According to CBSE curriculum Unit 4 web applications and security have a weightage of 10 marks out of 40 marks from subject-specific skills. So this article provides you with comprehensive notes on Unit 4 Web applications and security. Here we go!
Topics Covered
Unit 4 Web Applications and Security
There are 11 learning outcomes in Unit 4 Web Applications and Security. These skills are important for all working people nowadays. These all learning outcomes you will get as follows:
Working with accessibility options
- Understand various types of impairment that impact computer usage
Computer Accessibility Dialog box and its tabs - Sticky Keys
- Filter Keys
- Mouse keys
- High Contrast
- Cusror Options
Understand Networking Fundamentals
- Network and its types
- Client-Server Architecture, Peer-to-peer (P2P) Architecture,
- internet, World Wide Web,
- benefits of networking
- internet, getting access to the internet,
- internet terminology
- Some of the commonly used Internet connectivity options
- Data transfer on the Internet
Introduction to Instant Messaging
- Learn key features of instant messaging
- Creating an instant messaging account
- Launching Google Talk
- Signing In to your Google Talk Account
- learn to chat with a contact that is already been added to your contact list.
- sending text chat messages instantly by double-clicking on a contact.
- general rules and netiquettes to be followed while chatting
- chatting on various types of messengers
Creating and Publishing Web Pages – Blog
- learn and appreciate a blog and its creation with the help of some blog providers
- set up title and other parameters in a blog posting comments
- using offline blog editors
- Concept to create blogs using a blog application and publish the blog whenever internet connectivity is available.
Online Transaction
- concept of e-commerce and various online applications
- importance of secure passwords
Internet Security
- The need for internet security
- Cyber threats like phishing, email spoofing, chat spoofing etc.
- best practices for internet security and secure passwords
- concept of browser, cookies, backup, antivirus
- clearing data in browsers
Maintain workplace safety
- Basic safety rules to follow at the workplace – Fire safety,
- Falls and slips, Electrical safety,
- Use of first aid.
- Case Studies of hazardous situations
Prevent Accidents and Emergencies
- Accidents and emergencies,
- Types of Accidents,
- Handling Accidents
- Types of Emergencies
Watch this one-shot video for more understanding.
Thank you for reading.
thank you so much sir