This article provides a comprehensive guide on practical file AI class 9. As per the curriculum Unit 4 Introduction to Python should be assessed through practicals only and should not be assessd with the theory exams. So let us begin!

Practical File AI Class 9

As per the CBSE curriculum, I will cover the first learning outcome i.e. Python Basics of Unit 4 Introduction to Python. In the first section of Practical File AI Class 9, I will give you 5 programs on the Python basics topic. Here is the list.

In the next section of Practical File AI Class 9, you will get the list of programs based on python basics. Watch the embedded video finish the program.

Learning Outcome – Python Basics

Video Link for help to complete Assignment 1 and Assignment 2:

Assignment 1

Objective: Printing 5 lines

Task: Write a python program to print 5 lines about yourself using print() function.

Attach your code and output here

Assignment 2

Objective: Use of arithmetic operators

Task: Write a program to calculate energy using this formula: energy = mgh

Attach your code and output here

Video Link for help to complete Assignment 3 and Assignment 4:

Assignment 3

Objective: Use of arithmetic operators

Task: Write a program to calculate distance using this formula: distance = ut+1/2at2

Attach your code and output here

Assignment 4

Objective: Use of arithmetic operators

Task: Write a program to demonstrate the use of floor division (//) and modulo operator (%) in python

Attach your code and output here

In the next section of Practical File AI Class 9, you will get some programs based on python if statement.

Learning Outcome – Python If statement

Video Link for help to complete Assignment 5 and Assignment 6:

Assignment 5

Objective: Use of if-else

Task: Write a program to lock or unlock your phone using pin or password and generate appropriate message

Attach your code and output here

Assignment 6

Objective: Use of if-else

Task: Write a program to check whether the entered number is odd or even.

Attach your code and output here

This section consists of programs based on python if-elif-else statments. Watch the video for help.

Video Link for help to complete Assignment 7 and Assignment 8

Assignment 7

Objective: Use of if-elif-else ladder

Task: A tours and travels company charges their customer as per following criteria according to customer category:


Attach your code and output here

Assignment 8

Objective: Use of if-elif-else ladder

Task: Write a program to implement an increment to the employees based on their appraisal score given in the following table:

Appraisal ScoreRate of Increment

Attach your code and output here

The next section of Practical File AI Class 9 will provide programs based on while loop.

Learning Outcome – Python While loop

Video link for Assignment 9

Assignment 9

Objective: Use of while loop

Task: Write a program to reverse entered number using while loop.

Attach your code and output here

Video link for Assignment 10 and Assignment 11

Assignment 10

Objective: Use of while loop

Task: Write a program to check entered number is Palindrome or not

Attach your code and output here

Assignment 11

Objective: Use of while loop

Task: Write a program to check entered number is Armstrong or not

Attach your code and output here

The last section of

Video link for Assignment 9

Assignment 9

Objective: Use of while loop

Task: Write a program to reverse entered number using while loop.

Attach your code and output here

Video link for Assignment 10 and Assignment 11

Assignment 10

Objective: Use of while loop

Task: Write a program to check entered number is Palindrome or not

Attach your code and output here

Assignment 11

Objective: Use of while loop

Task: Write a program to check entered number is Armstrong or not

Attach your code and output here

The last section of Practical File AI Class 9 provides some programs based on python for loop.

Video link for programs

Assignment 12

Objective: Use of for loop

Task: Write a program to print a multiplication table of entered number

Attach your code and output here

Assignment 13

Objective: Use of for loop

Task: Write a program to find sum of first N numbers

Attach your code and output here

Assignment 14

Objective: Use of for loop

Task: Write a program to find average of first N numbers

Attach your code and output here

Assignment 15

Objective: Use of for loop

Task: Write a program to find average of off numbers from the selected range of n numbers

Attach your code and output here

Now watch the videos and do the programs. If you have any doubt on a specific topic or this article Practical File AI Class 9, comment on the video.

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