using internet, we should be responsible whatever we are doing. Have a look at this:
- Avoid cyberbullying: Cyberbullying refers to the activities done internet with an intention to hurt someone or insult someone, degrading or intimidating online behaviour such as spreading or sharing rumours without any knowledge or fact check on the ground, sharing threats online, posting someone’s personal information, sexual harassment or comments publicly ridicule (mockery, tease). These type of activities have very serious impacts on the victims. Always remeber, your activities can be tracked thourgh your digital footprints.
In the next section of Societal Impacts IP Class 12, we will see the communication etiquettes.
Communication Etiquettes
Communication etiquettes refers to the rules or etiquettes followed while sending emails, chatting, sending SMS, call, posting on forums and social media. The communication etiquettes are as following:
- Be Precise: It means that whenever any communication is required we should be precise for the same. Respect the time and avoid some useless messages to forward or reply. Do not expect the instant reply. While sending attachments also you should avoid a large file as an attachment. If it required to be sent then send the link of cloud storage like Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox etc.
- Be Polite: In communication we should always be polite whether we are agree or disagree. We should reply politely for the communication without any aggression or abusive.
- Be Credible: While making a comment on forum we should decide the credibility over a period of time. We should always try to go through the previous comments and judge their credibility before typing a comment.
So I hope you understood the topics well, in the next section we will discuss more topics on the same unit 4 Societal Impacts IP Class 12. If you have any doubt or queries you can ask in the comment section.
Thank you for reading the this article.
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Notes prepared according to topics, Search using topics from syllabus