Ewaste Hazards and Management Class 12 is the one of the topics of Unit 4 Societal Impacts CBSE Class XII IP curriculum. So lets start it!
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Ewaste Hazards and Management Class 12

E-Waste refers to the garbage of electronic devices and gadgets like computer peripherals, laptop components, mobile phones and accessories, TVs, Tablets, Printers, Scanners. When these devices are not in use or damaged or not in a working condition becomes E-Waste.
Let’s start the article Ewaste Hazards and Management Class 12 with basics. As the use of electronic devices and gadgets increasing day by day. So the E-Waste is also growing at fullest speed. This is one of the greatest hazards for the environment. The garbage from these discarded products growing day by day and on the other side lack of awareness or skills to manage the discarded problem makes it worse.
The E Waste comprises of multitude of components, some containing toxic substances that can have an adverse impact on human health and the environment if not handled properly. In India, e-waste management assumes greater significance not only due to the generation of its own e-waste but also because of the dumping of e-waste from developed countries.
WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) is becoming a major concern day by day globally. It is near more than 5% of E-Waste from solid waste. So it very important to see that this E-Waste cause minimum damage to the environment and society.
In the next section of Ewaste Hazards and Management Class 12 I will talk about impacts on the environment.
What are the impacts of E-Waste on the environment?
The E-Waste impacts a lot in our environments. They are:
- Emission of gases
- Fumes in the atmosphere
- Discharge of liquid waste into drains
- Disposal of solid e-waste materials
The above listed points are contributing in the environment pollution either one or other way. The e-waste pollutes soil, water and air. When the e-waste dumped or thrown in landfills, the harmful chemicals seep into the soil and pollutes the soil.
Similarly when it reaches to the water surface or into the water of rivers, sea water or any lake or pond, it releases some particles into the water and this water becomes useless for humans, animals or for agriculture use.
When the particles loaded with heavy metals enters into the atmosphere it causes the air pollution. In the next section of Ewaste Hazards and Management Class 12 I will talk about impacts on the humans.
What are the impacts of E-Waste on the humans?
As you are aware that, electronic devices are made up of metals and elements like lead, beryllium, cadmium, plastics, etc. Out of these materials most of them are difficult to recycle. These materials are very toxic and unsafe for human beings because they may cause disease like cancer.
Here we are going to discuss some side effects of ewaste for Ewaste Hazards and Management Class 12. If the E-Waste is not disposed in proper manner, it is very harmful to us, plants, and animals. The dangerous effects of E-waste on human beings are:
- Most of the devices use batteries. In these batteries lead is used generally. When a lead enters the human body via food, water, air or soil it damages the human’s kidney, brain and central nervous system. It causes lead poisoning in children.
- When the circuits burnt for disposal, it creates a harmful chemical named beryllium. It causes skin disease or allergies or may increase the risk of lung cancer.
- Burning insulated wire causes neurological disorders due to copper.
- Some devices having mercury which causes respiratory disorders and brain damage.
- The cadmium which is generally used in semiconductors and resistors can damage kidneys, liver and bones,
- Plastic damages the immune system of the body and leads to stress and anxiety.
In the next section of Ewaste Hazards and Management Class 12, I will talk about how to manage it.
E-Waste management
The efficient disposal of e-waste is E-Waste management. It is not possible to dispose it completely but at certain level it can be reduced through Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.
- Reduce: Reduce the purchase of electronic devices by using some alternates or as per the need only. They can only be discarded only after their useful life ends. Good maintenance of these devices increases its life.
- Reuse: The devices can be modified and reused for other purposes. The discarded devices can be supplied or sold to someone who can use them. The process of re-selling old electronic goods at lower prices is called refurbishing.
- Recycle: Recycling refers to the process of conversion of electronic devices into something else which can be used again and again. The e-waste which cannot be recycled can be repaired, refurbished or re-used. Many NGOs provide doorstep services to collect e-waste.
In the next section of Ewaste Hazards and Management Class 12 I will talk about E-Waste management in India.
E-Waste Management in India

According to the Environmental Protection Act, 1986 – “Polluter pays Principle” means that anyone causing the pollution will pay for the damage caused. Any kind of violation will be punished according to this act. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has issued guidelines for the proper handling and disposal of e-waste. The guideline says that the manufacture of the product will be responsible for the disposal of the product when it becomes e-waste.
The Department of Information Technology (DIT) issued a comprehensive technical guide on “Environmental Management for Information Technology Industry in India.” The industries have to follow these guidelines for recycling and reuse of e-waste. Many companies started the process of recycling programs.
In the next section of Ewaste Hazards and Management Class 12 we will discuss some some impacts on health.
Impact on Health
Right now we are almost spending more than 4 to 5 hours in front of a computer screen or mobile screen or TV or gaming console or music or sound or related device. While doing work for long hours your posture means a lot. Because your posture can damage you physically as well as mentally. The following are some side effects of spending too much time on the internet or devices:
- The Internet can be addictive
- Can have a negative impact on our physical and psychological well being
- Muscle and joint problems
- Overuse injuries like swelling, pain, joint stiffness, weakness and numbness
- Eyestrain
So we can avoid such issues by following some tips and taking care of our body position and posture while using these devices. One of the branches of science – Ergonomics deals with designing and arranging such furniture, equipment and systems to make the work comfortable on computers. It helps to reduce the strain on our bodies such as fatigue, injuries etc.
Here are some points that will help to reduce the problems which are given in the topic Ewaste Hazards and Management Class 12. While sitting in front of a computer always keep in mind these points:
- Always take care of viewing distance and viewing angle
- The right position should be straight and with a 90 degree
- Always take support at your lower back
- Knee Angle and Seat Back angle should be a 90-degree angle
- Adjust the height of the chair
- Feet on floor for shorter people
I hope you enjoyed this article Ewaste Hazards and Management Class 12. If you any concerns related Ewaste Hazards and Management Class 12, feel free to ask in the comment section.
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