In this article, I am going to discuss some important Python viva questions computer science class 12 or computer science class 12 viva voce or computer science class 12 viva questions. Let’s begin!

Import computer science class 12 Viva Questions for projects

  1. Tell me about your project.
  2. Which concepts you have used for your project?
  3. What are the software and minimum hardware required for your project?
  4. How were you attracted to this project?
  5. Tell about the existing system.
  6. What is your proposed system to overcome the problems faced in the existing system?
  7. What is the future scope of your project?
  8. What are the advantages of your project to your clients?
  9. What are the limitations of your project?
  10. Which books/ study material websites you have used while making this project?
  11. What are your learnings from this project?
  12. Which skills you have acquired/enhanced by doing this project?
  13. Which communication skills you have improved while doing this project in the group?
  14. Name the software which you have used to complete your project?
  15. State any two fields or organization where you can implement your project.
  16. What is code optimization?
  17. Explain your role in developing your project.
  18. Explain the flow chart of your project.
  19. Elaborate your references you have used to developed your project.
  20. Why have you selected this project?
  21. What is the purpose of developing this project in group?
  22. Explain how you decopmosed your project work among the group members?
  23. What are the major activities you performed every day while developing your project?
  24. What is project deployment?
  25. What do you mean by front end and back end? How they are important in developing any such projects?
  26. Mention the modules and built-in functions you have used in your project.
  27. What are the main objectives of your project? How do you fulfill them in your project?
  28. What do you think about plagiarism? Is your project your original ideas or work or have you taken ideas from other software, website, or any other source?
  29. Mention any two incidents where you feel tensed or worried about your project work completion.
  30. Which real world problems are solved by your project?
  31. Explain the most important feature of your project.
  32. How your project handles the unexpected errors/exceptions?
  33. How you implemented a security in your project?
  34. Is your project single-user-based or multiuser-based?
  35. What is the time complexity of your project’s core algorithm?
  36. How you plan and developed your project structure?
  37. Do you know about any of these techniques such as Agile or waterfall model for project development?
  38. Which type of user interface you have used in your project?
  39. Which libraries you have used to design the interface?
  40. How you ensure that your projet is user friendly?
  41. Does your project is responsive for any device/platform/OS?
  42. Which testing techniques you have used to check the flaws of your project?
  43. Explain the process of testing in any project development.
  44. Do your project require internet to run?
  45. Is there any networking concept used in your project?
  46. What do you mean by API?
  47. What are the impacts of API in your project?
  48. How is your project safe from any unauthorized access or virus attack?
  49. How your project is aligned with the current market stratagies?
  50. Mention any three specific feedbacks you received for your project from client.

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Important computer science class 12 viva voce questions

Let’s start the viva voce questions on the topic of working with functions. Here we go!

  1. Which language translator is used by python?
    • Interpreter
  2. What are the built-in types available in python?
    • Numbers, Strings, Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries
  3. How python interpreter interprets the code?
    • Python interpreter interprets the code line by line.
  4. Name a few mutable data types of python.
    • Lists, Sets, and Dictionaries
  5. Name a few immutable data types of python.
    • Strings, Tuples, Numeric
  6. Name ordered and unordered data type of python.
    • Ordered – String, List, Tuples
    • Unordred – Set, Dictionaries
  7. What is the significance of a pass statement in python?
    • pass is no operation python statement. This is used where python requires syntax but logic requires no actions.
  8. What is slicing in python?
    • Python slicing is a statement of python that extracts a list of elements from the given sequence in the range of start and stop values with step value intervals.
  9. What are comments in python?
    • Python comments are nonexecutable text written in the python program to give a description for a statement or group of statements.
  10. What do you mean by forward and backward indexing?
    • Forward indexing refers to automatic indexing applied to the list or tuples or any ordered data type in python. It starts with zero.
    • Backward indexing refers to indexing starting from the end (backward) of list or tuples or any other ordered data type in Python. It starts with -1.
  11. How to print list l in reverse order in a single line statement?
    • print(l[::-1])
  12. Python string can be converted into integer or float?
    • If the string contains only numbers it can be converted into an integer or float using int() and float() functions.
  13. What do you mean by typecasting in Python?
    • Typecasting refers to changing the data type of Python from one to another.
    • It can be done in two ways:
      • Implicit
      • Explicit
  14. What is the difference between / and //?
    • / is used for division, // is used for floor division
    • / returns float as answer whereas // returns integer as answer
    • / gives you the number with decimal places whereas // gives you only integer part
  15. How to check the variables stored in same object in python?
    • The id() function returns the memory address of python object.
  16. What are the parameters of print() function? Explain.
    • The print function has three parameters:
      • message – Contains the message to be printed
      • sep – It is onptional parameter used to print a separator
      • end – It prints the endline character
  17. What is the significance of ‘else’ in loops in python?
    • Else block is written in pyton progrm when loop is not satisfying the condition. It gets executed when the while loop’s condition is false where as in for loop it executes when for loop ends normally.
  18. Divya is learning python. She wants to know the version of python using python programming statements. Please help her to accomplish her task.
    • >>> import sys
    • >>> sys.version
  19. How to remove the last element from a list?
    • To remove the last element from a list following ways can be used:
      • l.pop()
      • del l[-1]
  20. What is the difference between append() and extend() methods?
    • append() is used to add an element to the list to the last.
    • extend() is used to add multiple elements to the list.
  21. Consider the statement: L = [11,22,33,[45,67]], what will be the output of L[-2+1}?
    • [45.67]
  22. What is tuple unpacking?
    • Tuple unpacking refers to extracting tuple values into a separate variable.
  23. What are the two ways to insert an element into dictionary?
    • Method 1 – Modifying a dictionary with fresh key and value ex. d={1:’A’,2:’B’}; d[3]=’C’
    • Method 2 – With a function setdefault ex. d={1:’A’,2:’B’};d.setdefault(3,’C’)
  24. Samira wants to remove an element by value. Suggest her a function name to accomplish her task.
    • l.remove(value)
  25. How to remove all elements of a list?
    • There are two ways to remove all elements of list
      • Using clear – l.clear()
      • Using del – del l
  26. How del is different from clear?
    • del removes entire list object where clear() just removes elements and makes list empty
  27. What is a function?
    • A function is a subprogram and a smaller unit of a python program consists of a set of instructions and returns a value.
  28. Does every python program must return a value?
    • No, not every python program returns a value.
  29. What are the parts of a function?
    • A python function has the following parts:
      • Function header – Starts with def keyword followed by function name and parameters
      • Function body – Block of statements/instructions that define the action performed by the function, indentation must be followed
      • Function caller statement – writing function name including parameter values
  30. What are the needs of function in the python program?
    • Easy program handling
    • Reduce the size of the program
    • Reduce the repeated statements
    • Ambiguity can be reduced
    • Make program more readable and understandable
  31. How to call your function through python interactive mode?
    • Save a program if not saved and click on Run > Run Module or press the F5 button from the python script mode
    • Now interactive mode will appear with the message RESTART ……
    • Write a function call statement with function name and list of parameter values in the brackets
    • A function call statement is just like a function name with required parameters
    • Press enter and supply input as per requirements
  32. What are void functions? Explain with example?
    • The void functions are those functions that do not return any value.
    • Python function which does not contain any return statement and having a bunch of different print statements are called void functions.
    • Python supports a special object “nothing” or None datatype.
  33. Observe the following lines of code and identify function definition or function caller statement:
    • myfun(“TutorialAICSIP”,2020) – function caller with positional arguments
    • myfun(name=”TutorialAICSIP”,year=2020) – function caller with default arguments
    • def myfun(name, year=2020) – function definition with default argument
    • myfun(name=”TutorialAICSIP”,year) – function caller but reaise an error
  34. What are the physical line and logical line structure in python program?
    • The physical lines in python programs contain EOL (End Of Line) character at the point of termination of lines
    • The logical lines in python programs contain white spaces or tab or comment at the point of termination of lines
  35. What is indentation? Explain its importance in two lines.
    • Indentation refers to white spaces added before each line of the code.
    • In python, it detects the block of code.
    • It also makes the program more readable and presentable.
    • It organizes the code of blocks in a good manner.
  36. What is a top-level statement in python?
    • The python unindented statements in python programs are considered as a top-level-statement.
    • _main_ is also a python top-level statement
  37. What are the comments? Explain the role of comments in the python programs?
    • Comments are non-executable parts of python programs.
    • You can write a comment for the description or information related to statements, basic details of programs etc.
    • There are two types of comments:
      • Single-Line: These comments written for explaining single line comments, begins with #
      • Multi-Line: These comments written for explaining multi-line comments, begins and ends with ”’ triple quotes
  38. Does python program functions contain multiple return statements and return multiple values?
    • Yes, python program functions can have multiple return statements.
    • To return multiple values you can write values with return keyword separated by comma
  39. What do you mean by fruitful and non-fruitful functions in python?
    • The functions which return values are called fruitful functions.
    • The function not returning values are called non-fruitful functions.
  40. Which three types of functions supported by python?
    • Python supports the following three types of functions:
      • Built-in Functions
      • Functions defined in modules
      • User-defined functions
  41. What are parameters and arguments in python programs?
    • Parameters are the values provided at the time of function definition. For Ex. p,r and n.
    • Arguments are the values passed while calling a function. For Ex. princ_amt, r, n in main().
  42. Which types of arguments supported by Python?
    • Python supports three argument types:
      • Positional Arguments: Arguments passed to a function in correct positional order, no. of arguments must match with no. of parameters required.
      • Default Arguments: Assign default to value to a certain parameter, it is used when the user knows the value of the parameter, default values are specified in the function header. It is optional in the function call statement. If not provided in the function call statement then the default value is considered. Default arguments must be provided from right to left.
      • Key Word Arguments: Keyword arguments are the named arguments with assigned values being passed in function call statement, the user can combine any type of argument.
      • Variable Length Arguments: It allows the user to pass as many arguments as required in the program. Variable-length arguments are defined with * symbol.
  43. What are the rules you should follow while combining different types of arguments?
    • An argument list must contain positional arguments followed by any keyword argument.
    • Keyword arguments should be taken from the required arguments preferably.
    • The value of the argument can’t be specified more than once.
  44. What do you mean by python variable scope?
    • The python variable scope refers to the access location of the variable defined in the program.
    • A python program structure has different locations to declare and access the variable.
    • There are two scopes of variables in python:
      • Local Scope
      • Global Scope
  45. What is the local and global scope variable?
    • The variable which is declared inside a function and can be accessible inside a function is known as local variable scope.
    • The variable declared in top-level statements of the python program is called a global variable scope, it is accessible anywhere in the program.
  46. What is the full form of LEGB? Explain in detail.
    • LEGB stands for Local-Enclosing-Global-Buil-in.
    • Python checks the order of variable in a program by the LEGB rule.
    • First, it checks for the local variable, if the variable not found in local then it looks in enclosing then global then built-in environment.
  47. What are mutable and immutable arguments/parametersin a function call?
    • Mutable arguments/parameters values changed over the access of value and variable at runtime.
    • Immutable arguments/parameters whose values cannot be changed. They allocate new memory whenever the value is changed. 
  48. What are modules in python?
    • A large program is divided into modules.
    • A module is a set of small coding instructions written in a programming language.
    • These modules create a library.
    • A python module is a .py that contains statements, classes, objects, functions, and variables.
    • That allows reusing them anytime by importing the module. 
    • The structure of the python module plays an important role in python library functions.
  49. Name few commonly used libraries in python.
    • Standard library
    • Numpy Library
    • Matplotlib
    • SciPy
  50. What do you mean docstrings in python?
    • Docstrings is the triple quoted text of the python program.
    • It provides comments related to the authors of the program, details about functions, modules, classes.
    • The docstrings contents written in the module can be accessed through help().
  51. Is there any difference between docstrings and comments?
    • The docstrings and comments ignored by the python interpreter in execution.
    • But the docstring provides the information about modules, functions or classes which can be accessed by help() function.
  52. What is the use of dir() function?
    • The dir() function is used to display defined symbols in the module.
  53. What are the two ways to import modules?
    • You can import modules in python using these two ways:
      • import <modulename>
      • from <module> import <object>
  54. What is a file?
    • A file is a stream of bytes stored on secondary storage devices having an extension.
  55. What are the different modes of opening a file?
    • The different modes of opening a file are as follows:
      • r,w,a,r+,w+,a+,rb,wb,ab,rb+,wb+,ab+
  56. If no mode is specified in open() function, which mode will be considered?
    • r
  57. What is the difference between “w” and “a” mode?
    • “a” mode adds the content to the existing file whereas “w” mode overwrites the contents into the file.
  58. What is the difference between readline() and readlines() function?
    • readline() function reads the content of the text file and returns the content into the string whereas readlines() function reads the content of the text file and returns the content into the list.
  59. Parth wants to read only n number of characters from a text file. Suggest him a function to accomplish his task.
    • The read(n) function can be used
  60. Nakshatra wants to count no. of words from the text file. Suggest her code to accomplish a task.
    • f=open(“one.txt”)
    • c=0
    • for i in w:
      • c+=1
      • print(c)
  61. What are the two different types of text files?
    • Plain text or regular text files
    • Delimited text files or separated text files
  62. What are full forms of: a) csv b) tsv
    • csv – comma separated values
    • tsv – tab-separated values
  63. Are CSV files and Text Files same?
    • CSV files and Text Files are same in storage but csv file stores the data separated by a delimiter.
  64. What are the different valid delimiters?
    • , is default delimiter
    • other delimiters are tab – \t, colon – :, or semi colon – ;
  65. What is pickling?
    • Pickling refers to the process of converting python object hierarchy into a byte stream to write into a binary file.
  66. What is unpickling?
    • It is the process of converting the byte stream back into an object hierarchy.
  67. Which module is required to handle binary files?
    • pickle
  68. Name the functions used to read and write data into binary files.
    • pickle.dump(list_object, file_handle)
    • pickle.load(file_object)
  69. Which error is reported while reading the file binary file?
    • ran out of input
  70. How to avoid reading file errors in binary file?
    • By using exception handling with try and except blocks
  71. What is the significance of tell() and seek() functions?
    • tell() function returns the current file position in a file
    • seek() function change the current file position
  72. What is the default value of offset for seek function?
    • 0
  73. What is offset in the syntax of seek function?
    • Offset refers to the number bytes by which the file object is to be moved.
  74. Nimesh is working on a stack. He started deleting elements and removed all the elements from the stack. Name this situation.
    • Stack underflow
  75. What are the operations can be performed on the stack?
    • Push
    • Pop
    • Peep or Peek
  76. Which principle is followed by stack?
    • LIFO (Last in First Out)
  77. Name any three applications of stack.
    • Call history on mobile
    • Browser history
    • Undo and redo commands
    • CD/DVD tracks
    • Books on the tables
  78. What is an exception in python?
    • An error or unusual condition that occurs in the program that causes abnormal termination of the program or crash of the python program is called an exception.
  79. What do you mean by debugging?
    • The process of finding program errors is called debugging.
  80. Tell me the three basic types of errors that occur in Python.
    • Syntax Errors
    • Logical Errors
    • Run-Time Errors
  81. What is the significance of folloiwng keywords in Python for exception handling? assert, raise, try, except, finally, else
    • assert – checks for error based on if condition
    • raise – generates and handles built-in exceptions or user defied exceptions
    • try – define an exception handler code
    • except – defines code to handle a specific exception
    • finally – defines code block which always executes
    • else – defines code block that runs when no exception occurs in try block
  82. Name a few commonly exceptions occurs in python.
    • SyntaxError
    • IndexError
    • TypeError
    • NameError
    • KeyError
    • ValueError
    • ZeroDivisioError
  83. Which exception occurs if the specified file does not exists in python?
    • FileNotFoundError
  84. Differentiate between errors and exceptions?
    • Error stops the program from completing a specific task whereas an Exception interrupts the normal flow of the program
    • Sometimes errors does not terminate the program but exception always terminates the program
  85. What happens if an exception occurs in a try block and there is no matching except block?
    • If an exception occurs in the try block and there is no matching except block, python will terminate the programs and propagate the specific exception

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